
B-level courses now only four hours/week

For didactic reasons, we have adapted the formats of our courses so that we now offer all B-level German courses in 4-hour sessions.

Level courses

Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Mo. 18:00 - 20:00 Weekly 09.09.2024 - 06.01.2025 Trondheim building - TRO 207 
Wed. 16:00 - 20:00 Weekly 11.09.2024 - 08.01.2025

Trondheim building - TRO 207 

Thu. Tutorial 18:00 - 20:00 Weekly 12.09.2024 - 09.01.2025

Trondheim building - TRO 207 


The tutorial is meant for degree seeking international students (completing a degree at the EUF) and exchange students (Incomings) may only attend the tutorial by agreement with the instructor.

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1.  



Target group:

The "German Language Course A1" is for students without any previous knowledge of German.

Course content:

The focus of this course is on basic knowledge of the German language, including everyday conversational topics and situations, German grammar, and vocabulary.

You will learn, e.g., how to greet each other, ask for name, address, telephone number and subject of studies, talk about your family, understand the clock times or talk about cultural events. You will also learn to describe a daily routine, understand job advertisements, talk about clothes, talk to a doctor, give directions or write a postcard.

A language course thrives on people meeting each other. It is therefore particularly important that you participate actively on a regular basis and are well prepared. The language of instruction is German.

Contact hours: 6 hrs/week

Assessment: written exam (70%), oral examination (20%), homework (10%)

Workload: 180 h

·         90 h face-to-face

·         60 h self-study

·         30 h graded homework and exam preparation

ECTS (Incomings): 6


Please have the following textbooks and grammar purchased by the beginning of the course:

·         Netzwerk neu A1: Kursbuch ISBN: 978-3-12-607156-7 und Übungsbuch ISBN: 978-3-12-607157-4

·         Grammatik aktiv A1–B1  ISBN 978-3-06-122964-1


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Recurrence Duration Room
Mon. 18:00 to 20:00 Weekly 09/16/2024 to 12/09/2024 Gebäude Helsinki - HEL 163
Mon. 18:00 to 20:00 Single 12/16/2024 to 12/16/2024 Gebäude Helsinki - HEL 163
Wed. 16:00 to 20:00 Single 01/08/2025 to 01/08/2025 Gebäude Helsinki - HEL 163
Mon. 18:00 to 20:00 Single 01/06/2025 to 01/06/2025 Gebäude Helsinki - HEL 163
Wed. 16:00 to 20:00 Weekly 09/18/2024 to 12/11/2024 Gebäude Helsinki - HEL 163
Wed. 16:00 to 20:00 Single 12/18/2024 to 12/18/2024 Gebäude Helsinki - HEL 163
Mon. 18:00 to 20:00 Single 09/09/2024 to 09/09/2024 Gebäude Helsinki - HEL 163
Wed. 16:00 to 20:00 Single 09/11/2024 to 09/11/2024 Gebäude Helsinki - HEL 163
Thu. Tutorial 18:00 - 20:00 Weekly 12.09.2024 - 09.01.2025 Trondheim building - TRO 207 

The tutorial is meant for degree seeking international students (completing a degree at the EUF) and exchange students (Incomings) may only attend the tutorial by agreement with the instructor.

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1.



Target group:

The "German Language Course A1" is for students without any previous knowledge of German.

Course content:

The focus of this course is on basic knowledge of the German language, including everyday conversational topics and situations, German grammar, and vocabulary.

You will learn, e.g., how to greet each other, ask for name, address, telephone number and subject of studies, talk about your family, understand the clock times or talk about cultural events. You will also learn to describe a daily routine, understand job advertisements, talk about clothes, talk to a doctor, give directions or write a postcard.

A language course thrives on people meeting each other. It is therefore particularly important that you participate actively on a regular basis and are well prepared. The language of instruction is German.

Contact hours: 6 hrs/week

Assessment: written exam (70%), oral examination (20%), homework (10%)

Workload: 180 h

·         90 h face-to-face

·         60 h self-study

·         30 h graded homework and exam preparation

ECTS (Incomings): 6


Please have the following textbooks and grammar purchased by the beginning of the course:

·         Netzwerk neu A1: Kursbuch ISBN: 978-3-12-607156-7 und Übungsbuch ISBN: 978-3-12-607157-4

·         Grammatik aktiv A1–B1  ISBN 978-3-06-122964-1


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Mo. 18:00 - 20:00 Weekly 09.09.2024 - 06.01.2025 Trondheim Building - TRO 204
Wed. 16:00 - 20:00 Weekly 11.09.2024  - 08.01.2025 Trondheim Building - TRO 206

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1.  



