Doctoral Students

Research focus

"Development Cooperation as a means of European Union external Migration Management: Trade-offs, inconsistencies, and implications for EU institutional balances".

This PhD project explores the question of how the EU uses development cooperation as a means of external migration management. In the course of the so-called refugee crisis, the strategy of involving countries of origin and transit in migration management is becoming increasingly popular both at the EU level and in the member states. This phenomenon is known in academia as the externalisation of EU migration policy. The externalisation strategy aims to prevent people from making their way to Europe in the first place, but to find protection in their countries of origin and other third countries. This approach is also called the root cause approach, as it aims to eliminate the causes of flight. Development cooperation plays a central role in the externalisation policy and the root cause approach. In this context, actors from development cooperation complain that it is being undermined by migration management and that its actual goals, such as sustainable poverty reduction, are being disregarded. This project understands EU development cooperation and EU migration policy as separate policy fields that have recently become intertwined. This, according to the hypothesis, gives rise to a new EU "development-migration policy field". In this sense, this PhD project asks about the constitution of this policy field through the refugee crisis and about possible different logics of action and paradoxes of this policy field. It also asks to what extent the emergence of this policy field has an influence on the institutional network of the EU.

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Research focus

"The Holy Man: Aspects of Cinematic Memory in Post-War European Cinema".

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Kseniia Cherniak is a researcher at the Europa-Universität Flensburg. She received bachelor and master degree in sociology at the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), where she also worked as a chair assistant at the Department of Political Sociology, and a master degree in Sociology – European Societies at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), where she was a student assistant at the project AFFIN (Affective and cultural Dimensions of Integration in the wake of fleeing and immigration). For two years she also worked as a research assistant at the Centre for East-European and International Studies (ZOiS) (Berlin).

Research focus:

"European integration in the area of defence: theoretical and methodological investigation"

The research project aims to conceptualise and develop the methodological background for studying the phenomenon of defence integration in the European Union. Although in recent years the topics of defence integration and related processes has been actively discussed by researchers and policy analysts, barely any study defines the phenomenon and provides clear understanding of what is analysed under the defence integration and why. The dissertation aims to close this research gap by applying the framework of sociology of knowledge to the research on European defence policy and European integration. It is expected to form conceptual and methodological foundation for further investigation and observation of the defence integration in the European Union and beyond.

"Research focus: Transparency and informalization in EU policymaking process.

The prominence of informal decision-making has indisputably revamped EU’s legislative procedure. Since its initial introduction in 1994, the utilization of informal decision-making venue known as informal trilogue to facilitate legislative deals between EU legislative bodies has grown persistently and exponentially. The trend to informal decision-making represents a paradox conspicuously when assessed with the development of EU’s institutional reform for more democracy. The presence and increasing importance of informal trilogue in EU’s legislative procedure presents an anomaly: while EU has shown and taken considerable commitment, measures, and development in increasing the transparency and accountability of its (formal) policymaking, EU’s decision-making process largely takes place in the restricted secluded arena of decision making. The anomaly suggests potential causal relationship EU’s increased enforcement of transparency in (formal) legislative procedure and informalization. The research aims to investigate whether the shift to informal decision making can be attributed to the greater transparency enacted within EU’s legislative procedure. The relationship between increased transparency regulations of the legislative process and the trend to informal decision-making is the main focus of this research. "

Research focus: Authoritarianism and authoritarian formations within social movements

Carl Dewald is doing his doctoral thesis on authoritarianism and authoritarian formations within social movements. Focusing on the aftermath of the Corona-Protests he attempts to characterize the authoritarian potential of late-modern societies more precisely.

The development of law and dogmatics in the pandemic and the role of the executive

The research project examine the development of infection control law and legal dogmatics in the Corona pandemic using jurisprudential and contemporary historical methodology. The project is based on the following assumption: the executive has a central role in both the development of legal norms and the development of legal dogmatics. The development of law and dogmatics by the legislative bodies and the application of the law can be easily traced in the pandemic because of its rapidity, but it does not differ fundamentally from the development of other areas of law. The study is intended to contribute to theory-building on the development of administrative law and its dogmatics.

Research focus

Tthe (regional) difference in female employment growth. She is doctoral researcher at the Department for  Comparative Political Economy of the Institute for International Management.

