
“As part of the “glücklich” project, a teaching curriculum for pupils in grades 8 to 10 (2 units of 90 minutes each) and further training for teachers (one event of 120 minutes each) are being developed on the topic of “Depression in childhood and adolescence”. The aim is to improve knowledge about depression (depression literacy) and help-seeking behavior in cases of depression in children and adolescents and to raise awareness of the topic. The teaching unit is also supplemented by the preventative element of self-compassion.”

Friederike-Carlotta Grabowski

Key facts

depression, depression in childhood and adolescence, prevention, school psychoeducation, depression literacy, self-compassion, help-seeking behavior in depression, teacher training, teaching unit for students
01/01/2020 - 07/14/2025
University institution
Department of Psychology in the Field of Special Education


There is currently no psychoeducation program that provides both students and teachers with knowledge about depression and how to recognize it, as well as ways to act in a time-efficient manner in order to improve help-seeking behaviour, among other things. Existing programs focusing on prevention are often time-consuming. In addition, there is currently no psychoeducation program that addresses students and teachers at the same time. There is also no program for students that combines knowledge transfer with the preventative element of teaching self-compassion. This project is to be realized through "glücklich". The need for action regarding depressive disorders in childhood and adolescence is great for all stakeholders in the school setting and it is time to present realistic concepts with which this problem can be tackled.

The project is therefore based on the following questions: How can we raise awareness of depression in the school system, especially in view of the rising prevalence rates, and impart knowledge about (depression literacy) and how to deal with depression? How can teachers be sensitized to the topic and strengthened in their ability to act? How can students be taught about disorders in a way that is suitable for young people and at the same time support self-directed prevention in the context of teaching self-compassion?

As part of the "glücklich" project, a teaching unit for students and a training course for teachers on the topic of "Depression in childhood and adolescence" are being developed and evaluated. The teaching curriculum deals with the topics in 2 units of 90 minutes each, the further training for teachers is designed as a single event with a length of 120 minutes. To evaluate the project, questionnaires are being developed for both learners and teachers that reliably and validly record depression literacy and help-seeking behavior, as there is currently no psychometrically good measuring instrument for this purpose.


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