Press releases of Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF)

Advancing the Integration of International Talent into Higher Education and the Workforce

Europa-Universität Flensburg Secures €1.1 Million in Project Funding

Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF) has successfully secured approximately €1.1 million for the "FIT@EUF" project, aimed at integrating international talent into higher education and the job market. This funding is provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) through its "FIT" program (Promoting Academic Success and Labour Market Integration of International Talents). The project aims to attract international students for full-time degree programs in Germany, support them throughout their studies, prepare them for professional careers, and connect them with potential employers. "FIT@EUF" aims to address the challenges of demographic change and the resulting shortage of skilled labor in Germany and the region.

A hub for interdepartmental collaboration

The project is positioned at the intersection of various departments and degree programs at EUF, with project staff working within the International Center. "During the application process, the head of the International Center, the Office of European and International Affairs, and the coordinator of the international master’s program in European Studies worked closely together. This allowed us to accurately identify the needs of international students at both university and program levels, in line with the internationalization goals of Europa-Universität Flensburg," explained Ulrike Bischoff-Parker, head of the International Center at EUF. "The project thus serves as an interface between various departments and degree programs at the university."

The project comprises four modules designed to meet the demand for high-quality,ongoing support and training:

  1. FITforEUF: Attracts additional international students for all degree programs.
  2. FITforSTUDY: Offers subject-specific tutorials and additional German language courses, alongside the regular curricula.
  3. FITforWORK: Provides training to prepare students for the German job market, as well as extensive informational resources.
  4. FITforNETWORK: Facilitates networking between EUF, international students, and stakeholders from business, politics, public service, and the cultural and educational sectors.

Significant Opportunities for International Students

"This project will create significant opportunities for international students," said Dr. Laura Asarite-Schmidt, coordinator of the master's program in European Studies at EUF. "The modules not only enable them to succeed academically, but also offer the chance to develop further and build networks for a successful entry into the German labor market."

Regional internationalization

Since its establishment in 2014, Europa-Universität Flensburg has significantly expanded its range of internationally oriented degree programs. FIT@EUF's four modules further advance and enhance this internationalization. "This, in turn, internationalizes the entire region, helping to attract skilled labor, promoting openness to the world, and building cooperative networks and structural bridges between our university and the business community. Both sides can benefit from this," emphasized Dr. Isabella Tegethoff, Senior Advisor for Europe and International Affairs.

"FIT@EUF" is funded by the DAAD with €1,107,042.32 for 4.5 years, from April 2024 to December 2028.