University Events Calendar

"Brigid Meets Joyce": An Evening with Jan Carson


German English
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Combining St Brigid’s Day with the now-annual James Joyce Birthday Lecture, hence "Brigid meets Joyce," we are offering a special feminist twist on Joyce. Jan Carson — Northern Irish author of *The Firestarter* (2019), *The Last Resort* (2021), *The Raptures* (2023), and much more! — will be joining us for an evening of reading and discussion, using the focal points of legacy, place, and, most importantly, the role of women relative to her work and Joyce’s. 

This event is the final leg of the EFACIS Northern German Irish Itinerary. It's free, but donations are welcome for the drinks. Jan Carson's books will also be available for purchase and she'll be happy to sign them!

Readings will be in English with German translations provided (translations by Rebekka Rohleder)

Please register online by January 25! (places are limited)

Register here


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24937 Flensburg


EUF Centre for Irish Studies