- Lecture number
- 042106k
- Semester
- Spring semester 2024
- Type
- Language course
- Registration deadline
- 02/11/2024
- Maximum number of participants
- 18
Elevate Your English level B2.1 is part one of the three level Elevate Your English module offered by the EUF Language Center. Join us for an intensive three week four hours per day course to maintain and build on the English you have learned in high school and elsewhere. This course is rooted in an English for academic purposes context, but is more than suitable for everyday communication in English. Prepare yourself for study-abroad by learning the English skills necessary for taking a TOEFL ITP, learning academic level vocabulary, and putting into practice grammar knowledge, or just come and expand your knowledge and practice the skills of English.
This module is consists of three levels, of which this is the first. A B2.2 course will be offered in the Spring semester so that you can continue on your English learning journey.
Please bring the following literature with you to the first class:Language Hub Upper Intermediate Student’s Book + access to Student’s App
ISBN: 978-3-19-122984-9
- Lecture number
- 042105k
- Semester
- Spring semester 2024
- Type
- Language course
- Registration deadline
- 05/22/2024
- Maximum number of participants
- 18
- Sylvie Akouvi Essenam Adjeoda
Language of instruction: German and French
Target group:
The intensive French A1 course is suitable for participants with no previous knowledge. It is aimed at students in whose degree program a foreign language module is an integral part of their studies (e.g. SoWi), and students from all faculties as well as EUF employees.
Course content:
The main aim of the course is to teach basic French language skills. The topics covered in the course and the teaching and learning activities are based on the textbook "Perspectives Allez-y ! A1" textbook (see below). The course is also based on the communicative and intercultural method. Using everyday conversation topics and situations (greetings and introductions, drinks and orders and orders, likes and dislikes, work, hobbies ...) the four language skills (speaking, writing, reading and listening) are taught to acquire the A1 level according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation are taught/learned using different types of exercises and teaching methods. The grammar focuses on personal pronouns, articles, interrogative words, alignment and position of the adjective, possessive companions, negation, conjugation of verbs on -er, -ir, perfect with having and being, modal verbs, reflexive verbs, future tense.
100 units: classroom and online teaching and 80 units: self-study, homework, final exam
Organizational matters:
- Dates: 12.02-08.03.24 each from 09:30 - 14:30 incl. breaks of 60 minutes in total.
- The course takes place in hybrid: Weeks 1 and 3 in presence, weeks 2 and 4 online and the exam day in presence. Further information on this and the WebEx access data will be sent to the participants by email before the start date.
- The language course is designed so that participants complete level A1 in four weeks. If they pass the test, they can take the French A2.1 course in the following semester.
Learning modes:
Individual, team and group work, autonomous learning
Proof of performance: ECTS 6 (for incomings and SoWi-students only)
Active participation in the course as well as independent learning outside lesson times (completing homework, vocabulary and grammar work, etc.) are prerequisites for a successful completion of the course. On the last day of class, a test is taken consisting of listening comprehension, reading comprehension, written production, grammar and vocabulary. The course participants can receive a graded certificate of achievement if they have completed the course and have successfully passed the test. Only a certificate of achievement entitles you to participate in the follow-up course.
Bitte haben Sie zum Kursbeginn folgendes Lehrwerk vorliegen:
Perspectives-Allez-y ! A1 Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Lösungsheft und Vokabeltaschenbuch Inkl. komplettem Hörmaterial (3 CDs) u. DVD.
ISBN 978-3-06-520176-6
- Lecture number
- 380140k
- Semester
- Spring semester 2024
- Type
- Practice
- Registration deadline
- 08/19/2024
- Maximum number of participants
- 25
1. Description du cours
Ce cours s’adresse non seulement aux étudiant.e.s de la filière Enseignement du français qui n’ont pas encore acquis le niveau B1 et dont la participation aux cours est obligatoire afin qu’ils·elles puissent se préparer à leurs études, mais aussi à tou·te·s les étudiant.e.s de l’Université de Flensburg ayant acquis le niveau A2.2 et souhaitant développer leurs savoirs, leur savoir-faire et leur savoir-être en langue et culture françaises, décrits dans le niveau B1 du CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues) d’une part et améliorer leurs aptitudes académiques.
