
Steven Aiello has a BA in Economics (NYU) and an MA in Diplomacy and Conflict Studies (Reichman University), as well as studying Jewish law and philosophy, and Islamic law and philosophy, in Yeshivat Birkat Moshe and Tel Aviv University respectively. A Jewish, Italian-American-Israeli, Steven is primarily an activist, with a focus on peace education and youth empowerment in the Israeli-Palestinian context. He founded Debate for Peace to provide a safe space for students to debate respectfully, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills via Model United Nations. Steven has run over 30 youth conferences and 20 international delegations and serves as board member or coordinator for several youth and conflict resolution NGOs. Together with a friend from Syria he co-developed Empathy Storytelling, for Jewish and Arab youth to learn and share one another's stories, including a presentation at the Anne Frank House. He is also co-producer of an Israeli-Palestinian peace podcast (The Other Side), co-editor of The Write Path, an anthology of writing by Israeli and Palestinian youth in the aftermath of October 7th, and author of The Lesson of the Olive Tree: Contemporary Lessons Based on the Weekly Torah Readings.

Steven's areas of interest include Islamic and Jewish comparative studies. His research focus is on how classical texts in both religions have addressed the topics of peace, conflict, and treatment of "The Other".

Yosur Shukri Al-Kukhun is a Palestinian documentary film-maker as well as a social activist in the field of humanitarian and voluntary work. She grew up in Palestine, and had won two awards in the field of documentaries (both documentary films are related to the subject of gender and violence against women). Al-Kukhun has been in the field of visual documenting since 2011, to date. During her work as a documentary film-maker, she discovered her interests in disciplines enclosing: Narrative, Identity, Culture, and Affiliations and their vast impact on individuals, and decided to include these disciplines in her education. She wrote her Master dissertation about "The Use of Palestinian Narrative by Palestinian Diplomacy to Help in Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict after Oslo Accord (1993-2020)."

PhD-Project: Analysis of Cinema as Visual Narrative and its Role in screening the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Bashar Alzubaidi, born in 1989 in Iraq, pursued his academic journey with resilience and dedication. After completing his bachelor's degree in German Studies with English as a minor at the University of Baghdad, he received a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to continue his master's studies. From 2014 to 2016, Bashar successfully completed his Master of Arts in German as a Foreign and Second Language (DaF/DaZ) at the Philipps University of Marburg. Since 2017, Bashar has been committed to teaching German in integration and orientation courses, where he imparts language skills and cultural understanding to learners. Additionally, he served as a lecturer for Arabic at the Europa-Universität Flensburg. Bashar Alzubaidi has made significant contributions to translation and interpreting between German and Arabic, facilitating cultural dialogue through his work. Notably, he translated two influential works: "The Arabs and Europe: 2000 Years of Shared History" by Alfred Schlicht and "Imperial Way of Life: On the Exploitation of Humans and Nature in Global Capitalism" by Ulrich Brand and Markus Wissen. Currently, Bashar is engaged in a doctoral project focusing on knowledge transfer and intercultural dialogue. His research aims to deepen understanding and foster improved relations between the Arab and European worlds. The project, titled "Language and Identity, Cultural Contact, and Conflict Management between the Arab and European Worlds," reflects his dedication to promoting mutual understanding and cooperation across cultures.

Iclal Baki was born in 1990 and grew up in Hochtaunus (Hessen). After graduating from high school, she had a year of studying Arabic language as a pre-requisite for her studies in Islamic theology in Ankara, Turkey. Her Bachelor’s Degree spanned from the year 2012 to 2016 and was anchored on the religious rights of non-Muslims under the Muslim rule in the 11th century. However, having completed her Bachelor’s Degree in 2016, that same year, she enrolled for a Master of Arts Degree in Religion and Language at the University of Munster and completed it in 2019 with a thesis which examined Surah 36 of the Quran. In terms of work experience, since the end of 2019, she has been working as a research assistant in the Department of Dialogue of Religions at the Seminar for Systematic and Historical Theology of the University of Flensburg (EUF). She also took part in various interreligious platforms such as summer schools or Quran-Bible reading circles as well as giving lectures on Islam-related topics.

