Prof. Dr.Nils Langer

Picture of Nils Langer


+49 461 805 2856
Gebäude Oslo
OSL 343
Auf dem Campus 1
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
+49 461 805 2856
+49 461 805 2189
Gebäude Riga 4
RIG 414
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 2d
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg


Dekanat der Fakultät II
Institut für Frisistik und Minderheitenforschung

Consultation hours

ab 12.03.2020: Do, 12:00 - 13:00 Uhr u. n. V.


No Title Type Semester
351203l Grundlagen der interkulturellen Linguistik Seminar Autumn semester 2024
342185l BA 18.2 Einführung in die nordfriesische Soziolinguistik Seminar Autumn semester 2024
333102l Zertifikat 1.2 Textlinguistik und Literatur Seminar Autumn semester 2024
342411l Geschichte und Gegenwart friesischer Sprachen und Kulturen Seminar Autumn semester 2024

seit 2022 Sprecher Institut für Sprache, Literatur und Medien

seit 2022 Minderheitenbeauftragter des Präsidiums

seit 2022 Mitglied des Promotionsausschusses

seit 2022 Mitglied des Senats

2021-23 Mitglied des universitären Forschungsausschusses

2021-22 Vorsitzender einer Berufungskommission

2020 Vorsitzender einer Habilitationskommission

2019-21 Mitglied im Stipendienausschuss

2018-22 stv. Vorsitzender des Prüfungsausschuss für Bildungswissenschaften

seit 2018 Mitglied im Zulassungsausschuss M.A. in Kultur-Sprache-Medien

seit 2018 Mitglied im Prüfungsausschuss M.A. in in Kultur-Sprache-Medien

seit 2017 Direktor von KURS, dem Zentrum für kleine und regionale Sprachen

seit 2016 Leiter des Friesischen Seminars

seit 2016 Mitglied des Vorstands des Instituts für Sprache, Literatur und Medien

1990 Abitur an der Immanuel-Kant-Schule, Neumünster

1990-91 Zivildienst bei der Arbeiterwohlfahrt Neumünster

1991-2000 Studium an der University of Newcastle on Tyne

            1993 ERASMUS-Semester an der Rijskuniversiteit Leiden

            1994 B.A. (Hons) in German and English Language

            1995 M.A. by Research in Theoretical Linguistics

            2000 PhD in German Historical Sociolinguistics

1999-2000 Faculty Fellow in German, University College Dublin

2000-2016 Lecturer / Reader / Professor at the University of Bristol   

            2006 Senior Lecturer in German

            2008 Reader in German Linguistics

            2013 Professor of Germanic Linguistics

            2002,03, 04, 06, 09, 10 Visiting Lecturer in German Linguistics, University of Oxford

seit 2016 Professor für Minderheitenforschung, Minderheitenpädagogik und Nordfriesisch an der EUF


2017 mit Patrick Stevenson, Kristine Horner und Gertrud Reershemius. The German-speaking world. (2. vollständig neu konzipierte Auflage). London: Routledge. 175pp.

2006 mit Winifred Davies. The Making of Bad German. Lay linguistic stigmatisations in German, past and present (= VarioLingua 28). Frankfurt/M etc: Peter Lang. 344 pp.

2001 Linguistic Purism in Action – How auxiliary tun was stigmatized in Early New High German (= Studia Linguistica Germanica 60). Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter. XI + 312 pp.


2017. Regionale Mehrsprachigkeit im deutschsprachigen Raum. Themenheft mit Aufsätzen von Geraldine Horan, Viola Wilcken, Saskia Schröder, Joseph Salmons und Timothy Jacob-Owens. Muttersprache 127. Wiesbaden. 257-339.

2015 mit Anna Havinga. Invisible Languages in the Nineteenth Century. (= Historical Sociolinguistics 2). Oxford: Peter Lang. 302 pp.

2012 mit Steffan Davies and Wim Vandenbussche. Language and History, Linguistics and Historiography. (= Studies in Historical Linguistics 7). Oxford: Peter Lang. 503 pp.

2011 mit Melani Schröter. Alltagssprache und Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Special volume of GfL-Journal ( Munich: Hueber. 147 pages.

2009 (2. Auflage: 2012) mit Geraldine Horan und Sheila Watts. Landmarks in the History of German. (= Britische und Irische Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur 52). Oxford: Peter Lang. 312 pages.