Target group:

The "German Language Course A2" is for students with some previous knowledge of German, who have successfully completed the A1 course with a certificate of achievement, or have approximately 120 classroom hours of German language instruction and have achieved at least 35 points in the placement test.

Course content:

In this course the basic knowledge of German grammar and vocabulary acquired in the A1 course is extended by means of everyday conversation topics and situations.

For example, you will learn to talk about advantages and disadvantages, talk about movies, write a commentary, talk about a song, make a phone call or describe a statistic. You will also learn to understand and give advice, give a mini presentation, introduce a tourist attraction, submit a complaint, describe a picture or write a story.

A language course thrives on people meeting each other. It is therefore particularly important that you participate actively on a regular basis and are well prepared. The language of instruction is German.

Contact hours: 6 hrs/week

Assessment: written exam (70%), oral examination (20%), homework (10%)

Workload: 180 h

·         90 h face-to-face

·         60 h self-study

·         30 h graded homework and exam preparation

ECTS (Incomings): 6


Please have the following textbooks and grammar purchased by the beginning of the course:

·         Netzwerk neu A2; Kursbuch ISBN: 978-3-12-607164-2 und Übungsbuch ISBN: 978-3-12-607165-9

·         Grammatik aktiv A1–B1.  ISBN 978-3-06-122964-1


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Wed. 16:00 - 20:00 Weekly 11.09.2024 - 08.01.2025 Helsinki Building - HEL 162

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1.  



Target group:

The "German Language Course B1.1" is for students who have successfully completed the A2.2 course with a certificate of achievement, or have approximately 240 classroom hours of German language instruction and have achieved at least 83 points in the placement test.

Course content:

The focus of this course is on basic knowledge of the German language, including everyday conversational topics and situations, as well as German grammar, and vocabulary.

For example, you will learn to understand and talk about a song, give tips and advice, prepare and give a presentation, understand a podcast on the topic of "career choice" and house rules or write a cover letter.

A language course thrives on people meeting each other. It is therefore particularly important that you participate actively on a regular basis and are well prepared. The language of instruction is German.

Contact hours: 4 hrs/week

Assessment: written exam (60%), oral exam (20%), project work (during the course) (20%)

Workload: 180 h

·         60 h face-to-face

·         60 h self-study

·         60 h graded homework and exam preparation

ECTS (Incomings): 6


Please have the following textbook and grammar purchased by the beginning of the course:

·         Kontext B1.1+, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos, ISBN 978-3-12-605332-7.

·         Grammatik aktiv A1–B1. ISBN 978-3-06-122964-1


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Mo. 18:00 - 20:00 Weekly 09.09.2024 - 06.01.2025 Trondheim Building - TRO 102
Wed. 18:00 - 20:00 Weekly 11.09.2024 - 08.01.2025 Trondheim Building - TRO 102

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1.  




Der Deutschkurs B1.2 ist für Studierende mit gefestigten Grundkenntnissen, die den B 1.1-Kurs erfolgreich mit einem Leistungsnachweis abgeschlossen oder im Einstufungstest mindestens 107 Punkte erreicht haben.


Der Kurs baut auf dem B 1.1-Kurs auf. Es geht in diesem Kurs um den Erwerb von erweiterten Grundkenntnissen der deutschen Sprache, die anhand von alltäglichen Gesprächsthemen und -situationen vermittelt werden.

Sie lernen z.B. einen Podcast zum Thema Konsum zu verstehen, eine kurze Präsentation zu halten, ein Motivationsschreiben zu verfassen, ein Gespräch in der Apotheke zu führen, einen Text über Umweltprobleme zu schreiben oder Ansagen und Durchsagen zu verstehen.

Anhand von Rollenspielen, Diskussionen, Präsentationen und Lernspielen werden sowohl grammatische Themen wiederholt als auch alltägliche und besondere Sprechsituationen geübt.

Ein Sprachkurs lebt von der Begegnung der Menschen untereinander. Deshalb ist es besonders wichtig, dass Sie regelmäßig aktiv teilnehmen und gut vorbereitet sind. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Deutsch.

Lehrangebot: 4 SWS


Klausur (60%), mündliche Prüfung (20%), Projektarbeit (kursbegleitend) (20%)

Workload: 180 UE

  • 60 Unterrichtseinheiten Präsenz
  • 60 Unterrichtseinheiten Selbststudium
  • 60 Unterrichtseinheiten Projektarbeit und Prüfungsvorbereitung

ECTS (Incomings): 6


Target group:

The "German Language Course B1.2" is for students who have successfully completed the B 1.1 course with a certificate of achievement, or have approximately 300 classroom hours of German language instruction and have achieved at least 107 points in the placement test.