PhD Project: Islamische Replik auf christliche Dialogmodelle – Eine systematisch-wissenschaftliche Bestandsaufnahme

Jelena Beljin is a reseacher whose academic journey reflects a deeply interdisciplinary approach, resulting in a richly diverse academic background. Born in Belgrade, Serbia, and raised in Berlin, she completed her Bachelor of Arts Degree at the Freie Universität zu Berlin, majoring in Protestant Theology and Non-Christian Religions. Building upon this foundation, she continued her studies at Humboldt Universität Berlin, earning a Master of Arts Degree in Religion and Culture. Her academic profile extends beyond theology, in particular encompassing disciplines such as cultural studies, philosophy, and inter-religious studies. As a research assistant at the Department of Dialogue of Religions at the Seminar for Systematic and Historical Theology of the University of Flensburg (EUF), she has taught courses in Systematic Theology, Comparative Theology, Inter-religious Dialogue, and Applied Ethics. Her year-long experience as a research staff member also includes organizing international conferences, reflecting her commitment to fostering academic exchange and dialogue. Her research interests focus on themes of interreligious tolerance, applied ethics, and the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In her dissertation project, she aims to explore the interdependence of these areas, seeking to deepen our understanding of the complex intersections between religion, ethics, and intercultural dialogue. Through her work, she seeks to find ways in which various religious traditions can understand and respect each other, and how ethical principles can be translated into practical applications.

PhD-Project: Interreligiöse Toleranz und politische Versöhnung. Die Bedeutung Dietrich Bonhoeffers für Fragen des Weltfriedens

Aviram Bellaishe currently serves as the Vice President for Middle East Diplomacy and Communications at the JCPA Center for Policy Research, Diplomacy, and Communication. With a wealth of experience in both governmental and private sectors, Aviram has dedicated his career to fostering cross-cultural relationships and cooperation in the Middle East. At DTKGG law firm, Aviram led the Middle East and North Africa Business Cooperation, facilitating the promotion of Israeli technology across various Arab countries and Israel. For over seven years, Aviram has been deeply involved in regional public diplomacy efforts aimed at enhancing cooperation in the Middle East. Notably, he served as the Israeli Director for the "Israeli Regional Initiative," driving economic projects and cooperation through Track-2 diplomacy. In 2021, Aviram joined MENA 2050, a regional cooperation group, where he currently serves on its executive committee. Aviram holds a Bachelor's degree in Law with distinction from Colman College and a Master's degree in Law from Bar Ilan University, specializing in Mediation and Conflict Resolution. He also underwent professional mediation training at the Center for Peaceful Conflict Resolution. His dedication to Arab-Jewish initiatives underscores his commitment to exploring foundational and historical approaches for conflict resolution.

"Dynamics of Conflict Resolution in Historical Palestine: Between Arab-Jewish Cooperation and Collision, 1870 to 1948."

After completing his Bachelor's degree in History and Culture of the Near East with a focus on Islamic Studies and Political Science at the Free University of Berlin, Finn Büttner completed his Master's degree in Politics, Administration and International Relations at Zeppelin University. In his master's thesis, he analyzed contemporary Saudi regional foreign policy. Finn Büttner speaks Arabic due to his studies at the Jordanian University and the Doha Institute. Finn Büttner currently works as a research assistant at the Maecenata Institute, a think tank for civil society, where he is involved in social reconciliation initiatives in Germany.

PhD-Project: The enemy of my friend may still be my friend: An analysis of Oman's foreign policy approach towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from 1970 to 2024.

Ada Cara is a holder of a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Language as well as a Master of Science in Language Teaching, all from the University of Tirana in Albania. She also holds another Master’s Degree in Education and International Development which she attained from the University College of London in the UK under the prestigious Chevening scholarship which was funded by the FCDO. However, in terms of work and research experience, Ada has close to eight years of work experience in the field of language learning and educational projects, which focused mainly on Albania. Her research focuses on corruptive practices in higher education, quality of education, education, and politics of migration and education in conflict affected countries. She joined Epoka University in 2019, as part of the Political Science and International Relations Department. Thereafter, in October 2021, she participated in co-designing the first National Network on Youth, Peace, and Security as part of a project which was funded by USAID. In November 2021, she was invited by Emerald Publishing Group, Journal of Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning to be a guest editor on a part-time basis.