2007 mit Stephan Elspaß, Joachim Scharloth, and Wim Vandenbussche. Language History from Below in the Germanic Languages. (= Studia Linguistica Germanica 86). Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter. 520 pages.

2005 mit Winifred Davies. Linguistic Purism in the Germanic Languages. (= Studia Linguistica Germanica 75). Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter. 374 pages.

Book chapters and journal articles

2022. Standardisierung im Nordfriesischen. In: Walker, Alastair et al. (Hgg.). From West to North Frisia. [FS Hoekstra]. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 218-233. [OPEN ACCESS]

2021b. Pluricentricity and Minority Languages: the Difficult Case of North Frisian. Special Volume Sociolinguistica, edited by Catrin Norrby, Leigh Oakes and Camilla Wide. 73-90.

2021a. mit Johanna Gregersen. 'Linguistic Purism and Smaller Languages - with examples from North Frisian.' In Zimmer, Christian. German(ic) in language contact. Berlin: Language Sciences Press. 159-186.

2020b. mit Temmo Bosse. 'Zur Wahrnehmung von Sprachnormautoritäten im Nordfriesischen.' In: Andresen, Helga, Elin Fredsted & Franz Januschek (Hgg.). Regionale Sprachenvielfalt. Hildesheim: Olms. 59-84.

2020a. 'Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachenpolitik im preußischen Schleswig-Holstein.' In: Liedtke, Julia & Rainer Hering (Hgg.). 'Die Schleswig-Holsteiner sind fortan Preußen.' Schleswig-Holstein als preußische Provinz. Husum: Husum Verlag. 86-96.

2019. 'Ethnic Identities in other nations´ conflicts: defining Frisianness in the 1920s.' In: Fellerer, Jan et al. (eds.). Identities in-between in East-Central Europe. London: Routledge. 271-286.

2018. 'Sprachenpolitik in der Geschichte des Nordfriesischen. In: Kühl, Jørgen (Hg.). Klaar kiming. Bredstedt: Nordfriisk Instituut. 117-129.

2016b mit Robert Langhanke. ‘Ideologies of National and Regional Languages. Metalinguistic Discourses on Low German in the Nineteenth Century.’ In: Rutten, Gijsbert & Kristine Horner (Hgg.). Metalinguistic Perspectives on Germanic Languages. Oxford: Peter Lang. 57-78.

2016a mit James Hawkey: Language policy in the long nineteenth century: Catalonia and Schleswig. In: Russi, Cinzia (Hg.). Current Trends Historical Sociolinguistics – De Gruyter Open. 81-107.

2015 with Anna Havinga, Invisible Languages in Historical Sociolinguistics: A conceptual outline, with examples from the German-Danish borderlands. In: Havinga, Anna & Nils Langer (eds.). Invisible Languages in the 19th century. Oxford: Lang. 1-34

2014d Standard German in the Eighteenth Century. Norms and Use. In: Rutten, Gijsbert, Rik Vosters & Wim Vandenbusssche (eds.). Norms and Usage in Language History 1600-1900. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 277-302.

2014c with Anna Havinga. Sprache im Alltage der Frühen Neuzeit. In: Tienken, Susanne & D. Stoeva-Holm (eds.). von Koechinnen und Gelehrten, von Adeligen und Soldaten. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitetet. 155-178.

2014b. Language Policies in the Duchy of Schleswig under Denmark and Prussia. In: Healy, Roisin & Enrico dal Lago (eds.). The Shadows of Colonialism in Europe's Modern Past. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 73-91.

2014a with Winifred Davies. Die Sprachnormfrage im Deutschunterricht: das Dilemma der Lehrenden. In: Albrecht Plewnia & Andreas Witt (eds.). Sprachverfall. Dynamik-Wandel-Variation. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter. 299-323.

2013c. Sprachkritik und Sprachnormen – regionale, mediale und soziale Differenzierungen. In: Zeitschrift des Germanistenverbands. 321-335.

2013b Norddeutsches in holsteinischen Soldatenbriefen. Niederdeutsches Jahrbuch 136. 73-95.

2013a with Robert Langhanke. Metalinguistic Discourses on Low German in the Nineteenth Century, 58, 77-97.

2012d with Stephan Elspaß. A Sociolinguistic Reassessment of the History of German Negation, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen CXIII: 275-292.

2012c  Die Lesebuchfrage in Schleswig-Holstein (1864-1870), in Bär, Jochen & Markus Müller (eds.). Geschichte der Sprache - Sprache der Geschichte. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. 565-584.

