Prof. Dr.Uwe Puetter

Picture of Uwe Puetter


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Seminar für Politikwissenschaft und Politikdidaktik
Professorinnen und Professoren


No Title Type Semester
2231022l European Union Politics and Policies II Vorlesung Autumn semester 2024
531015l Forschungskolloquium II Kolloquium Autumn semester 2024
22331011l Sub-module 1 "Current Topics in EU Law and Politics – Politics Track" & Sub-module 2 "EU Institutions as Crisis Managers and Engines of European Integration” Seminar Autumn semester 2024
5310s21l Die Wirtschafts-, Währungs- und Sozialpolitik der Europäischen Union Seminar Autumn semester 2024
110225l The normalisation of the European Council Workshop Autumn semester 2024

Academic Profile

Uwe Puetter holds the Professorship for European Integration and European Politics at Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF). Professor Puetter is spokesperson of the Institute for Social Sciences and Theology. Prior to this he was Professor of European Public Policy and Governance at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, where he had taught since 2004. He also teaches at the College of Europe in Bruges. Uwe Puetter’s research and teaching focuses on European Union (EU) politics and policy-making. He is a leading expert on the European Council and the Council and EU institutional change. His most recent research focuses on contemporary challenges to European integration. Among his most recent publications are 'The Institutions of the European Union' (Oxford University Press 2021) (with Dermot Hodson and Sabine Saurugger), 'Who determined what governments really wanted? Preference formation and the euro crisis' (with Robert Csehi) and ‘The European Union in disequilibrium: new intergovernmentalism, postfunctionalism and integration theory in the post-Maastricht period (with Dermot Hodson).

Professor Puetter’s research articles'Europe's deliberative intergovernmentalism: the role of the Council and the European Council in EU economic governance' and 'The new intergovernmentalism: European integration in the post-Maastricht era' have been repeatedly on the TOP 10 lists of the most read articles of the Journal of European Public Policyand the Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) respectively. The JCMS article and the book 'The new intergovernmentalism: states, supranational actors, and European politics in the post-Maastricht era’ (Oxford University Press 2015) are written with Chris Bickerton and Dermot Hodson. They propose a novel theoretical framework for the analysis of contemporary EU integration and its contestations. Uwe Puetter is author of the books ‘The European Council and the Council. New intergovernmentalism and institutional change’ (Oxford University Press 2014), ‘The Eurogroup. How a secretive circle of finance ministers shape European economic governance’ (Manchester University Press 2006) and 'Die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik der EU' (The economic and social policy of the EU, UTB 2008).

Together with Sergio Fabbrini Uwe Puetter is the co-editor of the special issue 'Integration without supranationalisation: the central role of the European Council in post-Lisbon EU politics', published by the Journal of European Integration in July 2016. The special issue discusses the centrality of the European Council and the Council in EU decision-making and features a set of case studies on different policy areas and inter-institutional relations with the European Commission and the European Parliament.

Uwe Puetter was a member of the Horizon 2020 project 'EMU Choices' which surveyed decision-making in European Union member states during the euro crisis. He also participated in the European Commission funded FP7 project 'bEUcitizen' and led the research themes ‘Market constraints and political choice’ and ‘Democratic parliamentary control in times of crisis’ and was a co-coordinator of the project's work package on 'Forward looking activities'.

He served on the Executive Board of the FP7 research consortium 'bEUcitizen' and was a member of the Committee of the 'University Association for Contemporary European Studies' (UACES) as well as a fellow speaker of the 'Sprecher/innen'-team of the 'Arbeitskreis Integrationsforschung' of the 'Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft' (AKI-DVPW) - the working group on European integration research of the German Association for Political Science. Uwe Puetter was appointed as a member and later vice chair of the European Research Council Advanced Grant evaluation panel 'SH2: Institutions, Values, Beliefs and Behaviour' in 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017.

A trained political scientist, Uwe Puetter received his PhD from Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland/UK. He carried out the first comprehensive institutional analysis of the so-called Eurogroup - the informal circle of finance ministers coordinating the economic policies of the euro area countries. For his research on the Eurogroup Uwe Puetter has received the 'Lord Bryce Prize for Best Dissertation in International Relations/ Comparative Studies in 2003-2004' awarded by the Political Studies Association in the United Kingdom, and the 'Ernst B. Haas Prize' sponsored by the European Politics and Society Section of the American Political Studies Association.


Access Uwe Puetter’s Google Scholar profile (external link). All publications are also available on ORCID (external link), including Bibtex bibliographic data.

