Europe Week 2025 will take place from May 5 to 9 under the motto 'Between Fear and Hope'. In the face of numerous political and social challenges, it aims to create a constructive space, strengthen our hope and highlight options for action.
The growing political influence of nationalist and populist parties in our neighboring countries as well as in Germany is diametrically opposed to a culture of remembering the atrocities of past wars and the European peace project that has emerged from them. The multiple challenges and social change that will shape our politics in the coming decades are causing fear and uncertainty among many people. Against this backdrop, Europe Week 2025 provides a space to highlight constructive approaches to deal with these challenges:
- How can we transform our fear in a constructive manner?
- What strengthens our hope? What gives us confidence? What gives us a sense of social cohesion and belonging - and how can we strengthen it?
- How can we not just feel powerless in the face of challenges, but be capable of taking action? What options do we have to shape our present and future - for the benefit of all members of our society?
- How can we remember how and why Europe came into being? What connections to the German and European culture of remembrance can we find today?
All day | Join-in Poster Exhibition 'Between Fear and Hope'
What: Exhibition
When: All week
Where: HEL Foyer
Language: German/English
Organisation: Department for European and International Affairs
In view of the numerous political and social challenges we are confronted with every day, Europe Week aims to give our feelings a constructive space and highlight options for action. All university members are invited to visit our poster exhibition 'Between Fear and Hope'. There is also an opportunity to share your own fears, hopes and ideas for how we can shape our present and future on an interactive board:
'What frightens me?'
What things in social and political life are currently worrying me?
'What gives me hope?'
What strengthens my hope? What gives me and our society stability in the face of the many challenges?
'What can we do?'
How can we not only feel powerless in the face of challenges, but also capable of taking action? What options do we have to shape our present and future for the benefit of all members of our society?
12:15 pm | Hope under Oppression — Political Philosophy of Oppression, Fear and Hope
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Szanto
When: Monday, May 5 | 12:15 - 1:45 pm
Where: HEL 066
Language: German
Im BA Philosophie Spezialisierung Seminar "Ungleichheit, Ungerechtigkeit, Unterdrückung" diskutieren wir die verschiedenen Formen und die politischen, affektiven und epistemischen Dimensionen asymmetrischer sozialer Beziehungen. In der Europawoche werden wir auf die Rationalität, Normativität und Angemessenheit sowie die emanzipatorische Kraft von Hoffnung und Angst, insbesondere in Kontexten von Unterdrückung aus der Perspektive der Philosophie der Gefühle und der politischen Philosophie fokussieren. Ein Auszug aus dem Buch von Katie Stockdale Hope under Oppression (Oxford 2021) wird dabei unsere Textgrundlage sein.
Alle, auch ohne vorherige Lektüre, sind herzlich willkommen (bei Interesse an Literatur, bitte kontaktieren).
6:30pm | Upholding Hope!
When: Monday, May 5 | 6.30 pm
Where: Campelle
Language: German/English
Organisation: Evangelische Studierendengemeinde (ESG)
Upholding hope - theologically, personally, politically, poetically. An evening with discussions and dinner in the face of serious threats to the Europe we (still) know.
All day | Join-in Poster Exhibition 'Between Fear and Hope'
What: Exhibition
When: All week
Where: HEL Foyer
Language: German/English
Organisation: Department for European and International Affairs
In view of the numerous political and social challenges we are confronted with every day, Europe Week aims to give our feelings a constructive space and highlight options for action. All university members are invited to visit our poster exhibition 'Between Fear and Hope'. There is also an opportunity to share your own fears, hopes and ideas for how we can shape our present and future on an interactive board:
'What frightens me?'
What things in social and political life are currently worrying me?
'What gives me hope?'
What strengthens my hope? What gives me and our society stability in the face of the many challenges?
'What can we do?'
How can we not only feel powerless in the face of challenges, but also capable of taking action? What options do we have to shape our present and future for the benefit of all members of our society?
10:00 am | Looking into the abyss! How democratic optimism can be developed from its opposite
Speaker: Dr. Leiv Erik Voigtländer
When: Tuesday, May 6 | 10:00 - 11:30 am
Where: TAL 007
Language: German
Nicht zuletzt in unsicheren Krisenzeiten suchen Menschen Orientierung und Inspiration in historischen Vorbildern. Vorbildlich gilt in der Regel, wer unter widrigen Bedingungen standhaft und integer für gefährdete Werte und Normen eingetreten ist, und dafür einen hohen Preis in Form von Leib und Leben bezahlt hat. Damit geht ein gewisser Hang zur politischen Held*innenverehrung und -verklärung einher. Dabei lassen sich Orientierung und Inspiration im Gegenteil aus der kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit unvollkommenen, gescheiterten und durchaus problematischen Vorbildern ziehen. Dies wird am Beispiel des politischen Denkers Antonio Gramsci diskutiert.
