Archive: Transfer field "Research-based cooperation and application"
"This transfer field focuses on research outcomes from all disciplines as the central subjects of knowledge transfer. Collaborative partners encompass stakeholders from all societal sectors except universities and non-academic research institutions. These partners engage in contractually formalized collaborations aimed at utilizing and applying research-based knowledge. The objective is to achieve practical application and societal/economic benefits."
Thematic Focus: Teaching, Education, Schooling and Socialization
ViContact 2.0
Further development of a (virtual) training program for educators on conversing with children in cases of suspected of sexual abuse.
The "Media Model Schools" project aims to closely connect involved or interested stakeholders from research, training, and school practice.
"Study as you are!" - Designing requirements and implementing strategies for barrier-sensitive university teaching, exemplified by inclusive-digital language pedagogy.
Integral Media Education in Schleswig-Holstein School and Classroom Contexts: An Interdisciplinary, Participatory Pilot Project.
"Digital and inclusive challenges for Norwegian and German Learning and Education": An inclusive digital subject concept for university foreign language didactics in Europe.
Applied Research on Humor in the Workplace Context Prof. Dr. Tabea Scheel
Family in Schools (FiSch)
The long-term effectiveness of multifamily therapies is to be investigated as part of a catamnestic study.
Thematic Focus: Europe / Society, Politics, and Culture
Europe-related competences in German classes (Jean Monnet Project)
Studies on NS continuities
Two innovative studies on the Nazi burden on the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government after 1945 were commissioned by the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament.
Discourse and representation of Europe's conflict-ridden past (BMBF project)
Communication, cultural diversity and solidarity: intercultural discourses in various European countries
Thematic Focus: Transformation and Sustainability
Politiken der Nicht-Nachhaltigkeit: National-autoritärer Populismus und neue soziale Disparitäten als gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen einer sozial-ökologischen Transformation [National-Authoritarian Populism and Emerging Social Disparities as Societal Contexts for a Socio-Ecological Transformation]
Entwicklungschancen und -hemmnisse einer suffizienzorientierten Stadtentwicklung II [Opportunities and barriers to the development of a sufficiency-oriented urban development II] - How can we design an urban neighbourhood to ensure quality of life while minimising resource use?
The research project "Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie im Vergleich unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien [Comparing the Common Good Economy with Corporate Sustainability Strategies] (GIVUN)" aims to provide a historical and economic-ethical contextualization, along with empirical research, for common good-oriented economic practices.
Head Roadmap Europe
A low-carbon heating and cooling strategy for Europe
The CoalExit project deals with the economics of the coal phase-out. The phase-out of coal entails various opportunities but also risks, which are analyzed in more detail in this project.
Transnational Centre for Just Transitions in Energy, Climate & Sustainability
IN FORM Project "Lebensweltorientierte klimafreundliche und gesundheitsfördernde Ernährungsbildung vulnerabler Bevölkerungsgruppen" [Lifeworld-Centered Education on Climate-Friendly and Preventative Nutrition for Vulnerable Population Groups]
Entwicklung einer klimafreundlichen und gesundheitsförderlichen Ernährung im Kontext von Bildung und Ausbildung innerhalb der Grenzregion von Deutschland und Dänemark [Developing a diet for healthy eating in the German-Denmark border region through education and training]
The KonsumAlpha project primarily aims to bring together consumer education and basic education.
OptIES Dörpum
Joint research project with industry partner EcoWert 360° on "offene Optimierung sektorgekoppelter regionaler Energiesysteme am Beispiel Intelligentes Energiesysem Dörpum (2022-2024)" [Open Optimization of Sector-Coupled Regional Energy Systems using the example of the Intelligent Energy System Dörpum (2022-2024)]
Klimaresiliente Stadt-Umland Kooperation. Regionale Innovationen energetischer Biomassennutzung und Governance [Climate-Resilient City-Periphery Cooperation: Regional Innovations in Energy Biomass Utilization and Governance]
Competence Management for Technical Work in the High-Tech Industry
The CityGO project aims to develop methods and materials that enable higher education institutions to conduct high-quality and engaging problem-based learning in a digital environment.
Development and testing of new learning concepts in the context of Industry 4.0 (Erasmus+ project)
Sustainability in textile praxis
Joint International Research Project with the International Institute for Management and Economic Education, Economics, Istanbul (Turkey), and Namangan (Uzbekistan
University dialogue with the Islamic world
International research project on "Business ethics with the example of sustainable textile production in Jordan and Uzbekistan"