PhD project: Ethnic Schism as an Inhibitor for Peacebuilding in the Western Balkan: Kosovo’s Case

Tea Hodaj is a political scientist as well as an international relations specialist from Tiran, Albania. She attained her Master of Science Degree in Political Science and International Relations from Epoka University, where she had worked as a teaching fellow for two years. During her experience as a fellow, she had taught courses such as Public Administration in Democracies, Environmental Politics, Introduction to Political Science, Political Communication and Political Sociology. With a broad experience in the field of human rights and regional cooperation, Hodaj directed her academic focus on the conflict dynamics of the Western Balkans. However, having been inspired by the richness of the oral poetry and the folklore mechanism of the Western Balkan countries, Hodaj dedicated her PhD studies to the ‘Dynamics of Historical Perspectives in the Literary Texts of the Western Balkans: Interpreting the Tracks of Political Thought embedded in National Historical Consciousness.’ Tea Hodaj aspires to contribute to the amelioration of relations and to the co-existence of the people in the region, by pointing out to the fabricated narratives that hinder it.

PhD-Project: Dynamics of Historical Perspectives in the Literary Texts of the Western Balkans. Interpreting the Tracks of Political Thought embedded in National Historical Consciousness

Doa’ Jabari is a dedicated lawyer and human rights activist from Palestine. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Jordan, achieving distinguished academic performance with a cumulative GPA of A with Honors. Continuing her academic journey, she pursued a Master's Degree in International Law and Transitional Justice from Al-Quds University, where she focused on the complexities between Israel and Palestine. In her professional journey, Doa’ has served as both a lawyer and a legal researcher at the High Judicial Council of Palestine. Additionally, she has contributed her skills and expertise to NGOs such as the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Her commitment to human rights extends beyond academia, as she has worked closely with refugees, including Palestinian refugees and Syrian refugees in Turkey, as well as marginalized women and children, providing essential support and advocacy. Driven by a lifelong aspiration for peace and justice, Doa’ participated in an intensive workshop on Transitional Justice at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, deepening her understanding of its principles. Inspired to share this knowledge, she volunteered to conduct seminars and workshops at Hebron University, focusing on human rights and conflict resolution in Palestine. As a member of the Women's Committee of the Palestinian Bar Association, she has provided training to Palestinian refugees, empowering them with knowledge about their rights. Currently, Doa’ is pursuing doctoral research on issues of transitional justice, reconciliation, human rights, and international law. Her aim is to contribute meaningful insights to this critical area of study, making a valuable contribution to efforts in promoting peace and justice in the Middle East.

PhD-Project: Transitional Justice between Palestine and Israel in The Case of The Palestinian Refugees 1948-1967

Philipa Joy Joseph received her Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, with the specialization in Youthwork, from Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Thereafter, she completed her Postgraduate Diploma in Theology, as well as her Master’s Degree in Clinical Pastoral Care and Counselling from the same university. Her Master’s thesis focused on the dynamics between justice, love and responsibility within the counselling space, as well as the importance of multi-directed partiality and genuine dialogue. As a ‘born-free’ citizen from South Africa, her doctoral research is inspired by issues of multi-religiosity and multi-culturalism within various communities and contexts. Her doctoral research is therefore inspired by the dialogical intergenerational pastoral process, and how this relates to peacemaking, justice, ethics, genuine dialogue and harmonious living in multicultural contexts. 

PhD-Project: A qualitative study on peace and conflict resolution strategies with its focus on the Middle East, by peacemakers from multicultural and interreligious contexts by the use of a transdisciplinary approach.

Anna Lichinitzer received her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Thereafter, she enrolled for her Master’s Degree with the Department of Politics and Government at the same university. Her Master’s thesis, which she finished with excellency, analysed new and old surveillance mechanisms in the forced sedentretion space of Hura local council, one of the seven Bedouin planned townships at the north of the Israeli Negev. Currently, she is the Project manager of the Economy Department at the General Histadrut labour federation, as well as a PhD student at Flensburg University. Her doctoral research involves issues of transitional justice, minority issues, and national institutions of collective memory.

