Felipe Alberto Corral-Montoya

Picture of Felipe Alberto Corral-Montoya


Gebäude Vilnius 2
VIL 203
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 4b
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg


Abteilung Energie & Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Abteilung für Nachhaltige Energiewende
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Additional information

Postal address:

Europa-Universität Flensburg
Energie- und Umweltmanagement
z.H. Felipe Corral Montoya
Auf dem Campus 1
24943 Flensburg

Curriculum vitae

Felipe Corral Montoya has been a research associate at the Institute of Energy and Environmental Management at the European University of Flensburg since January 2022. Since 2020 he has been working at the TU Berlin as a research assistant in the field of economic and infrastructure policy.

After completing his bachelor's degree in political economy at the University of Heidelberg and a master's degree in public policy at the Hertie School in Berlin, Felipe has been working as a research assistant in the CoalExit research group since 2018. At CoalExit and later in the CINTRAN project, he was interested in structural change in coal regions, governance of raw material extraction and climate and energy policy, especially in the Global South. His particular focus is on the political economy of extractivism.


  • Yanguas Parra, P./ Malz, N./ Oei, P.-Y./ Furnaro, A./ Hauenstein, C./ Quiceno, G./ Corral Montoya, F./ Mitterecker, T./ Hanto, J. (2023): Perspective: How a short-term relapse to coal could put exporting countries and just transition processes at risk. Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.102989
  • Malz, N./ Corral Montoya, F./ Yanguas Parra, P./ Oei, P.-Y. (2023): China’s climate and energy policy paradox revisited – domestic and international implications of a carbon lock-in ‘with Chinese characteristics’. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, Vol. 18. https://doi.org/10.1080/15567249.2023.2166164
  • Puerto-Cháves, L., Corral-Montoya, F. (2022): The political economy of coal in light of climate and mineral-energy policies. In: Jakob, M., Steckel, J.C. The Political Economy of Coal- Obstacles to Clean Energy Transitions. 258-280. Download-Link.
  • Corral-Montoya, F., Malz, N., Telias, M. (2022): Unveiling the political economy of fossil fuel extractivism in Colombia: Tracing the processes of phase-in, entrenchment, and lock-in. Energy Research & Social Science. Volume 88, June 2022, 102377. Download-Link.
  • Ruiz López A., Corral-Montoya, F., Yepes, C., Rendón S., Kemfert C., Oei, P.-Y. (2021): Barreras a la Generación Distribuida de la Energía solar en Colombia. TRAJECTS Working Paper #1. DIW Berlin & Centro de Ciencia y Sensibilización Ambiental. Download-Link.
  • Corral-Montoya F., Santamaria R., Mejía Brito A., Sánchez Y., Cardoso-Díaz A. (2021): Hechos y Realidades de la Minería de Carbón a Gran Escala en Cesar y Guajira (Colombia). Joint Report by TU Berlin, Universidad del Magdalena and CAJAR. Download-Link.
  • Stognief, N. / Walk, P. / Oei, P.-Y. / Braunger I. / Corral, F. / Rieve, C. (2020): Das Lausitzer Braunkohlerevier. Aktuelle Zahlen, Daten und Fakten zur Energiewende, Hrsg. CoalExit, Berlin, Download-Link.
  • Ruiz López A., Krumm A., Schattenhofer L., Burandt T., Corral-Montoya F., Oberländer N., Oei P-Y. (2019): Solar PV generation in Colombia - A qualitative and quantitative approach to analyze the potential of solar energy market. Renewable Energy. Volume 148, April 2020, Pages 1266-1279. Download-Link.
  • Braunger, I. / Walk, P. / Corral Montoya, F. / Rieve, C. / Oei, P. (2019): Das Braunkohlerevier Leipziger Land. Aktuelle Zahlen, Daten, Fakten zur Energiewende; CoalExit, Download-Link.

Topics for supervised theses

Topics vor graduation theses / Themen für Abschlussarbeiten:

  • Local/regiona/national impacts of coal phase-outs
  • Political economy and power dynamics around natural resource extraction
  • Incumbency and resistance to change in Sustainable Transitions
  • Coal markets and infrastructure in the Global South
  • Community-led renewable energy projects

Methods / Methodik

  • Critical Political Economy
  • Qualitative Research: Case study research, qualitative data analysis, interview and focus-group based research