2012b mit Agnete Nesse. Linguistic Purism. In: Hernandez-Campoy, Juan & J. Camillo Conde-Sylvestre (eds.). The Blackwell Handbook to Historical Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley. 607-25.

2012a Finding Non-Dominant Languages in the Nineteenth Century - Problems and Potentials from Historical Sociolinguistics, in Muhr, Rudolf (ed.). Non-dominating Varietes of Pluricentric Languages. Vienna: Peter Lang. 83-106.

2011 Historical Sociolinguistics in Nineteenth-Century Schleswig Holstein – Evidence from School Inspection Reports. German Life and Letters. 64: 167-187.

2010 Sprechereinstellungen zur Zielsprache im britischen und irischen DaF-Unterricht.  In Christina Anders et al. (eds.). perceptual dialectology – Neue Wege der Dialektologie. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter. 409-431.

2009b Sociolinguistic Changes in the History of Low German. In: Horan, Geraldine, Nils Langer, & Sheila Watts (eds). Landmarks in the History of German. Oxford: Peter Lang. 211-232.

2009a Sprachverfall in the New Germany. Invited submission to Germanistik in Ireland. 117-132.

2008  German Language and German Identity in America – Evidence from School Grammars 1860-1918 In: German Life and Letters. 61: 497-513.

2007b Locating Standard German. On the difference between a codex in the head and a codex on the bookshelf. In: Fandrych, Christian & Reinier Salvierda (eds.). Standard, Variation and Language Contact in the Germanic Languages. Tübingen: Niemeyer. 217-241.

2007a mit Winifred Davies. Schlechtes Deutsch in präskriptiven Grammatiken. in: Harnisch, Rüdiger et. al. Akten des 11. Weltkongresses der IVG. Frankfurt etc.: Peter Lang. 155-162.

2006 mit Winifred Davies. "Gutes Deutsch" - "schlechtes Deutsch" von 1600 bis 2005. In: Sprachreport 3/2006. 2-9.

2004 Frühe Fremdsprachengrammatiken als Vermittlerinnen deutscher Standardsprache. In: Mattheier, Klaus & Haruo Nitta (eds.). Wurzeln und Wandeln in der deutschen Sprachgeschichte. Munich: iudicium. 223-243.

2003 Low German.  In: Deumert, Ana & Wim Vandenbussche (eds.). Germanic Standardizations. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 282-302. 

2002 Tracing Standard German: Evidence from Foreign Language Grammars of the 16th and 17th century. In: McLelland, Nicola & Andrew Linn (eds.). Standard Germanic. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 67-82.

2001 The Distribution of Non-Lexical DO in Early New High German. In: Watts, Sheila, Solms, Hans-Joachim & Jonathan West (eds.): The Germanic Verb. (Linguistische Arbeiten 446). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer. 155-173.

2001 The Rechtschreibreform: A Lesson in Linguistic Purism. In: German as a Foreign Language. Vol. 3/2000. URL: 15-35.

2000 Wornach die Bürger sonst die Finger lecken thun - Zur Verteilung der tun-Periphrase im Frühneuhochdeutschen In: Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik. 67: 287-316.

2000 On the Polyfunctionality of Auxiliary tun.  In: Hall, Christopher & David Rock (eds.). German Studies in the New Millenium. Frankfurt etc.: Peter Lang. 261-282.

1997 Light Verbs in Early New High German. In: Papers in Linguistics from the University of Manchester. Vol. II. 197-213.


2021: Dollinger, Stefan. The Pluricentricity Debate. Zs. für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft.

2019c: Felder, Ekkehard et al. Handbuch Europäische Sprachkritik Online. Aptum

2019b: Ptashnyk, Stefanyia et al. (eds). Gegenwärtige Sprachkontakte im Kontext der Migration. Modern Language Review.

2019a: Dt. Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung & Union der Akademien der Wissenschaften (eds). Vielfalt und Einheit der deutschen Sprache. Muttersprache.

2018 mit Jan-Niklas Heinrich: Weinreich, Ulla (ed.). Wir sprechen gerne Deutsch. Modern Language Review.