Research topic

The right to healthcare of undocumented migrants in Germany, France and Italy

The right to healthcare and its protection is essential to living a dignified life. Nevertheless, undocumented migrants do not hold equal rights as regular residents do. They need access to healthcare, but are, because of their residence status not necessarily entitled to it, or only to a small extent compared to people with a regular residence status.

The research analyses the right to healthcare in international and European law and compares the concrete design of healthcare benefits granted to undocumented migrants in Germany, Italy and France. The research is linked to the bigger question of the universality of human rights and if undocumented migrants benefit from promises under human rights law.

Research focus

Social services for people in permanent need of assistance in Europe: Potentials of deeper European integration

Social services, such as care and assistance for the elderly or people with disabilities, are organised nationally within the EU. The EU Services Directive of 2006 even explicitly excludes the sector from the European integration process. At the same time, with increasing worker mobility, the demand for cross-border social services is also rising. This project will explore the possibilities of deeper European integration in this sector. Approaches to this research include the comparison of welfare state systems, the importance of solidarity between member states for past integration attempts, as well as parallels to the (more advanced) integration of the health services sector.


"The Convergence of the Far-right and Far-left Political Parties on the Socioeconomic Policies in Europe"

This research investigates the realignment and the dealignment processes of the radical parties in Europe, especially focusing on the stances of immigration, class appeal and attitudes towards the European Union integration. The project aims to demonstrate the changing and overlapping nature of radical and mainstream politics in Europe while identifying the factors that incite such shifts throughout the 21st century.

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Research focus

"The Relevance of Migrant Integration Policies in Prevention of Diaspora Nationalism"

Following the arrival of the Gastarbeiter (guest workers) in the 1960s and 1970s, German states have pursued various migrant integration policies. While some German states have introduced inclusive and liberal policies, the others have followed a rather assimilationist approach. Since the results of recent studies illustrate that, although to a varying extent, migrant integration policies have an impact on diaspora nationalism, this dissertation concerns with the third generation of migrants, and seeks to understand what role migrant integration policies play in the persistence of ethnic retention.

Further Information on person

Research Topic:

"Who becomes a European Teacher?

A Bourdieusian approach to internationalisation in teacher education: A cross-field application of the notion of the ‘transnational habitus.’"

This research is concerned with the Europeanisation of teacher education viewed through a sociological lense.

As recognised by policy makers in the European Union (EU), administrators, and scholars alike, teacher education in all EU member states has to prepare teachers for the demands presented by internationalisation and a global context. On a related note, a widely voiced argument is that there is need for increased political and institutional commitment to internationalisation and Europeanisation in teacher education. This work will be concerned with different questions which arise against this background. A central idea discussed here is the concept of the European teacher as a model the EU is striving to create through the internationalisation of and by infusing a global and European perspective into teacher education – with the result to produce educators who can support all students and who can teach from multicultural, global and ethnorelativist perspectives. But how do European teachers become European teachers and who becomes a European teacher? This work approaches these questions through social theory, specifically Pierre Bourdieu´s concepts of social fields and habitus. In line with many recent scholarly works, I aim to apply Bourdieu´s toolbox and explore the notion of transnational habitus in the context of different social fields with the intend to analyse the formation of a transnational habitus – if and under which conditions it emerges and who develops it. In this work, I will explore the notion of transnational habitus as a possible feature of the European teacher and challenges for teacher education in Europe arising in this context.

Research Topic:

"The role of the European Commission in European Budgetary Politics"

This doctoral research aims to analyse the dynamics of preference formation and negotiation strategies of the Commission in European budgetary politics. With powers that range from the formal agenda-setting to an informal presence throughout the budgetary process, the Commission remains a pivotal actor in this policy field. Yet, after the strong entrepreneurship of the earliest Colleges, the Commission appeared progressively less ambitious. The changing attitude of this institution offers, thus, an interesting puzzle to solve. Is the Commission increasingly restrained towards budgetary politics or is it shifting its priorities and interests? This study intends to challenge the traditional understanding of the Commission as a static and rather indulgent actor of the budgetary politics, depicting a more detailed and nuanced picture. The research might have positive impacts on both the theoretical debate on supranational institutions and budgetary politics, as well as on the concrete unfolding of the budgetary procedures. Indeed, the recent developments induced by the pandemic confirm the relevance of this research, which could contribute to the understanding of a particularly salient policy domain of the EU.

