The “Training Room Program” in German Schools: A critical Program Evaluation

Since 2003, the `Training Room´ Program (TRP), a time-out model that is based on the American `Responsible Thinking Process´ (RTP), has become established in German schools in response to students’ increasingly challenging learning and social behavior. School administrators and academics alike recommend the implementation of the TRP as part of their efforts to conform to the UN convention in order to ensure the success of inclusive schooling for students with emotional and social needs. But in doing so, formal inclusion and temporary exclusion within the school become interconnected. The results yielded by this program evaluation show that there is to date no convincing empirical evidence as to the effectiveness of the TRP. On the contrary, the data indicate that the TRP actually has a negative impact on teaching and learning processes and on the culture of the school as a whole.

Key facts

Training Room Program, Evaluation, Forschung
01/01/2012 - 06/30/2014
University institution
Abteilung Pädagogik und Didaktik zur Förderung der emotionalen und sozialen Entwicklung


+49 461 805 2686
Gebäude Helsinki
HEL 209
Auf dem Campus 1a
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
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Eigenmittel und Landesmittel Schleswig-Holstein