Project ViNoRHM Events
ViNoRHM Project Reception
Following the ViNoRHM Project workshop, there will be a reception, at the European Centre for Minority Issues in Kompagnietor, beginning at 7:00 pm. The reception will include a brief talk by Prof. Dr. Gijsbert Rutten (Centre for Linguistics, Leiden University) and plenty of networking opportunities over champagne and snacks.
Please register by 30 September 2023.
Register here. [54524]
The ViNoRHM Project opening Workshop is a one-day event from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on October 4, 2023. The workshop will take place in the Blue Room of the Dansk Centralbibliotek for Sydslesvig. This workshop is designed to give an introduction to the ViNoRHM Project and related topics. There will be a panel on linguistically relevant topics as well as a panel on regionally specific topics. The workshop will be rounded out by a synthesis discussion by an expert panel.
Both the workshop and the reception will take place in English and German, with presentations in the language of choosing of the presenters.
Local organizers: Samantha Litty & Andre Hermann