Alejandro Valdivia is a social scientist in international relations, specialising in global health, international protection and international patent law. Cross-cutting themes of his research are ethics and gender. As part of his work as a research assistant and PhD candidate at the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies in Flensburg, Alejandro is working on the Franco-German research project "Access+" on access to social rights for women and migrants in France and Germany.

Alejandro's dissertation project deals with the representation of health interests of workers in the low-wage sector of the service industry in France and Germany. He examines the interaction between labour unions and political parties in regard to the health interests of precarious workers.

Alejandro holds a Master's degree in International Relations from the TU Dresden (Germany) and a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the Universities of Besancon and Strasbourg (France). Alejandro also holds a degree in Humanities from the Jesuit University Antonio Ruiz de Montoya (Peru)."

Monika Verbalyte holds a B.A. in Political Science from Vilnius University (2007) and an M.A. in European Sociology from Freie Universität Berlin (2010). From 2015 to 2020 she was a research assistant in the project "Network Europe: Transnational Human Activities and European Integration" at the University of Magdeburg and now she is starting at the Europa-Universität Flensburg in the project "Value Conflicts in a Differentiated Europe (ValCon)", directed by Prof. Monika Eigmüller. Monika Verbalyte is also a doctoral candidate at the Department of Sociology at the Freie Universität Berlin. In her dissertation "The Emotional Dynamics of Political Scandal" she investigates how public emotions are produced, articulated and shaped by the media during political scandal.

Research interests

  • sociology of emotion
  • political communication
  • political attitudes and behaviour
  • European sociology
  • social network analysis
  • discourse analysis

She has already published several peer-reviewed articles: in the European Journal of Political Science and Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. In the latter, she is now also guest editor of the special issue on affective reactions to political crises in Europe and in American Behavioral Scientist on the link between populism and emotions.

The doctoral project deals with transformation processes in peripheral areas.

Zur Person

Scholars affiliated to the European Wasatia Graduate School

Yosur Shukri Al-Kukhun

Yosur Shukri Al-Kukhun is a Palestinian documentary film-maker as well as a social activist in the field of humanitarian and voluntary work. She grew up in Palestine, and had won two awards in the field of documentaries (both documentary films are related to the subject of gender and violence against women). Al-Kukhun has been in the field of visual documenting since 2011, to date. During her work as a documentary film-maker, she discovered her interests in disciplines enclosing: Narrative, Identity, Culture, and Affiliations and their vast impact on individuals, and decided to include these disciplines in her education. She wrote her Master dissertation about "The Use of Palestinian Narrative by Palestinian Diplomacy to Help in Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict after Oslo Accord (1993-2020)."

PhD-Project: Analysis of Cinema as Visual Narrative and its Role in screening the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Anna Lichinitzer

Anna Lichinitzer received her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Thereafter, she enrolled for her Master’s Degree with the Department of Politics and Government at the same university. Her Master’s thesis, which she finished with excellency, analysed new and old surveillance mechanisms in the forced sedentretion space of Hura local council, one of the seven Bedouin planned townships at the north of the Israeli Negev. Currently, she is the Project manager of the Economy Department at the General Histadrut labour federation, as well as a PhD student at Flensburg University. Her doctoral research involves issues of transitional justice, minority issues, and national institutions of collective memory.

PhD-Project: Sousveillance in Israel – Palestine

Faris G. N. Said

Faris G. Said is a Palestinian researcher who was born in Jenin City-West Bank in 1992. He holds a Master of Arts Degree from the Department of Conflict Resolution and Development at the Arab American University in Palestine. He also studied Environmental Studies at Bennington College. He, however, attained other academic and non-academic certifications, namely English Language BA Degree (awarded by The Arab American University-AAUP,) Leadership Development Program (awarded by the Palestinian Bible Society-PBS,) and Communicating for Negotiation (awarded by The United States Institute of Peace-USIP.) His fields of interest are: Peace-building, history and narratives, psychology, conflict resolution and environment.

PhD-Project: Narratives of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Emotional Responses and Keys for Building Peace.