S’inscrivant dans une perspective actionnelle et interculturelle, les activités pédagogiques permettront aux apprenant.e.s d’acquérir/ travailler les quatre compétences langagières telles que la compréhension écrite, la compréhension orale, l’expression écrite et l’expression orale. Les structures grammaticales abordées seront l’accord de l’adjectif, la voix passive, les pronoms démonstratifs, les temps du passé entre autres. Les séances s’articuleront autour de différentes thématiques qui concernent essentiellement les situations courantes et concrètes de la vie (p. ex. les cinq sens, le bonheur, les revendications, les langues régionales, la France en Europe entre autres) et qui seront abordées à l’aide de documents authentiques et fabriqués sous des formes variées.
La langue d’enseignement est le français.
2. Manuel
Fischer, Martin B. et al. (2017). Perspectives
Allez-y ! B1. Berlin : Cornelsen Verlag. ISBN 978-3-06-520187-2
3. Charge de travail
La participation active en classe et l’apprentissage autonome d’environ 90h (apprentissage du vocabulaire et de la grammaire, préparation de cours, exposés, devoirs, production écrite entre autres) sont deux conditions indispensables pour développer les quatre compétences langagières.
4. Évaluation
À la fin du cours intensif se tiendra une épreuve écrite composée de compréhension orale, de compréhension écrite, d’éléments langagiers et de production écrite. L’évaluation finale n’est pas une condition d’admission aux études de l’enseignement du français.
Crédits ECTS : 6 pour les étudiant.e.s des autres filières à condition d’avoir accompli les tâches nécessaires et réussi à l’examen final.
5. Organisation
Durée et horaires de cours : 26-30.08.2024 de 9-16h en ligne, 02-06.09.24 de 9-16h en présentiel.
Veuillez noter que les horaires sont sujets à modification.
Salle : OSL 240
Inscription : En plus de l’inscription en ligne, envoyez s’il vous plaît un mail à Monsieur Dr. Ranjakasoa-Block au plus tard jusqu’au 18.08.2024 : andriatiana.ranjakasoa-block-PleaseRemoveIncludingDashes-@uni-flensburg.de. Un mail de confirmation contenant le lien pour les séances en ligne vous sera envoyé.
Fischer, Martin B. et al. (2017). Perspectives
Allez-y ! B1. Berlin : Cornelsen Verlag. ISBN 978-3-06-520187-2
- Lecture number
- 042060k
- Semester
- Spring semester 2024
- Type
- Language course
- Registration deadline
- 02/15/2024
- Maximum number of participants
- 18
- Daniel Goetze
Language of instruction: German and Spanish
The Spanish A2 intensive course is suitable for learners with some previous knowledge of Spanish. The course builds on the A1 course.
Basic knowledge of Spanish grammar and vocabulary will be developed using everyday conversation topics and situations. The following topics are the main focus of the vocabulary development: Learning, health, food, professions, the diary, city, historical dates, home and travel.
Grammar topics include the following: The present indicative of regular verbs, irregular verbs, the reflexive verbs, frequency ("siempre, todos los días, muchas veces"), adverbs of quantity, the adjectives, genus of nouns, the impersonal forms with "se", the perfect tense (formation and use), irregular participles, evaluation, time and dates, future tenses, prepositions, comparatives, periphrases, relative clauses, imperatives, "indefinido" and "imprerfecto". Afterwards, students will understand a radio report, give a mini-presentation, write and correct a story, describe a picture and talk about proverbs, etc.
The 60-lesson course takes place 3 weeks before the lecture period and is designed so that participants complete level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Please have the following textbook ready by the start of your first class:
Gente hoy 1, Level A1+A2. (Libro del alumno) ISBN: 978-3-12-515710-1 Unterrichtsinhalt: Lección 5-12
- Lecture number
- 042061k
- Semester
- Spring semester 2024
- Type
- Language course
- Maximum number of participants
- 18
- Olga Kim-Wtorow
Language of instruction: German
The course is aimed at all those who have already successfully completed an A2 German course with proof of performance and want to consolidate their knowledge, but also at those who would like to attend the B1 German course in the autumn semester 2024/25. This course serves as a refresher of the content learnt (A2) and as preparation for the B1 course. This course is intended to build a "bridge" between two courses. The content of the course is made up of a fixed core and a selection of topics that the participants can determine or choose themselves with the help of a short survey. Successful completion of the course requires regular and active participation, but also good preparation and the completion of homework. The bridge course concludes with a final test.
Workload: 60 teaching units
- 30 teaching units attendance
- 20 teaching units of self-study
- 10 teaching units of compulsory homework and test preparation
Proof of attendance:
- Ungraded
- 2 CP can be acquired
Kursmaterialien werden von der Kursleitung zu Verfügung gestellt.
Placement test
A placement test is required for enrollment at level A1.2 and above if you have not yet taken and successfully completed any courses with us.