WLAN-Flyer - page 4

There are four ways in which students can log onto the Internet, visit
the websites and download the automatic installation files:
1. Surf and download at home
All of the above websites can be accessed at home and the ins-
tallation programs can also be downloaded from there.
2. Connect your own notebook with the Internet via cable
Network sockets are available in all lecture halls and common
rooms. Connect your device with a standard network cable to
the network socket and you are „online“.
3. Use computer rooms
There are several computer rooms available on campus. In
these rooms you can log on using your network login informa-
tion (student ID number + password).
Main Building: HG 448
Extension Building: EB 062
Munketoft: MS 128
4. Use replacement WiFi „Uni-Studenten“
You can temporarily use a different WiFi.
And what do I do if I have no
Internet access in order to get to
the aforementioned websites?
For more information on the recovery of login information, please
1. Activate the WiFi function of the device
2. Connect with „Uni-Studenten“ wireless network.
3. Enter Network key: „StudierenInFlensburg“
4. Open Internet browser
5. On login page enter own login information (student ID
number + password)
I don‘t know my password, I‘ve
forgotten it ...
No. - WiFi and Studiport require different login information. To access
the wireless network you use the so-called „Netzzugangspasswort“,
the Internet access password that you received with your enrolment
documents and which you can also use for PC labs and e-mail.
Is the WiFi-password identical to
my Studiport-password?
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