Puetter, U. (2014), The European Council and the Council. New intergovernmentalism and institutional change, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Puetter, U. (2009), Die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik der Europäischen Union, Vienna/Stuttgart: Facultas WUV, UTB Politikwissenschaft.

Puetter, U. (2006), The Eurogroup. How a secretive circle of finance ministers shape European economic governance, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Hodson, D./ Puetter, U./ Saurugger, S. (2021), The institutions of the European Union,5th Edition, Oxford University Press.

Fabbrini, S./ Puetter, U. (2016), Integration without supranationalization, special issue, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38, No. 5.

Bickerton, C./ Hodson, D./ Puetter, U. (2015), The new intergovernmentalism: States and supranational actors in the post-Maastricht era, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Puetter, U./ Wiener, A. (2009), Contested norms in international relationsJournal of International Law and International Relations, Vol. 5.

Puetter, U. (2008), Expert committees in a Union of 27 – the formal and informal processes of institutional adjustment, special issue, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 30, No. 4.

Puetter, U. (2007), Committee governance in an enlarged European UnionEuropean Political Economy Review, No. 6.

Puetter, U./ Puntscher Riekmann, S. (2021), The determinants of euro zone development: governments and fragile legitimacy, Journal of European Public Policy, 28(6), 886-893.

Puetter, U. (2021), Introducing the debate section: ‘Who leads the euro zone? From crisis management to future reform, Journal of European Public Policy, 28(6), 880-885.

Csehi, R./ Puetter. U. (2021), Who determined what governments really wanted? Preference formation and the euro crisis.

Kassim, H./ Saurugger, S./ Puetter, U. (2020), The Study of National Preference Formation in Times of the Euro Crisis and Beyond, Political Studies Review, 18(4), 463-474.

Bojovic, J./ Munta, M./ Puetter, U. (2020), The European Stability Mechanism and Domestic Preference Formation During the Eurocrisis: The Role of Non-Governmental Actors, Political Studies Review, 18(4), 475-490.

Hodson, D./ Puetter, U. (2019), The European Union in disequilibrium. New intergovernmentalism, postfunctionalism and integration theory in the post-Maastricht period, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 26, No. 8. 

Hodson, D./ Puetter, U. (2018), Studying Europe after the fall: Towards a post-EU studies?, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 25, No. 3.

Maricut, A./ Puetter, U. (2018), Deciding on the European Semester: The European Council, the Council and the enduring asymmetry between economic and social policy issues, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 25, No. 2.

Fabbrini, S./ Puetter, U. (2016), Integration without supranationalisation: studying the lead roles of the European Council and the Council in post-Lisbon EU politics, in: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38, No. 5. 

Puetter, U. (2016), The centrality of consensus and deliberation in contemporary EU politics and the new intergovernmentalism, in: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38, No. 5.

Fabbrini, S./ Puetter, U. (2016), Catalysts of integration – the role of core intergovernmental forums in EU politics, in: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 38, No. 5.

Bickerton, C./ Hodson, D./ Puetter, U. (2015), The new intergovernmentalism: European integration in the post-Maastricht era, in: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 53, No. 4.

Bickerton, C./ Hodson, D./ Puetter, U. (2015), Something new: A rejoinder to Frank Schimmelfennig, in: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 53, No. 4, 2015.

Puetter, U. (2015), Deliberativer Intergouvernementalismus und institutioneller Wandel: die Europäische Union nach der Euro-Krise, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Vol. 56, No. 3.

Puetter, U. (2014), The rotating Council presidency and the new intergovernmentalism, in: The International Spectator, Vol. 49, No. 4. 

Batory, A./ Puetter, U. (2013), Consistency and diversity? The EU’s rotating trio Council presidency after the Lisbon Treaty, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 20, No. 1. 

Puetter, U. (2012), Europe’s deliberative intergovernmentalism – the role of the Council and European Council in EU economic governance, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 19, No. 2. 

Puetter, U./ Wiener, A. (2009),  The quality of norms is what actors make of it: critical constructivist research on norms, in: Journal of International Law and International Relations, Vol. 5, No. 1.

Puetter, U. (2008), Adapting to enlargement: the role of formal and informal processes of institutional adjustment in EU committee governance, in: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 30, No. 4.

Grosche, G./ Puetter, U. (2008), Preparing the Economic and Financial Committee and the Economic Policy Committee for enlargement, in: Journal of European Integration, Vol. 30, No. 4. 