Raanan Mallek

Raanan Mallek, M.Ed. from Hebrew College, and an MA from the Schechter Institute, has served as a Rabbi in both Israel and the US. Rabbi Mallek received ordination as a Dayan (a judge of Jewish law) from the Integral Halachah Institute where he focused on Mediation and Adjudication. His Rabbinical Ordination and Master of Jewish Studies were from the Schechter Seminary and Institute in Jerusalem. During his studies, Raanan was an interreligious scholar and event coordinator for the Tantur Ecumenical Institute for three years. His certification in facilitation and management was from the Conflict Resolution, Management and Negotiation Graduate Program of Bar Ilan University.

PhD-Project:  Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue and his federalist socio-political writings as a framework for reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis.

Hani Smirat

Hani Smirat has been the Programs Manager of "Taawon for Conflict Resolution" in Palestine since 2004. He has vast experience in vocational capacity building and employability programs as well as training in dealing with conflict. He holds a Master’s Degree in American studies from Palestine University, and a diploma in International Human Rights and non-Violence and many international training courses which are concerned with conflict resolution. In addition, Hani is a research assistant in the area of conflict, identity, citizenship, and conflict resolution. In his capacity as a certified trainer, Hani has participated in many seminars and workshops on responding to conflict, peacekeeping, combating poverty and social exclusion, mediation and conflict resolution, dialogue, culture, and good governance, to mention just a few, both within Palestine as well as internationally.

PhD Project: Ubuntu in South Africa and Wasatia in Palestine: A comparative analysis of two critical concepts in light of the role of culture and religion(s) in political reconciliation

Iclal Baki

Iclal Baki was born in 1990 and grew up in Hochtaunus (Hessen). After graduating from high school, she had a year of studying Arabic language as a pre-requisite for her studies in Islamic theology in Ankara, Turkey. Her Bachelor’s Degree spanned from the year 2012 to 2016 and was anchored on the religious rights of non-Muslims under the Muslim rule in the 11th century. However, having completed her Bachelor’s Degree in 2016, that same year, she enrolled for a Master of Arts Degree in Religion and Language at the University of Munster and completed it in 2019 with a thesis which examined Surah 36 of the Quran. In terms of work experience, since the end of 2019, she has been working as a research assistant in the Department of Dialogue of Religions at the Seminar for Systematic and Historical Theology of the University of Flensburg (EUF). She also took part in various interreligious platforms such as summer schools or Quran-Bible reading circles as well as giving lectures on Islam-related topics.

PhD Project: Islamische Replik auf christliche Dialogmodelle – Eine systematisch-wissenschaftliche Bestandsaufnahme

Marissa McMahon

 Marissa McMahon

Marissa McMahon received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts and History from Queens University Belfast in 2009 where she also did her Post Graduate Diploma in Practice Management in Community Leadership in 2012 as well as an MED (Master of Education Degree) in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion in 2013. She currently works for a Human Rights NGO as a campaign organizer on the issue of housing and justice in Northern Ireland. She started her PhD under the supervision of Prof Dr Michelle Witen in September 2022 with a thesis which focuses on Northern Irish Post-Troubles literature.

PhD-Project: Between Fact and Fiction: Analysing the Good Friday Agreement, Land Justice, and Government Housing Policies in contrast to their Representation in Northern Irish Post-Troubles Literature

Tea Hodaj

Tea Hodaj is a political scientist as well as an international relations specialist from Tiran, Albania. She attained her Master of Science Degree in Political Science and International Relations from Epoka University, where she had worked as a teaching fellow for two years. During her experience as a fellow, she had taught courses such as Public Administration in Democracies, Environmental Politics, Introduction to Political Science, Political Communication and Political Sociology. With a broad experience in the field of human rights and regional cooperation, Hodaj directed her academic focus on the conflict dynamics of the Western Balkans. However, having been inspired by the richness of the oral poetry and the folklore mechanism of the Western Balkan countries, Hodaj dedicated her PhD studies to the ‘Dynamics of Historical Perspectives in the Literary Texts of the Western Balkans: Interpreting the Tracks of Political Thought embedded in National Historical Consciousness.’ Tea Hodaj aspires to contribute to the amelioration of relations and to the co-existence of the people in the region, by pointing out to the fabricated narratives that hinder it.

