Research Seminar "Knowledge in Regional Networks"
The research seminar Strategy & Organization of Prof. Dr. Susanne Royer and Maike Simon, M.Sc., in the fall semester 2019 had the topic "Knowledge in regional networks - reflections on the influence of corporate and national borders using the example of the German-Danish border region". Parallel to this seminar, a project seminar from the field of history took place under the direction of Prof. Dr. Uwe Danker with the title "1920/2020: eine Grenzziehung als erinnerungs-kultureller Event - 1920/2020: a demarcation as an event of commemorative culture".
Through a joint kick-off event and a joint presentation block in November/December 2019, students were able to engage in an interdisciplinary exchange. This exchange will provide a more holistic view of the impact of the German-Danish border not only from an economic perspective, but also from a historical and historical-cultural perspective.