2016b Doyle, Aidan. A history of the Irish Language. Language

2016a. McLelland, Nicola. A history of teaching modern languages. Modern Language Review

2014c. Giles, Howard & Bernadette Watson. The social meanings of language, dialect, and accent. Journal of Sociolinguistics

2014b. Jaffe, Alexandra et al. (eds.) Orthography as social action. Language Policy

2014a. Messling, Markus & Ottmar Ette (eds.). Wort Macht Stamm. Rassismus und Determinismus in der Philologie. Historiographica Linguistica

2013. Studer, Patrick & Iwar Werlen (eds.). 2012. Linguistic Diversity in Europe. Language Policy.

2012. Faulstich, Katja. 2009. Konzepte des Hochdeutschen. Der Sprachnormierungsdiskurs im 18. Jahrhundert. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB).

2011. Schulze, M. et al. (Hgg.). 2009. German Diasporic Experiences. Journal of Sociolinguistics.

2010b. Eichinger, L. et al. (Hgg.). 2007. Handbuch der deutschen Sprachminderheiten in Mittel- und Osteuropa.  The Modern Language Review

2010a. Denkler, M. et al (Hgg.). 2008. Frischwärts und unkaputtbar. Sprachverfall oder Sprachwandel im Deutschen. The Modern Language Review

2008b. Law, Claudia. 2005. Sprachratgeber und Stillehren in Deutschland (1923-1967). The Modern Language Review

2008a. Damrau, P. 2006. The Reception of English Puritan Literature in Germany. The Modern Language Review.

2007c. Pickert, J.C. 2006. Lebens-Geschichte des Unterofficier Pickert. Historical Sociolinguistics – Socio-historical linguistics

2007b. Wolf, A. 2005. Kriegstagebücher des 19. Jahrhunderts. Historical Sociolinguistics – Socio-historical linguistics

2007a. Klippelt, F. & W. Hüllen. 2005. Sprachen der Bildung. The Modern Language Review

2006. Young, C. & Th. Gloning. 2004. The History of German through texts. The Modern Language Review

2001. Jones, W.J. 1999. Images of Language — German Attitudes to European Languages. The Modern Language Review

1999b. Abraham, W. & E. van Gelderen. 1997. German: Syntactic Problems — Problematic Syntax. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, Vol. 17.1

1999a. Konopka, M. 1996. Strittige Erscheinungen der deutschen Syntax im 18. Jahrhundert. American Journal of Germanic Literatures and Linguistics, Vol. 10.2

1998c. Roelcke, T. 1995. Zur Periodisierung der deutschen Sprachgeschichte. Web Journal of Modern Language Linguistics. Vol. III

1998b. Roelcke, T. 1997. Sprachtypologie des Deutschen. Web Journal of Modern Language Linguistics. Vol. III

1998a. Lenz, B. 1995. Un-Affigierung. Studies in Language Vol. 22.1

1997. Anagnostopoulou, E. (et al.) (eds.). 1997. Materials on Left Dislocation. Web Journal of Modern Language Linguistics. Vol. II


2022f mit Solveig Chilla. Was heißt denn hier Bildungssprache? EUF, Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies. [November]

2022e. Title to be confirmed. Kolloquium "Mehrsprachigkeit, Sprachkontakt, Sprachvariation, Humboldt-Universität Berlin. [Juni]

2022d. Title to be confirmed. Sölring Foriining. [Juni]

2022c. Ideology and Language Teaching: North Frisian in Schools in the 1920s. XIth HiSoN Conference, Universidad de Murcia, Spanien

2022b. with Robert Langhanke. Regional and Minority Languages in Schleswig Holstein and the Handlungsplan Sprachenpolitik. Revitalising Minority Languages. University of Flensburg / Dansk Centralbibliotheket.

2022a Die Politisierung von Minderheitensprachen als Beispiel mehrsprachiger Praxis im Herzogtum Schleswig. Uppsala Universitet [Plenarvortrag]

2021c Creating a Minority – on Redefining Frisianness in the Aftermath of the 1920-Referendum. Danish and German as European Languages. International Conference at the University of Copenhagen.

2021b with Temmo Bosse. Richtiges Friesisch. Sprachnormautoritäten und Sprachwandel im Nordfriesischen. Ringvorlesung. CAU Kiel [4.5.2021]

2021a Linguistic Purism in the History of German. St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford.

2020 Who owns North Frisian. Identifying Language Norm Authorities. Forschungskolloquium "Sprache und Migration", Viadrina Universität Frankfurt/Oder.