PhD-Project: Dynamics of Historical Perspectives in the Literary Texts of the Western Balkans. Interpreting the Tracks of Political Thought embedded in National Historical Consciousness

Ada Cara

Ada Cara is a holder of a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Language as well as a Master of Science in Language Teaching, all from the University of Tirana in Albania. She also holds another Master’s Degree in Education and International Development which she attained from the University College of London in the UK under the prestigious Chevening scholarship which was funded by the FCDO. However, in terms of work and research experience, Ada has close to eight years of work experience in the field of language learning and educational projects, which focused mainly on Albania. Her research focuses on corruptive practices in higher education, quality of education, education, and politics of migration and education in conflict affected countries. She joined Epoka University in 2019, as part of the Political Science and International Relations Department. Thereafter, in October 2021, she participated in co-designing the first National Network on Youth, Peace, and Security as part of a project which was funded by USAID. In November 2021, she was invited by Emerald Publishing Group, Journal of Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning to be a guest editor on a part-time basis.

PhD project: Ethnic Schism as an Inhibitor for Peacebuilding in the Western Balkan: Kosovo’s Case

Langton Muchenjekwa

Langton Muchenjekwa is a Zimbabwean and is a holder of a Master of Arts Degree in Religious Studies, an Honours Degree in Religious Studies and a Diploma in Religious Studies, all from the University of Zimbabwe. He also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from Lupane State University, a Professional Diploma in Sustainable Community Development and Humanitarian Project Management with Training and Development International Trust In association with Southern Africa Development Consultants Consortium (SADCCon), a Certificate in Resource Mobilisation, Project Planning and Proposal Writing with Regional Partnership for Resource Development (IRFD) and a Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) with TEFL Professional Development Institute. However, in terms of work experience, Langton worked as a teacher for the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education in Zimbabwe, teaching Family and Religious as well as Heritage Studies to Lower and Upper Six students. He also taught History and Doctrine of Islam, Sociology of Religion. Phenomenology of Religion, World Religions and Ideologies and Religion and Ethics at Zimbabwe Open University (Midlands Province-Gweru Campus) as a Part-Time lecturer. He, as well, taught other modules in the area of Ethics and Organisational Leadership (BAEL), namely Business Ethics, Foundations of Ethical Leadership and Organisational Behaviour.

PhD-Project: Religion and Reconciliation: The Case of the Gukurahundi Massacre in Zimbabwe.

Affiliierte Wasatia Fellows

Jeremias S. Schmidt

Jeremias S. Schmidt ist aufgewachsen in Baden-Württemberg. Nach einem Bundesfreiwilligendienst in einer Gemeinde in Jerusalem, Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Bayreuth und Münster. Abschluss des Münsteraner Zertifikatskurses "Islamisches Recht" (3 Semester). Seit 2019 Promotion zur "informellen Justiz im palästinensischen Rechtssystem" unter der Betreuung von Prof. Dr. Fabian Wittreck (Institut für Öffentliches Recht und Politik) in Münster. Mehrere Stationen als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei der Kanzlei Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (IP/IT). Zwischenzeitlich Visiting Research Fellow am Institut für Rechtswissenschaften der Birzeit Universität (Westjordanland) und mehrmonatige Feldforschung zum indigenen Gewohnheitsrecht. Seit 2021 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kluckert (Lehrstuhl für öffentliches Recht, Universität Wuppertal), zugleich assoz. Phd-Fellow der "European Wasatia Graduate School for Peace and Conflict Resolution".

Forschung: Jeremias S. Schmidt erforscht zeitgenössisches palästinensisches Gewohnheitsrecht in den Gebieten, die nach der sog. Zwei-Staaten-Lösung einmal den Staat Palästina bilden sollen. Sowohl im Westjordanland, als auch im Gazastreifen und auch im von Israel 1980 annektierten und de facto kontrollierten Ostjerusalem, werden – parallel zu den Gerichtsverfahren, welche die jeweilige vor Ort herrschende (quasi-)staatliche Autorität durchführt – zahlreiche ernste Konflikte durch dieses Recht und seine Institutionen reguliert. Es handelt sich im Kern um ein clan- und familienbasiertes Rechtsprechungs-, Schlichtungs- und Aussöhnungssystem, dessen "(...) Ursprünge (...) sich auf über 2000 Jahre zurückdatieren" lassen und "(...) den Traditionen beduinischer Wüstenstämme" entstammen (H. Rohne, 2015). Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung liegt dabei in geografischer Hinsicht auf dem Westjordanland, in sachlicher Hinsicht auf (der Aussöhnung von) Gewaltkonflikten und in zeitlicher Hinsicht auf dem Zeitraum seit Ende der zweiten Intifada (Feb. 2005).