12:15 pm | Europe and The Political Philosophy of Fear and Hope
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Szanto
When: Tuesday, May 6 | 12:15 - 1:45 pm
Where: HEL 163
Language: English
In the MA European Studies (EUS) seminar "Philosophy and Ideas of Europe" we are discussing historical and systematic ideas of Europe from social and political philosophy. During Europe Week 2025 we will discuss the emancipatory aspects of hope and fear, and in particular hope and fear with regard to European multiculturalism, immigration and transnational integration. All welcome to join our discussions.
6:00pm | Podium Discussion 'Between Fear and Hope'
When: Tuesday, May 6 | 6:00 pm
Where: HEL 160
Language: English (Podium), German/Engish (discussion with the audience)
Food and drink afterwards
How can we - in face of the numerous social and political challenges - transform our fears in a constructive manner rather than letting populists use them to manipulate us for their misanthropic power interests? What gives us confidence? What strengthens our hope? How can we feel capable of taking action? What options do we have to shape our present and future for the benefit of all members of our society?
Prof. Dr. Thomas Szanto (Politische Philosophie Europas)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schmelzer (Sozial-ökologische Transformationsforschung)
Prof. Dr. Christiane Reinecke (Neuere und Neueste Europäische Geschichte)
Marlene Langholz-Kaiser
All day | Join-in Poster Exhibition 'Between Fear and Hope'
What: Exhibition
When: All week
Where: HEL Foyer
Language: German/English
Organisation: Department for European and International Affairs
In view of the numerous political and social challenges we are confronted with every day, Europe Week aims to give our feelings a constructive space and highlight options for action. All university members are invited to visit our poster exhibition 'Between Fear and Hope'. There is also an opportunity to share your own fears, hopes and ideas for how we can shape our present and future on an interactive board:
'What frightens me?'
What things in social and political life are currently worrying me?
'What gives me hope?'
What strengthens my hope? What gives me and our society stability in the face of the many challenges?
'What can we do?'
How can we not only feel powerless in the face of challenges, but also capable of taking action? What options do we have to shape our present and future for the benefit of all members of our society?
8:15 am | The Future of Migration to Europe – Between Fear and Hope
Speaker: Anna Kompatscher
What: Seminar
Where: HEL 065
When: Wednesday, May 7 | 8:15 - 9:45 am
Language: English
Organisation: BA European Cultures and Society
The seminar deals with current debates in law and politics on the topic of migration. In the session during Europe Week, students will present their visions of the future - between fear and hope - on European migration policy and legislation.
10:15 am | Utopia and Dystopia - A Report From A Trinational Project
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jörn Bockmann
What: Project presentation
When: Wednesday, May 7 | 10:15 - 11:45 am
Where: HEL 066
Language: German
Organisation: Arbeitsbereich Mediävistik am Institut für Germanistik
Utopien und Dystopien sind Imaginationen einer extrem positiven oder negativen Zukunft von Gesellschaften, die es sie in der einen oder anderen Form immer gegeben hat. Das politische Konzept entsteht erst im Humanismus und zeigt sich seit Jahrhunderten vielfach abgewandelt und in diversen Gattungen und Medien präsent. Bei einem genaueren Blick erweisen sich Utopischie und Dystopie aber als Gegensätze, sondern eher als zwei Seite einer Medaille. Was verlockend erscheint, kann in den politischen Umsetzungsversuchen der Utopie schnell ein erschreckendes Gesicht erhalten. Die Dystopien sind künstlerische Zuspitzungen dieser Kippfigur.
Der Vortrag stellt Beispiele vor, mit denen sich jüngst ein trinationales Seminar aus DozentInnen und Studiereden dreier Universitäten intensiv beschäftigt haben. An den Universitäten Cluj (Ro), Strasbourg (F) und Flensburg sind Studierenden mit einer jeweils besondere Sicht miteinander ins lebendige Gespräch gekommen. Dies kann selbst als gelungene Utopie einer transnationalen Hochschullehre gelten. Eine Summer School zum Thema wird 2026 in Flensburg stattfinden.
