Rotunde Calendar

2024 September

große Party mit Farben
Sep 28 Festivities and receptions

Fer’s Birthday Party

Saturday, 21:00, Rotunde
Fer’s Birthday Party

2024 October

Internal event
[Translate to 2-Englisch:] Bier Pong
Oct 01 Festivities and receptions

Geography first-year student event

Tuesday, 17:00, Rotunde
Geography first-year student event
Oct 30 Festivities and receptions

Halloween Party

Wednesday, 21:00, Rotunde
Halloween Party

2024 November

gruseliger Kürbis mit viel Rauch
Nov 01 Festivities and receptions

Halloween Party

Friday, 19:00, Rotunde
Halloween Party
Local Erasmus Initiative Logo
Nov 21 Festivities and receptions

Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner

Thursday, 18:00, Rotunde
Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner
[Translate to 2-Englisch:] Herzform
Nov 22 Student life

Movie Night

Friday, 18:00, Rotunde
Movie Night

2024 December

Internal event
große Party mit Farben
Dec 07 Festivities and receptions

Birthday party

Saturday, 20:00, Rotunde
Birthday party