current projects

Thematic Cluster Project Title PI Discipline Funded by

Education, labour market

& social inequality

ACCESS: Institutional barriers to higher education decisions Prof. Dr. Florian Hertel Sociology BMBF
ACCESS+: Access to Social Rights Prof. Dr. Monika Eigmüller Sociology DFG, ANR
Gi-Ni-Growing Inequality Prof. Dr. Marcel Smolka International economic Horizont 2020
TICS - Urban Platform Economies Prof. Dr. Sybille Bauriedl Geography DFG, FWF,  SNF

Societal Transformation &


Gender politics and (anti-)gender discourses Dr. Stefan Wallaschek & Prof. Dr. Monika Eigmüller Sociology Gerda-Henkel Foundation
Sexdiversity - Normative implications of human rights of persons with DSD Prof. Dr. Anna Katharina Mangold European Law DFG
European Wasatia Graduate School for Peace and Conflict Resolution Prof. Dr. R. Wüstenberg, Dr. Z. Barakat Theology, Peace Studies BMBF
REGROUP - Rebuilding governance and resilience out of the pandemic Prof. Dr. Monika Eigmüller Sociology Horizon Europe

History of interconnectedness,

migration & integration

The contours of the colonial state. Tax and budgetary policy in the German colonies Prof. Dr. Marc Buggeln History DFG
LaWa Dr. Sébastien Tremblay History  
Production of Migration - The production of EU internal & external borders Prof. Dr. Christiane Reinecke History DFG
Environment & Sustainability ClimatePol - Climate Adaptation & Policy across the Border Prof. Dr. Emanuel Deutschmann Sociology Interreg D-DK
EcoWel Dr. Vincent Gengnagel Sociology  
Green Transition and Economic Polarization Prof. Dr. Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch Plural Economics DFG, NCN
GreTA Green Transition Attitudes Dr. Vincent Gengnagel Sociology DFG, FWO, ARIS
  Antiziganismus und Ambivalenz in Europa (1850-1950) Prof. Dr. Iulia Patrut German Studies DFG

Culture, Language

& Media

Hope and Despair - Concepts for a cross-border culture of remembrance Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner Media Studies Interreg D-DK
LEMEL Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner Media Studies Fondation université de Cergy-Pontoise
Visibilizing Normative Regional Historical Multilingualism Dr. Samantha Litty Socio-Linguistics DFG
War as Spiritual Mission: Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the digital space of the Russian Orthodox Church Dr. Nadia Zasanska & Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner Media Studies Humboldt Foundation (PSI)