PhD-Project: Sousveillance in Israel – Palestine

Raanan Mallek, M.Ed. from Hebrew College, and an MA from the Schechter Institute, has served as a Rabbi in both Israel and the US. Rabbi Mallek received ordination as a Dayan (a judge of Jewish law) from the Integral Halachah Institute where he focused on Mediation and Adjudication. His Rabbinical Ordination and Master of Jewish Studies were from the Schechter Seminary and Institute in Jerusalem. During his studies, Raanan was an interreligious scholar and event coordinator for the Tantur Ecumenical Institute for three years. His certification in facilitation and management was from the Conflict Resolution, Management and Negotiation Graduate Program of Bar Ilan University.

PhD-Project:  Martin Buber's philosophy of dialogue and his federalist socio-political writings as a framework for reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis.

Marissa McMahon received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts and History from Queens University Belfast in 2009 where she also did her Post Graduate Diploma in Practice Management in Community Leadership in 2012 as well as an MED (Master of Education Degree) in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion in 2013. She currently works for a Human Rights NGO as a campaign organizer on the issue of housing and justice in Northern Ireland. She started her PhD under the supervision of Prof Dr Michelle Witen in September 2022 with a thesis which focuses on Northern Irish Post-Troubles literature.

PhD-Project: Between Fact and Fiction: Analysing the Good Friday Agreement, Land Justice, and Government Housing Policies in contrast to their Representation in Northern Irish Post-Troubles Literature

Langton Muchenjekwa is a Zimbabwean and is a holder of a Master of Arts Degree in Religious Studies, an Honours Degree in Religious Studies and a Diploma in Religious Studies, all from the University of Zimbabwe. He also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from Lupane State University, a Professional Diploma in Sustainable Community Development and Humanitarian Project Management with Training and Development International Trust In association with Southern Africa Development Consultants Consortium (SADCCon), a Certificate in Resource Mobilisation, Project Planning and Proposal Writing with Regional Partnership for Resource Development (IRFD) and a Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) with TEFL Professional Development Institute. However, in terms of work experience, Langton worked as a teacher for the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education in Zimbabwe, teaching Family and Religious as well as Heritage Studies to Lower and Upper Six students. He also taught History and Doctrine of Islam, Sociology of Religion. Phenomenology of Religion, World Religions and Ideologies and Religion and Ethics at Zimbabwe Open University (Midlands Province-Gweru Campus) as a Part-Time lecturer. He, as well, taught other modules in the area of Ethics and Organisational Leadership (BAEL), namely Business Ethics, Foundations of Ethical Leadership and Organisational Behaviour.

PhD-Project: Religion and Reconciliation: The Case of the Gukurahundi Massacre in Zimbabwe.

Amer Naji was born in Yemen, a country grappling with complex social and political issues. Despite these challenges, Amer pursued his education in Flensburg, Germany. He studied European Culture and Society at the European University of Flensburg, where he gained a thorough understanding of the continent's history, languages, and social structures. This broadened his perspective on cultural exchange and understanding. After completing his Bachelor's degree, Amer continued his studies at the same university, enrolling in a Master's program in Culture, Language, and Media. This program equipped him with critical thinking and research skills. Amer also gained practical experience by working as a student helper at the university's international office, where he interacted with students from diverse backgrounds, improving his intercultural understanding and communication skills. His commitment to social impact was evident in his internships at local government offices, where he gained insight into the challenges faced by communities and the potential for positive change through policy and civic engagement. Currently, Amer is working on a PhD project exploring the Yemeni conflict's impact on the country's education system. His research delves into the destruction of schools, the displacement of students and teachers, and the disrupted learning opportunities for young Yemenis. However, his project also focuses on the critical role education can play in rebuilding Yemen and fostering peace.

PhD-Project: The Impact of the Yemeni Conflict on Education and the Role of Education in Peacebuilding

Stephen Omondi Opondo is a Kenyan peace activist and the Executive Director and founder of Simama Community Based Organization, which uses sports for peace, good governance, democracy promotion, and social justice in Nairobi's urban slums.  He holds a Master's Degree in Peace Studies and International Relations from the Catholic University of East Africa, a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, a diploma in Civic Development and Education, and a diploma in Broadcast Journalism. Currently, he is completing an online Master's program in Ecumenical Studies at Ukrainian Catholic University. Stephen has implemented community dialogues in Nairobi under the "Kijana Jihusishe" program, supported by the European Union, and monitored political hotspots in Nairobi's slums. Through a mentorship program supported by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, he has mentored 100 young people from 2019 to 2024, many of whom have run for electoral seats. He has also facilitated capacity-building workshops on good governance, political accountability, and peacebuilding. Stephen believes in positive peace and a just society that addresses the root causes of conflict through truth and forgiveness. His PhD project focuses on the gaps and challenges of historical injustices on reconciliation efforts by the Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission of Kenya.

