Philipp Herpich

Picture of Philipp Herpich


+49 461 805 2897
+49 461 805 952897
Gebäude Vilnius 2
VIL 202
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 4b
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg



Additional information

Postal address:

Europa-Universität Flensburg
Energie- und Umweltmanagement
z.H. Philip Herpich
Auf dem Campus 1
24943 Flensburg

Curriculum vitae

Philipp Herpich studied Industrial Engineering (Bachelor and Master) at TU Berlin with a focus on energy and resource management until 2022. In his bachelor thesis he examined the lignite phase-out in Germany and in his master thesis, he modeled an urban heat transition for Berlin. In his research he combines techno-economic modeling with qualitative methods of political science.

During his studies, he worked as a student assistant at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) between 2017 and 2019 and TU Berlin between 2019 and 2021.

As part of his work, he advised (international) think tanks, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Federal Environment Agency in various projects related to lignite and hard coal phase-out in Germany. Further, he was responsible for the editorial work of the journal "Economics of energy and environmental policy" until 2021.

Since 2019, he is a part of the CoalExit research group, now located at the EUF Flensburg and since 2022, he is guest researcher at the TU Berlin.



  • Oei, Pao-Yu, Hanna Brauers, und Philipp Herpich. 2019. "Lessons from Germany’s Hard Coal Mining Phase-out: Policies and Transition from 1950 to 2018". Climate Policy, November, 1–17.
  • Oei, Pao-Yu, Hauke Hermann, Philipp Herpich, Oliver Holtemöller, Benjamin Lünenbürger, und Christoph Schult. 2020. "Coal phase-out in Germany – Implications and policies for affected regions". Energy 196: 117004.


  • Brauers, Hanna, Philipp Herpich, und Pao-Yu Oei. 2018. "The Transformation of the German Coal Sector from 1950 to 2017: An Historical Overview". In Energiewende "Made in Germany" Electricity Sector Reform in the European Context, herausgegeben von Clemens Gerbaulet, Claudia Kemfert, Casimir Lorenz, und Pao-Yu Oei. Berlin, Germany: Springer International Publishing AG.

Project work (selection):