2019e Frööligen Jul - Why not all Germans will wish you Frohe Weihnachten this year. Annual German Department Christmas Lecture, University of Bristol.

2019d Minderheitensprachensprecher im Spannungsfeld von new speakers und Sprachkodizes, am Beispiel des Nordfriesischen. LaienWissenSprache. International Conference at the University of Kiel.

2019c"Book-Frisians are pretty perfect as regards grammar but they are also exhausting, as they keep correcting us" - On evaluating language use, language change and language contact in North Frisian. Language Contact. Freie Universität Berlin. [Plenarvortrag]

2019b "Wan frasch, dan duch uk rucht frasch :)." Zur Wahrnehmung von Sprachrichtigkeit unter MuttersprachlerInnen von Minderheitensprachen. Ringvorlesung, Universität Erlangen.

2019a Is North Frisian a Pluricentric language? Languages, Nations, Cultures. International Conference. University of Stockholm.

2018b with Femmy Admiraal and Lena Terhart. On the identity and role of the Frisian language community. SMiLE intermediate progress conference. NUI Galway.

2018a North Frisian Language Policy. Dept of German Research Colloquium, University of Cambridge.

2017c Nordfriesisch als unsichtbare Sprache, Sommerinstitut Nordfriisk Instituut, Bräist.

2017b Sprachenschutz als universitäre Aufgabe? Antrittsvorlesung, Europa-Universität Flensburg.

2017a On the Invisibility of Language in Defining North Frisian Identity. HiSoN-conference, City University of New York [Plenarvortrag]

2016b Frisian as a Subculture? Identities of Subcultures, Wolfson College, University of Oxford [Plenarvortrag]

2016a  Sheffield Postgraduate Forum

2015c  Language and Mobility: the case of North Frisian and Low German. WUN-conference, Cape Town

2015c Linguistic Invisibilisations. Annual Conference of Humboldt-foundation’s UK branch, UCL

2015b Unsichtbare Sprachen in der deutschen Sprachgeschichte

            Freie Universität Berlin

2015a  Modern Pronunciations in historical texts

public lecture by Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache-UK branch, London

2014d  Low German in School Teaching

Studienkreis zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft Universiteit Leiden [Plenarvortrag]

2014c  The role of politics, schools and speakers in the suppression of German dialects; Inaugural lecture, University of Bristol

2014b  Language Conflicts in the German-Danish borderlands, Aberystwyth Linguistics Forum

2014a  Invisibilising Multilingualism in Schleswig-Holstein

Historical Discourses on Language and Power, HiSoN conference; University of Sheffield [Plenarvortrag]

2013b  The German and Danish Minorities in the Grenzland: a case of subcultures? Wolfson College, University of Oxford

2013a  Die Unsichtbarmachung nicht-dominierender Sprachen im Herzogtum Schleswig

            Ringvorlesung at the University of Flensburg

2012d  Methodische Probleme der historischen Soziolinguistik,

            Dept. of European Anthropology, University of Kiel

2012c  Niederdeutsches in holsteinischen Briefen 1848-1851,

            Faculty of Arts (German Linguistics), University of Vechta

2012b  Danish and German Language Policy in 19th-century Schleswig-Holstein

            Colonialism within Europe: Fact or Fancy?, NUI Galway

2012a  Soldatenbriefe von 1848

            plenary lecture at the annual conference of the Verein für niederdeutsche         Sprachforschung, Universität Göttingen

2011d  Soziolinguistik in der frühen Neuzeit.

plenary lecture at Kulturtransfer und Identität in der vormodernen Gesellschaft. Kungliga Bibliotek Stockholm

2011c  Die Lehre von der Variation. Zum Umgang mit sprachlicher Variation in der DaF-Didaktik. Jahreskonferenz der britischen und irischen DAAD-LektorInnen, Windsor

2011b  Danish and German in Historical Sociolinguistics,

            University of Sheffield

2011a  Problems and Opportunities in Historical Sociolinguistics: the Case of the Duchy of Schleswig

            University of Flensburg, Germany

2010c  Linguistic Purism and the Role of Academic Linguistics,

            University of Bergen, Norway

2010b  Language Policy and Language Suppression in the 19th-century,                           University of Newcastle on Tyne

2010a  Language Policies in German Schools

            Linguistics Circle, University of the West of England

2009c Multilingualism in 19th-century Schleswig-Holstein 

            Research Group on Language and History – University of Oxford

2009a, b On the Sociolinguistics of School Inspection Reports in 19th-century Germany

Dept of German - King’s College London, Dept of Linguistics, University of Edinburgh

2008    The German diaspora in the American Upper Midwest

            Dept of German, University of Wales Swansea

2007d  Sprachverfall in the New Germany

            plenary lecture at Annual Meeting of Association of Third-Level Teachers of      German in Ireland, Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland

2007b, c German-American Identity in Early School Grammars

            Max-Kade Institute, Madison, Wisconsin (USA) and Aberystwyth Linguistics         Forum, UW Aberystwyth.