Dr. Christine Barwick is a sociologist specialising in international migration and mobility, Europeanisation and urban sociology. She studied social sciences at the Humboldt Universität in Berlin (B.A. and M.A.). Her doctoral thesis on social mobility and neighbourhood choice of Turkish-Germans in Berlin (Humboldt Universität Berlin) received several awards, including the Dissertation Award of the Urban and Regional Sociology Section of the German Sociological Association and the Hartmut Häußermann Award 'Socially Integrative City'. As a post-doctoral researcher, she was involved in the Centre for European Studies at Sciences Po Paris, project 'What is governed in the large metropolis? Comparing Paris and London', and at the Centre Marc Bloch Berlin, in the research group 'Migration, Mobility and Spatial Reordering'.

Christine is currently working on the ACCESS + project on access to social rights for EU migrants, as well as on cross-border mobility, transnationalism and identification of Black and Ethnic Minority Europeans.

Research focus

    Social inequality

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Dr Vincent Gengnagel is research associate at the Department of Sociology and managing editor of the journal Culture, Practice and Europeanization.

Research focus

  •     Europeanisation processes
  •     Political sociology, esp. field theory
  •     Sociology of expertise and intellectual fields
  •     Comparative and historical sociology, esp. of the social sciences and humanities
  •     Theories of the 'political
  •     Public sociology

For further information, see:


  • Politische Soziologie
  • qualitative empirische Sozialforschung
  • Grenzforschung
  • Europäische Integration
  • Nationalstaatlichkeit

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The Proudest Symbol We Could Put Forward?’ The Pink Triangle as symbol of transatlantic homosexual identity from the 1970s to the 1990s war ein Beitrag sowohl zu den Bereichen der europäischen queeren Geschichte als auch zur Globalgeschichte. Die Studie befasst sich mit transnationalen und transatlantischen kulturellen Kommunikationsnetzen von den 1970er bis zur Mitte der 1990er-Jahren und konzentriert sich auf den Rosa Winkel als Identitätsmarker in Kreisen von LSBTTIQAktivist:innen in Deutschland, Kanada, und den USA.  Dr. Sébastien Tremblay konzentrierte mich auf neue Trends der Ideengeschichte und verfolgte die visuelle Begriffsgeschichte des Rosa Winkels als vielschichtiges Symbol und Ästhetik einer imaginierten internationalen queeren Subkultur. Seine Arbeit ist die erste Studie einer der wichtigsten Symbole der euroamerikanischen Geschichte: Sie hat auch erstmals queere Geschichte mit einer globalen Ideengeschichte und die visuelle Geschichte von Konzepten mit komparativen Gedächtnisstudien und Genozidforschung verbunden. Ein wichtiger Teil der Dissertation war es, die deutsche Geschichte und die europäische Geschichte von sozialen Bewegungen mit einer Geschichte der globalen Wissenszirkulation zu verbinden. Über Vergleiche hinaus habt Dr. Sébastien Tremblay gezeigt, wie das Schreiben einer Geschichte der ‚Befreiung’ von Schwulen und Lesben das Schreiben von einer nationaler und einer transregionaler Geschichte impliziert. Er arbeitet derzeit an seiner ersten Monographie auf der Grundlage dieser Dissertation: A Badge of Injury: The Pink Triangle as Global Symbol of Gay and Lesbian Identities in the 20th Century.

