Prof. Dr.Frauke Wiese

Picture of Frauke Wiese


+49 461 805 3014
+49 461 805 953014
Gebäude Vilnius 2
VIL 202
Auf dem Campus 1c
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg




Abteilung für Nachhaltige Energiewende
Junior professor

Additional information

Postal address:

Europa-Universität Flensburg
Energie- und Umweltmanagement
z.H. Frauke Wiese
Auf dem Campus 1
24943 Flensburg


No Title Type Semester
222004l Sustainability and Energy Lectures Vorlesung Autumn semester 2024



Curriculum vitae

After a voluntary ecological year, Frauke Wiese studied Energy and Environmental Management (EUM) at the University of Flensburg. Her semester abroad in Reykjavík, Iceland, deepened her knowledge of geothermal energy. In her diploma thesis, she discussed the system conflict between fluctuating wind energy and inflexible base-load coal-fired power plants using the example of the construction of a new coal-fired power plant at the feed-in point for offshore wind energy in Brunsbüttel. Subsequently, she dealt practically with the social acceptance of the energy turnaround: At Deutsche Umwelthilfe in Berlin, she worked as a project manager at the Renewable Energies Grid Integration Forum.

Her desire to delve deeper into the technical and economic aspects of the energy transition brought her back to the European University in Flensburg. There, together with her colleague Gesine Bökenkamp, she built up the electricity system model renpass, which she used in teaching, among other things. Her focus became more and more the way of modeling, as her own experience made her realize the importance of open data and open source in scientific power system modeling. This was the focus of her PhD, for which she received a scholarship from the Reiner Lemoine Foundation and completed it in April 2015. Frauke Wiese is co-initiator of the open energy modeling initiative.

In her postdoc at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), she extended her experience in open and collaborative energy system modeling as part of the Balmorel community in the Energy System Analysis Group. In the Future Gas project, she analyzed the question of what role different gases can play in the transformation of our energy systems and looked at acceleration strategies for complex energy system models. In the Master Sustainable Energy Systems at DTU she taught on open energy system modeling and analysis.

Back at EUF, she has been leading the interdisciplinary junior research group "Energy Sufficiency" together with Benjamin Best from the Wuppertal Institute as an assistant professor for the transformation of energy systems since May 2020.


Supervised theses

  • The Strategy of Enough. A Scenario Analysis of Decarbonization Pathways and Socio-Ecological Implications for German Carbon Neutrality, Kaya Fiorella Margareta Dünen, Masterthesis, EUF, 2023
  • Entwicklung und Anwendung von Suffizienzindikatoren - Quantifizierung von Suffizienz in europäischen Städten  in den Sektoren Personenverkehr und Wohnen, Bendix Vogel, Masterthesis, EUF, 2022
  • Klimapolitikmaßnahmen zur Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrs in Flensburg: Eine modellbasierte Analyse, Johanna Sendker, Masterthesis, EUF, 2022
  • Optimierung und Evaluierung von Netzzuschnitten hinsichtlich ihres Potenzials für eine lokale temporäre Autarkie, Marit Naeve, Masterthesis, EUF, 2022
  • Carbon Contract for Difference in der Grundstoffindustrie - Eine modellgestützte Analyse von Ausgestaltungsparametern am Beispiel der Stahlproduktion, Kim Vivien Osladil, Masterthesis, EUF, 2022
  • Low Demand Scenarios for a Low-Carbon European Energy System, Paul Reggentin, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 2022
  • Die Rolle von Suffizienz in der Wärmewende – Modellbasierte Potentialabschätzung und Maßnahmen, Luisa Cordroch, Masterthesis 2020, EUF
  • Improving the energy system model ENTIGRIS: Wind, solar, storage potential and application of typical days for a higher applicability, Sven Längle, Masterthesis 2016, Fraunhofer ISE / EUF
  • Pathways to low carbon maritime transportation in Denmark, Alfie Wisdom, Masterthesis 2017, DTU
  • Future Marine Fuels - Danish Case Study for Climate Compatible Pathways, Till ben Brahim, Masterthesis, 2018, EUF/DTU/Energinet
  • Virtuelle Kraftwerke in der Schweiz - Eine Analyse und Bewertung der Chancen auf dem Schweizer Strom- und Regelenergiemarkt, Ilka Cußmann, Masterthesis 2015
  • Verstärkte Nutzung Windenergie in Süddeutschland und resultierender Übertragungsbedarf, Marian Bons, Masterthesis 2014
  • Integration von dispatchfähigen Verbrauchern in renpass, Falk Schröter, Bachelorthesis 2013
  • Die Rolle von Suffizienz in der Wärmewende – Modellbasierte Potentialabschätzung und Maßnahmen, Luisa Cordroch, Masterthesis 2020, EUF
  • Improving the energy system model ENTIGRIS: Wind, solar, storage potential and application of typical days for a higher applicability, Sven Längle, Masterthesis 2016, Fraunhofer ISE / EUF
  • Pathways to low carbon maritime transportation in Denmark, Alfie Wisdom, Masterthesis 2017, DTU
  • Future Marine Fuels - Danish Case Study for Climate Compatible Pathways, Till ben Brahim, Masterthesis, 2018, EUF/DTU/Energinet
  • Virtuelle Kraftwerke in der Schweiz - Eine Analyse und Bewertung der Chancen auf dem Schweizer Strom- und Regelenergiemarkt, Ilka Cußmann, Masterthesis 2015
  • Verstärkte Nutzung Windenergie in Süddeutschland und resultierender Übertragungsbedarf, Marian Bons, Masterthesis 2014
  • Integration von dispatchfähigen Verbrauchern in renpass, Falk Schröter, Bachelorthesis 2013