2007a Viewing the new Heimat in American School Grammars 1860-1918

            School of Modern Languages, University of Exeter

2006c Writing the new Middle High German grammar.

            How the Germans do historical grammatography.

       Unlocking the Potential of Texts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Medieval Greek, University of Cambridge.

2006a, b Bad German from 1600-2005

       The Philological Society, at the University of Oxford and Forschungskolloquium Linguistik, Universität Zürich.

2005e  Making Bad German: Morpho-syntactic stigmatisations from 1700 - 2000.

            Dept of English Language and Linguistics, University of Sheffield.

2005d  Zur Verortung der Standardsprache 1600-2005.

            Dept of German Linguistics, Universität Kassel.      

2005b, c Schlechtes Deutsch in vier Jahrhunderten.

            Research Institute of the Deutsche Sprachatlas, Universität Marburg and

            Institute of German Language and Linguistics, Humboldt-Universität Berlin.

2005a  Bristolian – Linguistic Features and Folk Linguistic Feelings.

            Forschungskolloquium at the Department of English, Universität Potsdam.

2003 with Winifred Davies. Who Made Bad German? - studying the origins, development        and current status of stigmatized morpho-syntax.

            Dept of Linguistics, University of Manchester

2002b  Standarddeutsch im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Belege aus dem Barock

            Dept of General Linguistics, Universität Bremen

2002a  Landmark Process: Low German. Death of a (Written) Dialect.

            Invited Lecture, University of Cambridge

2000a, b The Rechtschreibreform - A Lesson in Linguistic Purism.

            University College Dublin and the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Conference papers not listed elsewhere

2013    Stigmatising Linguistic Subcultures

Re-defining ‘Sub-culture’: A new lens for understanding hybrid cultural identities, University of Oxford

2012c  with Julie Blake, Sini Liponen, Tim Shortis: Perceptions of Bristolian: an explanation and critique of two studies focused on south west city based on community engagement and folk-linguistic method.

            Regional Varieties, language shift and linguistic identities. Aston University

2012b  Low German In C19th Private Letters

            Association of German Studies, University of Edinburgh

2012a  Promoting Low German in the nineteenth century.

            Forum for Germanic Language Studies, University of Sheffield

2011 with Robert Langhanke. Language Apocalypse – Concerns about Dialect Survival in the 19th-century.

            XIII. International Conference on Minority Languages. Sønderborg-Flensburg

2009    Why I like Old High German

            Lecture Series on Old Languages, University of Bristol

2009    Multilingualism in 19th-century Schleswig-Holstein

            Society for Germanic Linguistics, Banff, Canada

2005 with Anja Voeste. Dual Standards Revisited – Orthographic Variation in Early Modern German

            5th Conference on Language Variation and Change, University of Aberdeen.

2003    Finding Bad German: An Investigation of Baroque Foreign Language Grammars.

            XVIth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Copenhagen.

2002    Innovation in Language – the representation and status of the newly-born standard German in early foreign language grammars.

            British Baroque Symposium. University of Bristol

1999    Auf der Suche nach dem verschwundenen Thun - Zur Bestimmung des    Wirkungsgrades frühneuhochdeutscher Grammatiker

            Stipendiaten-Colloquium der Herzog August-Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.