10:15 am | Working for the UE: EPSO – European Personnel Selection Office
Where: HEL 160 and Webex
When: Wednesday, May 7 | 10:15-11:45 am
Language: English
Organisors: BA European Cultures and Society and MA Europein Studies
The European Personnel Selection Office is the recruiting agency of the Institutions of the European Union. They will present the career opportunities that are open at the moment, how to find new opportunities, the application procedure, how to get your foot on the door, etc. They will also talk about internship possibilities and how to apply for them. In the end, there will be room for Q&As. The EU Careers Ambassador of EUF will also join the event and will informally answer all the questions that are still open.
12:15 pm | Alliance building between climate activists and workers using the example of Wolfsburg's transport transition project
Speaker: Anne Möller
What: Lecure and discussion Vortrag & Austausch im Rahmen des Master-Kolloquiums
When: Wednesday, May 7 | 12:15 - 1:15 pm
Where: HEL 165
Language: German
Organisation: MA Transformationstudien
Im Rahmen des Master-Kolloquiums des M.A. Transformationsstudien wird Anne Möller ihre Forschungsarbeit zu "Allianzbildungen zwischen Klimaaktivist:innen und Arbeiter:innen am Beispiel des Projektes Verkehrswendestadt Wolfsburg" vorstellen. Sie hat eine qualitative Interviewstudie im Rahmen ihrer Master Thesis durchgeführt und wird den aktuellen Arbeitsstand präsentieren. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen, teilzunehmen!
5:00 pm | Pro-European event with cover performance of Petti Smith's 'People Have The Power'
What: Pro-European event with cover performance of Petti Smith's 'People Have The Power'
When: Wednesday, May 7 | 5 pm
Where: Hafenspitze Flensburg
Organisation: Institute for Aesthetic-Cultural Science and Practice
The Institute for Aesthetic-Cultural Science and Practice is organizing an event at the Hafenspitze Flensburg on May 7 at 5 pm. We stand for a tolerant and united Europe and want to take a stand against right-wing populism and extremism, which has increased in recent years in Germany, as well as in our neighboring countries. A cover performance of Patti Smith's "People Have the Power" is the focus of the event. Join us and let's set a positive example together.
7:00pm | Reading by author Michael Jensen on his "Totenland" triology
What: Reading by author Michael Jensen
When: Wednesday, May 7 | 7 pm
Where: Aula, Hans-Christiansen-Haus, Museumsberg Flensburg
Language: German
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner, Hope & Depair Project
"Flensburg, Ende April 1945. Der Krieg ist fast zu Ende. Hochrangige Nazis flüchten in das noch unbesetzte Norddeutschland. Völlig unerwartet findet sich ein desillusionierter Polizist in einem Mordfall wieder. Für ihn beginnt ein mörderischer Wettlauf gegen die Zeit. Und während der Ermittlungen holt ihn zunehmend die eigene Vergangenheit ein."
Krimi-Autor Michael Jensen liest aus seiner "Totenland"-Trilogie (erschienen im Aufbau-Verlag). Dabei zeichnet er nicht nur ein lebendiges Bild der Zeit. Vielmehr stellen sich anhand der Schicksale seiner Figuren aktuelle Fragen vor historischem Hintergrund: Welche Verantwortung trägt der einzelne Mensch in einem unmenschlichen Ganzen? Wie viel Unrecht ist er bereit, mitzutragen? Wie geht man um mit unerträglicher Schuld? Der Autor lädt ein, sich auf ein Stimmungsbild einzulassen, das entsteht durch ein Verweben von fiktionaler Geschichte und historischen Fakten. Und er fordert auf zur Reflexion einer zentralen Frage, die sein Werk durchzieht: Wie hätte ich selbst mich verhalten?
All day | Join-in Poster Exhibition 'Between Fear and Hope'
What: Exhibition
When: All week
Where: HEL Foyer
Language: German/English
Organisation: Department for European and International Affairs
In view of the numerous political and social challenges we are confronted with every day, Europe Week aims to give our feelings a constructive space and highlight options for action. All university members are invited to visit our poster exhibition 'Between Fear and Hope'. There is also an opportunity to share your own fears, hopes and ideas for how we can shape our present and future on an interactive board:
'What frightens me?'
What things in social and political life are currently worrying me?
'What gives me hope?'
What strengthens my hope? What gives me and our society stability in the face of the many challenges?
'What can we do?'