Puetter, U. (2007), Intervening from outside: the role of EU finance ministers in the constitutional politics, in: Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 14, No. 8. 

Puetter, U./ Wiener, A. (2007), Accommodating normative divergence in world politics. The case of European foreign policy coordination, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 45, No. 5. 

Puetter, U. (2007), Providing venues for contestation: the role of expert committees and informal dialogue among ministers in European economic policy coordination, in: Comparative European Politics, Vol. 5, No. 1.

Puetter, U. (2003), Informal circles of ministers – A way out of the EU’s institutional dilemmas?, in: European Law Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1.

Puetter, U. (2001), The informal Eurogroup: a new working method and an institutional compromise, in: Constitutionalism Web-Papers, No. 2.

Puetter, U. (2023), 'Germany and Brexit', in John Erik Fossum and Christopher Lord (eds.), Handbook on the European Union and Brexit (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited), 264-278.

Puetter, U. (2022), 'Consensus politics and EU disequilibrium: the German Council Presidency 2021 and the rule of law mechanism', in Sybille Münch and Hubert Heinelt (eds.), EU policymaking at crossroads (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited), 233-250.

Hodson, D./ Puetter, U. (2022), The euro crisis and European integration, in M. Cini/ N. Pérez-Solórzano Borragán (eds.), European Union Politics (7th edn.; Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Hodson, D./ Puetter, U./ Saurugger, S. (2021), Intergovernmental versus supranational and beyond: Five dimensions of EU institutional politics, in D. Hodson/ U. Puetter/ S. Saurugger (eds.), The institutions of the European Union (5th edn.; Oxford: Oxford University Press).

van Middelaar, L./ Puetter, U. (2021), The European Council: the Union’s supreme decision-maker, in D. Hodson/ U. Puetter/ S. Saurugger (eds.), The institutions of the European Union (5th edn.; Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Puetter, U. (2021), The Council of the European Union: co-legislator, coordinator, and exeutive power, in D. Hodson/ U. Puetter/ S. Saurugger (eds.), The institutions of the European Union (5th edn.; Oxford: Oxford University Press), 78-105.

Hodson, D./ Puetter, U./ Saurugger, S. (2021), EU Institutional Politics: Growing Wiser?, in D. Hodson/ U. Puetter/ S. Saurugger (eds.), The institutions of the European Union (5th edn.; Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Leuffen, D./ Puetter, U. (2021), Studying integration and EMU's choices, in Z. Kudrna/ S. Puntscher Riekmann/ F. Wasserfallen (eds.), The politics of eurozone reforms (London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers/ ECPR Press).

Puetter, U. (2021), The new intergovernmentalism and European integration, in H. Zimmermann/ A. Dür (eds.), Key controversies in European Integration (3rd edn.; London: Macmillan Education Limited).

Puetter, U. (2018), Der Rat der Europäischen Union und die Eurogruppe, in B. Lippert/ P. Becker (eds.), Handbuch Europäische Union (Berlin Springer VS-Verlag).

Puetter, U. (2018), How financial market constraints and technocratic decision-making impact on European political citizenship and democracy during the euro crisis, in D. Levi-Faur/ F. Van Waarden (eds.), Democratic Empowerment in the European Union (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).

Puetter, U. (2017), Brexit and the European Union’s institutional balance. How member states and EU institutions adapt to decision-making, in F. Fabbrini (ed.), The law an politics of Brexit (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Puetter, U. (2016), The new intergovernmentalism in EU governance, in A. Dür/H. Zimmermann (eds.), Key controversies in European integration (2nd edn.; Houndmills/ Basingstoke: Palgrave).

Hodson, D./ Puetter, U. (2015), The Euro crisis and European Integration, in M. Cini/ N. Perez-Solorzano Borragan (eds.), European Union Politics (5th edn.; Oxford: Oxford University Press). 

Puetter, U. (2015), New intergovernmentalism: the European Council, and its resident, in F. Fabbrini/ E. Hirsch Ballin/ H. Somsen (eds.), What form of government for the European Union and the Eurozone? (Oxford: Hart Publishing).

