University News

Europeweek at Europa-Universität Flensburg

Four days on European topics

From 09. to 12. May a Europe week takes place again at the European University: For four days pupils, teachers and students will deal with Europe from different perspectives.

Opening on Tuesday

On Tuesday, May 9, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Glassmann, Vice President for Europe & International Affairs, will open the Europe Week. "With Europe Week 2023, the EUF offers a diverse program that both celebrates the idea of European unification and addresses the problems that the young generation in Europe in particular is currently struggling with," he says, outlining the program.

Lectures and Discussions

Topics and formats are manifold. Over the four days, European issues will be addressed, on the one hand, in lectures, such as the presentation of philosophical approaches to Europe (Prof. Dr. Anne Reichold, Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.), the presentation of the history of Franco-German relations and its reflection in the chanson (Prof. Dr. Cordula Neis, Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.), or the historicization of Europe in the 21st century (Dr. Sébastien Tremblay, Wednesday, 8:00-10:00 a.m.). On the other hand, two major discussions will deal with the political polarization of Europe (Tuesday, 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.) and the issue of potential elevation in sports and business in Germany and Denmark (Thursday, 5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.).

Exhibitions, Videoinstallations, Informations Booths and two conferences

Exhibitions and video installations as well as information booths about international studies can be seen and visited throughout the week. EUF's Model of United Nations (MUN) university group will host a MUN and Model of European Union (MEU) conference with two committees: The first committee will simulate the Council of the European Union and discuss the situation of refugees in Poland and Hungary. The second committee will simulate UN Women, the United Nations body for gender equality and empowerment of women, and discuss women's access to health care in health crises. Each committee will consist of up to 30 delegates from universities and high schools in Schleswig-Holstein. (Friday, 9:00 am - Sunday, 2:00 pm).

Rasmus Andresen, MEP: What kind of Europe can enable us to be inclusive for everyone and to fight the climate crisis?

On Friday, Rasmus Andresen, MEP for the Green Party, will speak on the topic: "Transforming Europe - Challenges and Opportunities for young Europeans". His key question is: "War in Ukraine, the climate crisis, high prices and growing poverty: the European Union is steering the course of our future. But what kind of Europe can enable us to be inclusive for everyone and to fight the climate crisis? What new challenges to our democracy are we facing due to the rise of nationalist parties?"

To the program


Every year on May 9, Europe Day is celebrated for peace and unity in Europe. It marks the anniversary of the so-called Schuman Declaration. On May 9, 1950, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed in a speech that a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) be created. Robert Schuman's proposal is considered the birth of what we now call the European Union.