PhD-Project: Gaps, and Challenges of Historical Injustices on Reconciliation efforts of TJRC; a case of Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission of Kenya

Nemer A. Shaheen is a Palestinian researcher from the Gaza Strip. He received his Bachelor’s in English Literature from the Islamic University in Gaza, a Master’s in Israel Studies and Zionism from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a diploma in Environmental Studies. Shaheen's Master's thesis, "The Perceptions of Brain Drain Impact on the Economic Conditions in the Gaza Strip," addressed critical issues impacting his community from a social, political, economic, and religious facets. Since 2015, he was part of local and global institutes, where he had projects, trainings, and workshops in dialogue, education, community peacebuilding, and environmental studies. During his time in Gaza, Shaheen contributed to humanitarian efforts in time of war as part of the Heroic Hearts Org, where he worked as a field supervisor over associate NGOs in Gaza.

PhD Project: Intergenerational Trauma and Peace: Any Hope? (Case Study: The Gaza Strip)

Hani Smirat has been the Programs Manager of "Taawon for Conflict Resolution" in Palestine since 2004. He has vast experience in vocational capacity building and employability programs as well as training in dealing with conflict. He holds a Master’s Degree in American studies from Palestine University, and a diploma in International Human Rights and non-Violence and many international training courses which are concerned with conflict resolution. In addition, Hani is a research assistant in the area of conflict, identity, citizenship, and conflict resolution. In his capacity as a certified trainer, Hani has participated in many seminars and workshops on responding to conflict, peacekeeping, combating poverty and social exclusion, mediation and conflict resolution, dialogue, culture, and good governance, to mention just a few, both within Palestine as well as internationally.

PhD Project: Ubuntu in South Africa and Wasatia in Palestine: A comparative analysis of two critical concepts in light of the role of culture and religion(s) in political reconciliation

Mazen Tamimi is a Palestinian Diplomat with a strong academic background and extensive experience in various fields. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Law and Jurisprudence with honors from Hebron University. Mazen's academic journey continued with the prestigious 'Chevening Scholarship,' which enabled him to pursue a Master's Degree in International Law at Sussex University in the UK. Subsequently, he was awarded a 'DAAD' scholarship to complete another Master's degree in European Studies at Heinrich Heine University in Germany. In addition to his academic achievements, Mazen has actively contributed to the academic community as a teaching assistant at both Birzeit University and Hebron University. He has also played significant roles in the NGO sector, serving as a trainer and project coordinator for various national and international organizations. His work has primarily focused on areas such as debate, human rights, life skills, and electoral procedures. Mazen's diverse background and expertise make him a valuable asset to the diplomatic and academic spheres, where he continues to contribute positively to various initiatives and projects.

PhD-Project: Torture and Transitional Justice in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict 

Ajsela Toci received her Bachelor’s and Master of Science Degree in Political Science and International Relations at Epoka University in Tirana, Albania. During her Master of Science program, she worked as a Teaching Assistant where she taught a variety of courses such as: Introduction to International Relations, Theories of International Relations, Introduction to, International Security, Democracy and Democratization. She has a broad experience providing and delivering adult learning methods and models at Epoka University at the department of Political Science and International Relations, and currently at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Department of Political Science and Philosophy at University of Tirana. Ms.Toci is also a grant researcher for the projects of the European Union and recently the project manager of: "Western Balkan Higher Educational Courses in Data Journalism", partnership with University of Tuscia, Italy.  She has been part of different course programs from Jean Monnet Modules with the support of Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and "Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals". During these periods, Ms. Toci has conducted research and development steps related to migration and integration in the Western Balkans, Human Rights Education Network, Developing Eastern Partnership not only in a national environment but also in an international one i.e., Western Balkans, Strasbourg/France, Tbilisi/Georgia, Tartu/Estonia. Ms. Toci exhibits a profound interest in conflict resolution, particularly within and beyond the region, demonstrating a keen passion for peace-building initiatives, conflict resolution mechanisms, and an acute understanding of historical contexts.