How can we not only feel powerless in the face of challenges, but also capable of taking action? What options do we have to shape our present and future for the benefit of all members of our society?
9:30 am | 'Hope and Despair' Project Presentation
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner
What: Project presentation
When: Thursday, May 8 | 9:30 - 10:00 am
Where: HEL 066
Language: English
The German-Danish cooperation project "Hope & Despair" bringst together seven World War II museums, memorial sites and tourist agencies as well as three universities to align communication and attract national and international visitors. The EUF team of researchers contributes to thematic "experience packages" by tying the stories of seven geographically close museums.
10:15 am | Women and Politics – Fear and Hope
Speaker: Dr. Stefan Wallaschek
What: Seminar
When: Thursday, May 8 | 10:15 - 11:45 am
Where: HEL 065
Language: English
Organisation: BA European Cultures and Society (EUCS)
The seminar session (B.A. European Cultures and Society, 'Social Practice and Culture in Europe') deals with gender equality policies in Europe and beyond. We will look at various issues in which gender inequalities prevail while also talking about areas in which we see political and social change, discussing that gender equality policies alternate between progress and regression. Everyone is welcome to join and discuss.
12:15 pm | Working for the EU: Exchange with Sabine Anschütz, translator at the European Commission
Speaker: Sabine Anschütz (European Commission)
When: Thursday, May 8 | 12:15 am - 1:45 pm
Where: OSL 247
Language: English
Organisation: BA Transcultural European Studies
When the foundations for today's EU were laid 75 years ago, it was a project of hope for lasting peace in Europe. The original community of 6 countries has grown to 27, with languages and communication playing a central role. Sabine Anschütz works in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Translation - the largest language service in the world. In her presentation, followed by a Q&A session, she will talk about her work for the Commission, the role of translation, and employment opportunities at the EU.
3:00 pm | Workshop on 'Democratic education in challenging times'
Titel: Democratic education in challenging times: Perspectives and options for action to deal with increasing misanthropy
Speakers: Lyn Blees und Johannes Wollny (Regionale Beratungsteams gegen Rechtsextremismus Schleswig-Holstein)
When: Thursday, May 8 | 3:00 - 6:00 pm
Where: RIG 815
Language: German
Organisation: Zentrum für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (ZfL)
In der Gesellschaft verbreitete menschenfeindliche und rechtsextreme Einstellungen machen vor den Toren unserer Bildungsinstitutionen leider nicht Halt.
Wie können und müssen Lehrkräfte mit diesen im Schulalltag umgehen? Was braucht es, um einem gesellschaftlichen Rechtsruck zu begegnen? Und wie können langfristig demokratische und menschenrechtsorientierte Haltungen gestärkt werden? Den Antworten auf diese Fragen möchte das Regionale Beratungsteam gegen Rechtsextremismus gemeinsam mit Ihnen im Rahmen eines Workshops näherkommen.
6:00pm | Movie Night 'Surf On, Europe!'
When: Thursday, May 5 | 6:00 pm (doors open 5.30pm)
Where: Audimax
Language: English with German subtitles
Organisation: ASTA Uni-Flensburg
Torn between the freedom of the waves and societal constraints, a Moroccan surfer finds himself separated from his family by visa barricades, a French woman rebels against gender norms, and a Northern Irish shaper seeks stability amidst past divisions. Surfing becomes their common language in navigating Europe's turbulent waters. SURF ON, EUROPE! explores the promise of freedom in Europe and the enduring challenges that threaten it.
6:30 pm | International Taizé Prayer 'Unity in Diversity'
When: Thursday, May 8 | 6:30 pm
Where: Campelle
Language: multilingual
Organisation: Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Flensburg (KHG)
Unity in diversity: the motto of the European Union also applies to the French village of Taizé, which has for many decades been a meeting place for young people from all over Europe and beyond. Coming from different cultural and denominational traditions, young people share their lives with each other week after week in Taizé. The international Taizé prayer here on campus is a spiritual time of sharing - including times of silence, song and prayer.
All day | Join-in Poster Exhibition 'Between Fear and Hope'
What: Exhibition
When: All week
Where: HEL Foyer
Language: German/English
Organisation: Department for European and International Affairs
In view of the numerous political and social challenges we are confronted with every day, Europe Week aims to give our feelings a constructive space and highlight options for action. All university members are invited to visit our poster exhibition 'Between Fear and Hope'. There is also an opportunity to share your own fears, hopes and ideas for how we can shape our present and future on an interactive board:
'What frightens me?'