(lead organiser unless stated otherwise)

2023 XIVth HiSoN summer school, Ban Horn (Amrum), (with Hauke Heyen, Jan Niklas Heinrich and Samantha Litty)

2022 Regional- und Minderheitensprachen: Reflexionen, Methoden und Strategien zu ihrer Erhaltung und Revitalisierung. Konferenz an der EUF (lead organisier: Eva Gugenberger)

2018 XIIth HiSoN summer school, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland (with Anita Auer and Tino Oudesluis)

2016 1st Bristol Postgraduate Conference on Language and Society, supported by Multilingual Matters

2014 Forum for Germanic Language Studies & Society for Germanic Linguistics University of Cambridge

2013 Humboldt-Kolleg on The Sociolinguistics of Invisible Languages, UoB (EUR 10,000)

2013 IAS Benjamin Meaker Professorship for Jose del Valle (CUNY), £800, BIRTHA funding: £750

2013 VIIth HiSoN summer school; Metochi Study Centre, Lesbos; External funding from VU Brussel and University of Agder (Norway) (£5000)

2013 Bristolian Language and Identity, M-Shed, Bristol (co-lead)

                        lectures and workshops for A-Level students and general public

2012-3 Ringvorlesung, Kleine Sprachen, University of Flensburg (co-lead)

2012 BIRTHA, lecture series on Why I Love Old Languages,  £500 (co-lead)

2012 VIth HiSon Summer School, University of Augsburg (co-organiser)

2012 Forum of Germanic Language Studies, University of Sheffield (co-organiser)

2011-12 IAS Workshops on Bristol - Region, Language, and Identity

2011 2. Boldener Gespräche, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Language and History (co-lead, with Prof. F. Loetz), University of Zurich

2011 Vth HiSoN summer school; Metochi Study Centre, Lesbos; External funding from VU Brussel and University of Agder (Norway) (£5000)

2011 Lecture Series on Historical Language Contacts (University of Kiel)

2011 1. Boldener Gespräche, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Language and History (co-lead, with Prof. F. Loetz), University of Zurich

2010 IVth HiSoN summer school; Bruges; co-organiser, external funding from VU Brussel (£5000)

2010 Conference of University Teachers of German. Linguistics Section.

            University of Reading. Organiser and chair of the Linguistic Panel

2010 Forum of Germanic Language Studies, Aberystwyth University (Co-organiser)

2010-11 Local Organiser for lecture series: Representing and Experiencing

            Transnationalism: Germanic Languages and Cultures (PI: Kristine Horner, Leeds)

2009-10 Lecture Series: An Introduction to Old Languages

(co-lead, with Marianne Ailes & Ad Putter)

2009 DAAD funding to invite Prof. Ludwig Eichinger (IDS Mannheim) to the UK to give lectures at Cambridge, London, Aberystwyth, and Bristol

2009 3rd HiSoN summer school,  Metochi Study Centre, Lesbos;

2009 Joint Meeting of the Forum for Germanic Language Studies and the Society of Germanic Linguistics, Banff Conference Centre, Alberta, Canada; co-organiser

2009 Language and History, Linguistics and Historiography, International HiSoN conference, UoB; AHRC funded (£9000), Proceedings published in 2012

2009 Conference of University Teachers of German. Linguistics Section.

            University of Ulster, Belfast. Organiser and chair of the Linguistic Panel

2008 The Interdisciplinarity of Linguistic and Historical Studies, UoB, international workshop (HiSoN), AHRC funded (£1500)

2008 Workshop on Minority and Regional Languages in Europe, University of Bristol, School of Modern Languages;

2008 2nd. HiSoN summer school,

            University of Bristol; AHRC funded (£9000)

2008 Conference of University Teachers of German. Linguistics Section.

            University of Nottingham. Organiser and chair of the Linguistic Panel

2007 1st. HiSoN summer school,

            Metochi Study Centre, Lesbos, External funding from VU Brussel and University of Agder (Norway) (£2500)

2007  Conference of University Teachers of German. Linguistics Section.

            University of Bristol. Organiser of the linguistics panel and local general organisers.

2006 DAAD funding to invite Prof. Andreas Gardt (Kassel) to the UK to give lectures at Cambridge, Manchester, Nottingham, Oxford and Bristol (€1500)

2005 IAS Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorship for Richard Watts (Berne), (£500)

2005 Language History from Below - Linguistic Variation in the Germanic Languages 1700-2000,

            international HiSoN conference, University of Bristol, external funding: British Academy (£2000, maximum grant), Linguistics Association of Great Britain (£300, maximum grant), BIRTHA (£550), Free University of Brussels (£1200); proceedings published in 2007

2003 IAS  Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorship for James Milroy (Ann Arbor, MI), (£750)

2003 Linguistic Purism in the Germanic Languages.

            University of Bristol, external funding: British Academy Conference Grant (£1930), Linguistics Association of Great Britain (£300, maximum grant), Faculty of Arts (£520), proceedings published in 2005