PhD-Project: "Promoting Reconciliation Through Peace Education Programs in Segregated Schools of Bosnia and Herzegovina"

Astela Veis was born in 2000, in Albania. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science and International Relations from Epoka University in Albania and a Master of Arts Degree in European Studies from the European University of Flensburg, Germany. Ms. Veis has worked as a part-time Lecturer Assistant in the European Culture and Society Department at the same institution since the start of her graduate studies. Ms. Veis has worked and broadened her expertise in a range of scientific fields about migration, politics, and diplomacy in the interim. She has also been a commenter on several historical and political books written by Albanian authors. Furthermore, Ms. Veis' expertise is strongly tied to the history and geopolitics of Eastern Europe in general, and the Western Balkans in particular.

PhD-Project: The tragic myth of Kosovo and the re-destabilization of peace in the Western Balkans; Insights into the geo-political strategy of Nafertania, 2023


Dr. Sigall Horovitz is the academic advisor of the Fried-Gal Transitional Justice Program at the Clinical Legal Education Center (CLEC) of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her work focuses on transitional justice, international criminal law, and anti-corruption law and ethics. At CLEC, she integrates transitional justice in legal aid for Palestinians and promotes international collaboration in transitional justice and human rights. 

Previously, Dr. Horovitz worked at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and the Nuremberg Academy. She initiated transitional justice programs at Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University, leading study trips to Rwanda and South Africa. 

Dr. Horovitz holds a master’s degree from Columbia University and a doctorate from Hebrew University, where her research focused on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. She is a member of the New York and Israeli Bar Associations and a founding member of ALMA. Her accolades include the Arthur Helton Fellowship, the Rabin Scholarship, and awards from the Israel Law and Society Association.

Nir Levitan is a researcher and lecturer specializing in conflict resolution, negotiation, and diplomacy, affiliated with Bar-Ilan University in Israel. He is a research fellow at the Europa Institute at Bar-Ilan and a research affiliate at the Center for Cold War Studies at the University of Southern Denmark. He holds a PhD in Conflict Management, Resolution and Negotiation program, where his dissertation focused on Scandinavian mediation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Dr. Levitan's research interests encompass a wide range of topics, including the dynamics of formal and informal diplomacy in the Middle East, the role of third-party mediation, and the impact of soft power strategies in conflict resolution. His work examines how unofficial diplomatic channels complement formal negotiations, particularly in the context of normalization processes between Israel and various Middle Eastern states. Dr. Levitan's contributions to the field highlight the importance of understanding both formal and informal diplomatic efforts in promoting stability and resolution of conflicts in the Middle East.

In addition to his academic endeavors, Dr. Levitan is an active participant in conferences and discussions, where he addresses contemporary challenges and strategies related to peace and security.

Jody Metcalfe is a Researcher at the European Centre for Minority Issues in Flensburg. She works on hate speech, online harm, digital resistance, identity formation and self-representation in the digital realm. She explores theories of cultural representation, including intersectionality, the politics of belonging and third space theory to unpack the impact of digitalisation on minority women. Jody submitted her PhD to the Doctoral College for Intersectionality Studies/ Promotionskollegs für Intersektionalitätsstudien at Universität Bayreuth (Germany) where her dissertation, focused on minority identity representation in her native South Africa, was awarded Summa Cum Laude. Her previous studies were completed at the University of Cape Town (South Africa), from which she holds a MPhil in Justice and Transformation in Political Science funded and completed as a Cannon Collins Scholar, a BSocSci (Hons.) in Gender and Transformation from the African Gender Institute and a BSocSci in Political Science and Gender Studies. Jody has also worked as a Critical Race Theory Fellow at the African American Policy Forum (United States), as a researcher at the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (South Africa) and in various teaching and consulting capacities at the University of Cape Town (South Africa). Her other research interests include postcolonialism, racialisation, transitional justice, cultural identity and nationalism.

