University Events Calendar

[Translate to 2-Englisch:] Design Basics for Scientists. Brush up your design skills to succesfully communicate your science


The workshop provides basic knowledge about the targeted use of design elements (typography, image, colour) and the most important principles of graphic design (proportion, alignment, negative space, hierarchy, etc.) to professionally present scientific contents. These basics will help you to make your presentation slides, posters, graphical abstracts, or papers more visually appealing. You will have the opportunity to put what you have learned directly into practice, revise, discuss and analyse your designs and receive valuable feedback from the group and the trainer.


Communication process: conception, context, objective, target group, media; key elements of graphic design: typography, colour, image, and visualisation; key principles of graphic design: proportion, usage of white space, focal point, alignment, grids etc; handling of essential tools to apply design principles in your science; practicing professional layout techniques

Methods: Lecture, practice-oriented exercises, discussion and analysis, feedback.

Please bring your laptops (with PowerPoint or your favourite software) and any examples or design tasks you are particularly interested in.



RIG 717
Auf dem Campus 1b
ZIP code and city
24943 Flensburg



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