Course content:

The course continues where the B1.1 course finished. The focus of this course is on basic knowledge of the German language, including everyday conversational topics and situations, as well as German grammar, and vocabulary.

For example, you will learn to understand a podcast on the subject of consumption, give a short presentation, write a letter of motivation, hold a conversation in a pharmacy, write a text about environmental problems or understand announcements and announcements.

Course participants will participate in games, discussions, and presentations to practice grammatical topics as well as everyday and specific speaking situations.

A language course thrives on people meeting each other. It is therefore particularly important that you participate actively on a regular basis and are well prepared. The language of instruction is German.

Contact hours: 4 hrs/week

Assessment: written exam (60%), oral exam (20%), project work (during the course) (20%)

Workload: 180 h

·         60 h face-to-face

·         60 h self-study

·         60 h graded homework and exam preparation

ECTS (Incomings): 6


Please have the following textbook and grammar purchased by the beginning of the course:

·         Kontext B1.2+, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos, ISBN 978-3-12-605333-4.

Grammatik aktiv A1–B1, ISBN 978-3-06-122964-1


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Thu. 16:00 - 20:00 Weekly 12.09.2024 - 09.01.2025 Trondheim building - TRO 201

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1.  



Target group:

The language course "German Language Course B2.1" is suitable for students with advanced knowledge who have successfully completed the B 1.2. course with a certificate of achievement, or have approximately 360 classroom hours of German language instruction and have achieved at least 131 points in the placement test.

Course content:

The course consolidates knowledge of German at lower levels and expands to content that is more complex. The focus of this course is on the expansion of vocabulary, written expression, and talking about controversial topics. Students will expand their means of communication and deepen their understanding of grammar.

For example, you will learn how to write a CV, understand an article about switching jobs, write a summary, understand and write a poem or talk about health complaints.

A language course thrives on people meeting each other. It is therefore particularly important that you participate actively on a regular basis and are well prepared. The language of instruction is German.

Contact hours: 4 hrs/week

Assessment: written exam (60%), oral exam (20%), project work (during the course) (20%)

Workload: 180 h

·         60 h face-to-face

·         60 h self-study

·         60 h graded project work and exam preparation

ECTS (Incomings):6


Please have the following textbook and grammar purchased by the beginning of the course:

·         Kontext B2.1, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos, ISBN 978-3-12-605340-2

·         Grammatik Aktiv B2–C1, ISBN 978-3-06-021482-2


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Mo. 18:00 - 20:00 Weekly 09.09.2024 - 06.01.2025 Trondheim Building - TRO 203
Wed. 16:00 - 20:00 Weekly 11.09.2024 - 08.01.2025 Trondheim Building - TRO 103

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1.  



Target group:

The "German Language Course C1.1" is suitable for students with advanced German language knowledge who have successfully completed the B2.2 course with a certificate of achievement, or have approximately 500 classroom hours of German language instruction and have achieved at least 179 points in the placement test.

Course content:

The linguistic skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) are trained and further developed in the areas of work, business, media and language. Grammatical structures, bound to topics and communication contexts, are expanded, extended and deepened according to communicative needs.

For example, you will learn to understand and discuss information about renewable energies, understand a radio play, engage in controversial discussions, write an argumentative text and talk about humour.

A language course thrives on people meeting each other. It is therefore particularly important that you participate actively on a regular basis and are well prepared. The language of instruction is German.

Contact hours: 6 hrs/week

Assessment: written exam (60%), oral exam (30%), homework (10%)

Workload: 180 h

·         90 h face-to-face

·         60 h self-study

·         30 h obligatory homework and exam preparation

ECTS (Incomings): 6

On this occasion we would like to point out the following: At the end of this language course there will be no certificate examination (no DSH or TestDaF examination). You will not receive a C1-certificate that is recognized throughout Germany or internationally, but a graded certificate of achievement from the Language Center.


Please have the following course textbook and grammar purchased by the beginning of the course:

·         Kontext C1.1, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos, ISBN 978-3-12-605347-1.

·         Grammatik Aktiv B2–C1, ISBN 978-3-06-021482-2


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.

Supplementary courses

Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Mo. 16:00 - 18:00 Weekly 09.09.2024 - 06.01.2025 Trondheim Building - TRO 105

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1.  



Target Group: The German B1-B2 Conversation Course is suitable for students with advanced knowledge who have successfully completed the B1.1 course or scored at least 107 points on the placement test.

Course Content:

In this course, you will gain more confidence in using the language in academic and everyday situations, expand your vocabulary, try out idiomatic expressions, and practice strategies for interaction and mediation. You will become more fluent in colloquial language and receive support to minimize your accent.

