Optimization of VET programmes for employability enhancement


Im Projekt wurde ein Verfahren zur Optimierung und Aktualisierung bestehender Curricula auf der Basis sektorbezogener Qualifikationsanalysen entwickelt. Für Berufe im Kfz-Sektor wurden exemplarische, modularisierte Lehrpläne erstellt und erprobt.


Kfz-Sektor, Curricula
01.11.2001 - 31.10.2003
Institution der EUF
Berufsbildungsinstitut Arbeit und Technik (biat)


The car service sector in Europe requires much attention because it is on the way from narrow specializations towards broader qualifications comprising mechanics, electronics, and customer orientation. VET programmes in mechanical technology such as car mechanics but also other mechanical fields have to keep pace with the swiftly progressing technological innovations. On the other hand the traditional car service sector has lost its popularity whereas while it has become more service oriented. The car service sector has also been affected by technological innovations resulting in new professions. One of them is a combination of mechanics and electronics – the mechatronic. The project develops a procedure to identify and visualize deficits of training institutions by comparing the occupational practice and the curricula in training situations. Based on these findings optimised curricular issues will be developed which may serve as an example for the training.

Target Group

Young people in the process of initial vocational training, employers, particularly from small and medium sized enterprises (SME)

Focus of research

The aim of the project is to optimise vocational educational training (VET) for car mechanics and to develop a new curriculum meeting the challenges of technological innovations and service requirements to enhance employability. This will be achieved by meeting the following objectives:

  • Analysis of qualification needs in the car service sector.
  • Analysis of the VET programmes in the selected pilot school in the partners' countries.
  • Development of a handbook on methodology for optimisation of VET programmes.
  • Development of a modularly composed curriculum meeting the requirements of the car mechanic sector.
  • Testing of two modules of the new curriculum.


Vocational educational systems in Europe are most often very inert or are based on an inadequate analysis of the working world. The development of a handbook on methodology for optimisation of curricula based on qualificational research may contribute to react to the increasingly swift changes in competence requirements and may even help to realize prospective vocational educational measures.


  • Teachers Guidebook for Optimization of Car Mechatronic programmes
  • Guide for Optimization of Vocational Education and Training Programmes in the area of motor vehicle service


02.03.2017 5 MB (PDF)


Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Georg Spöttl, M.A.

+49 461 46020
Steinbeis-Transferzentrum InnoVET
PLZ / Stadt
24939 Flensburg
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Prof. Dr.Matthias Becker

+49 511 76217215
Institut für Berufswissenschaften der Metalltechnik
Appelstraße 9
PLZ / Stadt
30167 Hannover
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Platzhalter-Foto für  Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Kaunas, Lithuania

Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Kaunas, Lithuania

Partnerinnen und Partner


Leonardo da Vinci, Pilot Projekt, Projekt Nr. LT/01/B/F/PP-137 011