Dr. Sébastien Tremblays neues Forschungsprojekt ist für seine zukünftige Habilitation konzipiert und geplant. Der vorläufige Titel ist Jewish Prostitutes on the Move: ‘White Slavery,’ Migration, and Fin de Siècle Internationalism. Dieses Projekt befasst sich mit dem historischen Einfluss von migrierenden jüdischen Prostituierten und des philanthropischen Internationalismus auf das Border-Making vom Ende des 19. bis zur ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Es konzentriert sich auf die Arbeitsmigration und zeigt die longue durée sowohl des Antisemitismus als auch der Kontrolle der weiblichen Mobilität auf, während es gleichzeitig die methodologischen Grenzen des Konzepts der Agency unterstreicht. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Alltagsstrategien osteuropäischer jüdischer Migrantinnen in deutschen (Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Kiel (?)) und nordamerikanischen Städten (New York, Montréal) vom Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zu den politischen Krisen der Weimarer Zeit untersucht. Diese Forschung untersucht die Lebenswege dieser Frauen, die sich sowohl als Frauen als auch als Jüdinnen in der Welt zurechtfanden, und konzentriert sich dabei auf diejenigen, die als sogenannte Kontrollmädchen oder sogenannte Straßenmädchen der Prostitution ausübten. Sie verknüpft Überlebensstrategien "vor Ort" mit zeitgenössischen institutionellen Deutungsmustern und der Verwendung einer Sprache der Abhängigkeiten und kolonialen Ängste, um das Leben von Frauen an der Grenze zu regulieren. Mit Blick auf die Geschichte von Intimität, Arbeit und Mobilität, mit einem größeren Fokus auf Bewegungsstudien, beabsichtige ich, Prozesse des doing border zu analysieren, ausgehend von europäischen Migrationsgeschichten, mit breiteren Auswirkungen in der transatlantischen Welt.


• Queere Geschichte und Sexualitätsgeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
• Neuere und neueste deutsche Geschichte in globaler Perspektive
• Transatlantische Geschichte sozialer Bewegungen
• Migrationsgeschichte und ‚Border Studies‘
• Erinnerungskultur und Vergangenheitsbewältigung
• Visuelle Ideengeschichte / Begriffsgeschichte

Kleine Biografie

Dr. Sébastien Tremblay (er/ihn) ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Dozent an der Europa-Universität Flensburg. Er ist außerdem assoziierter Forscher für queere Geschichte am Goldsmiths, University of London in Großbritannien. Geboren in Montreal / Tiohtià:ke, promovierte er 2020 an der Graduate School of Global Intellectual History in Berlin. Seine Dissertation befasste sich mit dem Rosa Winkel als Symbol schwuler und lesbischer Identitäten in der transatlantischen Welt, genauer gesagt in der BRD , in den USA und Kanada. Für seine Promotion erhielt er Stipendien der Halleschen Stiftung für DeutschAmerikanische Beziehungen, der Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft, der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und des DAAD. Vor Flensburg war Sébastien Postdoktorand am Internationalen Forschungskolleg des DFG-Exzellenzclusters "SCRIPTS – Contestations of the Liberal Script", wo er die Verbindung zwischen einer queeren kollektiven Erinnerung an den Nationalsozialismus und der medialen Konstruktion eines "homophoben Migranten" untersuchte und die Verknüpfungen zwischen Grenzen und Zeitlichkeit_en. Er hat mehrere Artikel, Rezensionen und Blogbeiträge in Französisch, Englisch und Deutsch veröffentlicht. Sein neuster Artikel über den Rosa Winkel in der transatlantischen Welt ist in der neuesten Ausgabe der Revue d’Allemagne et des Pays de Langue Allemande erschienen. Derzeit arbeitet er an seiner ersten Monographie auf der Grundlage seiner Dissertation: A Badge of Injury: The Pink Triangle as Global Symbol of Gay and Lesbian Identities in the 20th Century. Außerhalb der Wissenschaft hat Sébastien als Berater für das Schwule Museum in Berlin, das Goethe-Institut, die Berlinale und für deutschfranzösische Theaterstücke gearbeitet, die im Institut Français Berlin aufgeführt wurden

Dr. Stefan Wallaschek is post-doctoral researcher in the international research project "Value conflicts in a differentiated Europe" (ValCon) at the ICES. His main research interests are

  • Political (online-)communication
  • European politics
  • Political sociology
  • Solidarity research
  • Gender politics
  • Network analysis
  • Discourse analysis

More information on his recent projects and latest publications can be found on his personal website as well as on his institutional website