Kalender des ICES

November 2023

Nov 09 Vorträge

Memories of Women´s Home Dressmaking (Petek Onur)

Donnerstag, 12:00 Uhr, RIGA 601
Petek Onur: Memories of Women´s Home Dressmaking in Turkey, Greece And Italy in 1950-1970: Building a Comparative Approach
Nov 17 Vorträge

Europasoziologie Book Launch

Freitag, 11:00 Uhr
Europasoziologie Book Launch
Nov 30 Dez 01

Conference: The future of European studies

ab Donnerstag, 14:45 Uhr, TAL (Senatsraum)
Conference: The future of European studies: teaching, research and international collaboration

Dezember 2023

Dez 06 Information

Info Event: Funding opportunities for scholars at risk

Mittwoch, 12:00 Uhr, RIGA 514
Info Event: Funding opportunities for (hosting) scholars at risk
Dez 06 Vorträge

Creating Meaning of Life (H. Krog)

Mittwoch, 16:00 Uhr
Wasatia-ICES Lecture: Creating Meaning of Life by Sharing Knowledge and Experience in a Network of a Community
Dez 07 Vorträge

Admission restrictions & social inequality in the HES

Donnerstag, 10:30 Uhr, RIGA 601
Talke Cassing: Admission restrictions and social inequality in the higher education system
Dez 13 Vorträge

Theol. Dialogue between Muslims & Christians (D. Marshall)

Mittwoch, 16:00 Uhr
Wasatia-ICES Lecture: The Building Bridges Seminar and Theological Dialogue between Muslims and Christians