Jeremias S. Schmidt ist aufgewachsen in Baden-Württemberg. Nach einem Bundesfreiwilligendienst in einer Gemeinde in Jerusalem, Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Bayreuth und Münster. Abschluss des Münsteraner Zertifikatskurses "Islamisches Recht" (3 Semester). Seit 2019 Promotion zur "informellen Justiz im palästinensischen Rechtssystem" unter der Betreuung von Prof. Dr. Fabian Wittreck (Institut für Öffentliches Recht und Politik) in Münster. Mehrere Stationen als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei der Kanzlei Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (IP/IT). Zwischenzeitlich Visiting Research Fellow am Institut für Rechtswissenschaften der Birzeit Universität (Westjordanland) und mehrmonatige Feldforschung zum indigenen Gewohnheitsrecht. Seit 2021 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kluckert (Lehrstuhl für öffentliches Recht, Universität Wuppertal), zugleich assoz. Phd-Fellow der "European Wasatia Graduate School for Peace and Conflict Resolution".

Forschung: Jeremias S. Schmidt erforscht zeitgenössisches palästinensisches Gewohnheitsrecht in den Gebieten, die nach der sog. Zwei-Staaten-Lösung einmal den Staat Palästina bilden sollen. Sowohl im Westjordanland, als auch im Gazastreifen und auch im von Israel 1980 annektierten und de facto kontrollierten Ostjerusalem, werden – parallel zu den Gerichtsverfahren, welche die jeweilige vor Ort herrschende (quasi-)staatliche Autorität durchführt – zahlreiche ernste Konflikte durch dieses Recht und seine Institutionen reguliert. Es handelt sich im Kern um ein clan- und familienbasiertes Rechtsprechungs-, Schlichtungs- und Aussöhnungssystem, dessen "(...) Ursprünge (...) sich auf über 2000 Jahre zurückdatieren" lassen und "(...) den Traditionen beduinischer Wüstenstämme" entstammen (H. Rohne, 2015). Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung liegt dabei in geografischer Hinsicht auf dem Westjordanland, in sachlicher Hinsicht auf (der Aussöhnung von) Gewaltkonflikten und in zeitlicher Hinsicht auf dem Zeitraum seit Ende der zweiten Intifada (Feb. 2005).

Johanna Tannen is a Catholic theologian from Berlin. Since May 2023, Johanna Tannen has been working for the Department for World Church and Migration of the German Bishops' Conference. First as a desk officer for Asia, the Middle East and development issues in Bonn, and since October 2023 as a development policy desk officer for the German Commission for Justice and Peace in Berlin. The German Commission Justitia et Pax (Justice and Peace) acts as a "round table" of Catholic institutions and organisations active in the area of the Church's international responsibility in Germany. From 2022 to 2023, Johanna Tannen worked as a project manager in the European office of the multi-religious peace organisation Religions for Peace. She managed a multi-stakeholder project in cooperation with the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe. She planned, implemented and facilitated dialogue forums on SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities) in Sarajevo, Berlin and Beirut.
In 2016 she started her studies in Catholic Theology (Mag.theol.) at the Philosophical-Theological University of St. Augustin and the University of Münster. She completed an ecumenical semester abroad at the Near East School of Theology in Beirut and a semester abroad at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Johanna Tannen successfully completed her studies in Catholic Theology with the degree of "Magister Theologiae" with an overall grade of very good (1.3). The subject of her Magister thesis was: The novel "Sitt Marie-Rose. A Lebanese Story" by Etel Adnan. An interpretation from the perspective of the Christian tradition of martyrdom.
In 2014/2015 she completed a development volunteer service organised by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and Caritas at a Christian school in the multi-religious state of Assam in northeast India.

PhD project: Johanna Tannen is doing her doctorate with Prof. Dr. Michael Seewald at the Seminar for Dogma and History of Dogma at the University of Münster and with Prof. Dr. Dr. Felix Körner SJ at the Nikolaus Cusanus Chair for Theology of Religions at the Central Institute for Catholic Theology at the Humboldt University in Berlin.
Working title: "Challenges and Opportunities of Religious Literacy in Theory and Practice".
She is a member of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Theologies "Traditions in Transformations" at the Humboldt University of Berlin, of AGENDA - Forum of Catholic Women Theologians e.V. and at the same time an Associate PhD Fellow of the European Wasatia Graduate School for Peace and Conflict Resolution.