Challenging Economic Assumptions

Matthias Schmelzer spricht im Podcast Challenging Economic Assumptions über eine der zentralen ökonomischen Annahmen unserer Zeit, das Wachstumsparadigma, und mögliche Alternativen. Andere Gäste sind Mohsen Javdani, Philip Heimberger und Katherine Trebeck.

Challenging Economic Assumptions podcast is kind of self-descriptive. It is about challenging our assumed ideas and beliefs of the economic system we live with, which determines so much of our lives, our values and understanding of the world.

In this series we hope to unpack some of the not-so-often questioned economic thinking that has lead us here and where we can go next. We talk to various thinkers and activists on the underlying economic assumptions that permeate our society, attempting to uncover new ways forward

Challenging Economic Assumptions podcast