What things in social and political life are currently worrying me?
'What gives me hope?'
What strengthens my hope? What gives me and our society stability in the face of the many challenges?
'What can we do?'
How can we not only feel powerless in the face of challenges, but also capable of taking action? What options do we have to shape our present and future for the benefit of all members of our society?
9:00 am | Workshop on 'Israel-Related Antisemitism - Narratives and Images'
What: Workshop
When: Friday, May 9 | 9:00 am -1:00 pm
Where: tba
Language: German
Organisation: Kompetenzzentrum Studium und Lehre - Hochschuldidaktik
Registration needed
Der Workshop bietet einen Überblick über antisemitische Narrative und Bilder, sodass die Teilnehmenden in die Lage versetzt werden, israelbezogenen Antisemitismus zu erkennen und zu benennen. Des Weiteren werden die Fragen nach (Anti-) Zionismus, dem Apartheid Vorwurf und der Bezug von Antisemitismus und Rassismus und aktuellen Debatten rund um den sogenannten Nahostkonflikt erörtert und vertieft. Die Teilnehmenden werden dadurch befähigt gegen Antisemitismus und Rassismus einzutreten und in ihrer Handlungssicherheit gestärkt.
10:00 am | Memorial Sites in The Digital Transformation
What: Keynote (Hope & Despair Conference)
Topic: Memorial Sites in the digital transformation – new ways of shaping through participatory, documentary approaches
Speaker: Thomas Weber (Hamburg)
When: Friday, May 9 | 10:00 - 11:30 am
Where: TAL 007
Language: English
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner, Hope & Despair Project
10:00 am | Digital Approaches at Memorials
What: Keynote (Hope & Despair Conference)
Topic: Digital approaches at memorials: Engaging visitors on and off site
Speaker: Clara Mansfeld (Hamburg)
When: Friday, May 9 | 10:00 - 11:30 am
Where: TAL 007
Language: English
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner, Hope & Despair Project
11:45 am | Digital Modeling of Difficult Histories
What: Keynote (Hope & Despair Konferenz)
Topic: Digital Modeling of Difficult Histories: 3D Models as Digital Environments for Historical Learning at Holocaust Memorials
Speaker: Esther Rachow (Jerusalem)
When: Friday, May 9 | 11:45 am - 1:15 pm
Where: TAL 007
Language: English
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner, Hope & Despair Project
11:45 am | Revealing Time Layers of Traumatic Places
What: Keynote (Hope & Despair Konferenz)
Topic: Revealing Time Layers of Traumatic Places – A Reflection on the Use of Digital Geomedia in Holocaust Memory
Speaker: Leo Dressel (Vienna)
When: Friday, May 9 | 11:45 am - 1:15 pm
Where: TAL 007
Language: English
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner, Hope & Despair Project
2:30 pm | Whose Hope and Whose Despair?
What: Keynote (Hope & Despair Konference)
Topic: Whose Hope and Whose Despair? Remembering WWII and the Holocaust in Transcultural Settings & Digital approaches at memorials: Engaging visitors on and off site
Speaker: Wulf Kansteiner (Aarhus)
When: Friday, May 9 | 2:30 - 3:15 pm
Where: TAL 007
Language: English
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner, Hope & Despair Project
3:30 pm | Transcultural Memory Mediation and Localized Receptions
What: Keynote (Hope & Despair Conference)
Topic: Transcultural memory mediation and localized receptions: Literature, the Bosnian war, and European frameworks of memory
Speaker: Tea Sindbæk Andersen (Copenhagen)
When: Friday, May 9 | 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Where: TAL 007
Language: English
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner, Hope & Despair Project
3:30 pm | Digitization of World War II and Holocaust Remembrance in the Context of the Russo-Ukrainian War
What: Keynote (Hope & Despair Conference)
Topic: Digitization of World War II and Holocaust Remembrance in the Context of the Russo-Ukrainian War
Speaker: Hedwig Wagner (Flensburg)
When: Friday, May 9 | 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Where: TAL 007
Language: English
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Hedwig Wagner, Hope & Despair Project
Europe Week 2025 is organized in cooperation with the research project Hope and Despair on occasion of the 80th anniversary of the end of the World War II.
Dr.Isabella Tegethoff
Advisor for European and International Affairs
- Phone
- +49 461 805 2970
- Building
- Gebäude Dublin
- Room
- DUB 212
- Street
- Campusallee 3
- Post code / City
- 24943 Flensburg