Conversation topics include not only texts but also other media such as short films, pictures, songs, news, etc., as well as problems that need to be solved together.

A language course thrives on people meeting each other. It is therefore particularly important that you participate actively and regularly and prepare well.

Teaching Offer: 2 SWS (Semester Weekly Hours)

Proof of Participation: Non-graded, at least 80% attendance

Workload: 45 UE (Teaching Units)

  • 30 teaching units in class
  • 15 teaching units of self-study (speech resources, etc.)
  • ECTS (Incomings): 2


Course materials will be provided by the instructor.


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Mo. 16:00 - 18:00 Weekly 09.09.2024 - 06.01.2025 Trondheim Building - TRO 207

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1.  



Target Group: The German C1-C2 Conversation Course is suitable for students with advanced knowledge who have successfully completed the C1.1 course or scored at least 203 points on the placement test.

Course Content:

In this course, you will gain more confidence in using the language in professional and public settings, expand your vocabulary, try out idiomatic expressions, and practice spontaneous rephrasing as well as strategies for interaction and mediation. You will become more fluent in colloquial language and receive support to minimize your accent.

Conversation topics include not only texts but also other media such as short films, pictures, songs, news, etc., as well as problems that need to be solved together.

A language course thrives on people meeting each other. It is therefore particularly important that you participate actively and regularly and prepare well.

Teaching Offer: 2 SWS (Semester Weekly Hours)

Proof of Participation: Group Presentation

Workload: 45 UE (Teaching Units)

  • 30 teaching units in class
  • 15 teaching units of exam preparation
  • ECTS (Incomings): 2


Course materials will be provided by the instructor.


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 Weekly 12.09.2024 - 09.01.2025 Oslo Building - OSL 236

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1. 



Target group:

The language course "Understanding Scientific Language" is suitable for students, doctoral students and international researchers with advanced knowledge who have successfully completed the C 1.1 course or have achieved at least 203 points in the placement test.

Course content:

What do German scientists do when they do science – and what linguistic means do they use for this purpose and in what way?

This course supports you in mastering the linguistic, methodological and organisational requirements of studying at a university in Germany. In the course, you will do exercises on typical forms of academic communication and, if necessary, receive practical advice on learning-techniques and academic work at a German university.

The course book is divided into 4 sections: "Studying at German universities", "Understanding Ordinary Scientific Language", "The grammar of scientific texts" and "Reading and understanding scientific texts". The focus is on the lexis, idiom and metaphor of Ordinary Scientific Language as a specific form of everyday language in an academic context and the typical German academic style.

Contact hours: 2 hrs/week

Assessment: portfolio (70%), presentation (30%)

Workload: 75 UE

·         30 h attendance

·         30 h portfolio

·         15 h exam preparation

ECTS (Incomings): 3


Please have the following course textbook and grammar purchased by the beginning of the course:

Nadja Fügert, Ulrike Richter (2016): Wissenschaftssprache verstehen. Wortschatz – Grammatik – Stil – Lesestrategien. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. Mit Lösungen online (Zugangscode im Buch). Stuttgart: Klett. – ISBN 978-3-12-675298-5


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2024
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Thu. 18:00 - 20:00 Weekly 12.09.2024 - 08.01.2025 Oslo building - OSL 236

If a class is canceled due to the teacher's illness, make-up sessions can be scheduled during exam period 1.  



Target Group:

The language course "Scientific Writing" is suitable for students, doctoral candidates and international scientists with advanced knowledge who have successfully completed the C 1.1 course or have achieved at least 203 points in the placement test.

Course Content:

In this course you will learn standards and rules of scientific writing, as well as techniques and linguistic devices for writing scientific texts. The focus is on writing a scientific term paper. You will get tips on planning and structuring the writing process, as well as revising your text.

Contact hours: 2 hrs/week

Assessment: portfolio (70%), 2 short presentations (30%)

Workload: 75 UE

·         30 h attendance

·         30 h portfolio

·         15 h exam preparation

ECTS (Incomings): 3


Please have the following course textbook and grammar purchased by the beginning of the course:

Fügert, Nadja; Richter, Ulrike (2016): Wissenschaftlich arbeiten und schreiben. Wissenschaftliche Standards und Arbeitstechniken, wissenschaftlich formulieren, Textsorten. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. Mit Lösungen online (Code im Buch). Klett: Stuttgart.  ISBN 978-3-12-675311-1


Unfortunately this course is already booked out. Registration is not possible anymore.

Placement test

placement test is required for enrollment at level A1.2 and above if you have not yet taken and successfully completed any courses with us.