Bickerton, C./ Hodson, D./ Puetter, U. (2015), The new intergovernmentalism and the study of European Integration, in C. Bickerton/ D. Hodson/ U. Puetter (eds.), The new intergovernmentalism: States and supranational actors in the post-Maastricht era (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Puetter, U. (2015), The European Council: the centre new intergovernmentalism, in C.Bickerton/D. Hodson/ U.Puetter (eds.), The new intergovernmentalism: States and supranational actors in the post-Maastricht era (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Bickerton, C./ Hodson, D./ Puetter, U. (2015), Conclusions: The Post-Maastricht period and beyond, in C. Bickerton/D. Hodson/ U. Puetter, (eds.), The new intergovernmentalism: States and supranational actors in the post-Maastricht era (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Hodson, D./ Puetter, U. (2013), The EU and the economic crisis, in M. Cini/ N. Perez-Solorzano Borraga (eds.), European Union Politics (4th edn.; Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Puetter, U. (2012), The new intergovernmentalism in EU governance, in A. Dür/H. Zimmermann (eds), Key controversies in European Integration (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave).

Puetter, U. (2012), The latest attempt at institutional engineering – the Lisbon Treaty and deliberative intergovernmentalism in EU foreign and security policy Koordination, in P.J. Cardwell (ed.), EU external relations, law and policy in the post-Lisbon era (The Hague: TMC Asser Press).

Puetter, U. (2012), Economic and monetary policy-making through informal governance, in T.Christiansen/C. Neuhold (eds.), International handbook on informal governance (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers).

Puetter, U. (2011), The Council: How the member states agree on Europe’s external policies, in D. Bailey/ U. Wunderlich (eds.), The European Union and global governance. A handbook (London: Routledge).

Puetter, U. (2008), Regieren in der Euro-Zone und die wirtschaftspolitische Koordination in der erweiterten Union – warum die Stärkung deliberativer Entscheidungsprozesse wichtig ist, in E. Bos/ Ellen, J. Dieringer (eds.), Die Genese einer Union der 27. Die Europäische Union nach der Osterweiterung (Wiesbaden: VS Verlag).

Csehi, R./ Puetter, U. (2016), Constraints imposed by financial markets on political choice in the EU, bEUcitizen Report, Deliverable 8.1.

Csehi, R./ Puetter, U. (2016), Democratic parliamentary control in times of crisis, bEUcitizen Report, Deliverable 8.5.

Puetter, U. (2015),  The European Council and the Council: perspectives on new dynamics in EU governance. In-depth analysis for the Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO), European Parliament, Brussels.

Puetter, U. (2014, October 20), Despite attention focusing on Juncker’s new Commission, the European Council will remain the real centre of EU decision-making, EUROPP blog, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Puetter, U. (2013), The European Council – the new centre of EU politicsSIEPS Policy Analysis, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Stockholm.

Puetter, U. (2012), The European Council has become the new centre of political gravity in EU decision-making, EUROPP blog, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Puetter, U. (2012), Der europäische Wohlfahrtsstaat oder die Wohlfahrtsstaaten der Europäischen Union? (The European welfare state or the welfare states of the European Union), invited blog commentary, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin.

Puetter, U. (2012), Governing the euro area in good times and bad, book review, in: Parliamentary Affairs, Volume 66, Issue 2, Pages 452-456.

Hlavní je jednota (What matters is unity)Lidové Noviny, 12 January 2012, invited newspaper comment on the euro crisis.

Eurogroup, in: Academic Foresights, No. 3, January 2012.

Puetter, U. / Wiener, A. (2011), The intergovernmental dimension of EU foreign and security policy: enacting normative meaning-in-use in policy deliberationCEUR Working Paper Series, No. 2, September 2011.

Batory, A./ Puetter, U. (2011), The trio presidency of the European Union after the Lisbon Treaty. The Spanish, Belgium and Hungarian group presidency, Working Paper, Hungarian European Society, January 2011.

Puetter, U. (2011), Review article: Christina J. Schneider: Conflict, negotiation and European Union enlargement, in: Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 20, No. 9.

Puetter, U./ Wiener, A. (2010), Informal elite dialogue and democratic control in EU foreign and security policyRECON Working Paper, 07/2010.

Puetter, U./ Wiener, A. (2009), EU foreign policy elites and fundamental norms – implications for governanceRECON Working Paper, 12/2009.

Puetter, U. (2007), Yes, but the key is tying EU decision-making to domestic politics, comments on Loukas Tsoukalis, in: Europe’s World.

Monetary union, Encyclopedia of Governance, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2007.

Puetter, U. (2005), Wade Jacoby: The enlargement of the European Union. Ordering from the menu in Central Europe, book review, in: Western European Politics, Vol. 28, No. 5.


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