Vocational Qualification Transfer System
Im Projekt wurde ein Verfahren zur internationalen Anrechnung schulisch und betrieblich erworbener Qualifikationen von „Mechatronikern“ und „Maschinenbautechnikern“ als Beitrag zur Erhöhung der beruflichen Mobilität in Europa entwickelt. Das Verfahren liefert einen Beitrag zum Leistungspunktesystem ECVET (European Credit System in Vocational Education and Training).
Das Projekt erhielt im Jahr 2006 den Helsinki Award als best practice Projekt zur Unterstützung des Kopenhagen-Prozesses im Rahmen des EU-Programms Leonardo da Vinci und wurde vom EU-Bildungskommissar Jan Figel mit dem Award für lebenslanges Lernen in Gold prämiert.
- Stichworte
- Vocational Qualifications, International, Europa
- Laufzeit
- 01.10.2003 - 01.10.2006
- Institution der EUF
- Berufsbildungsinstitut Arbeit und Technik (biat)
The specific aim of the project is to create a systematic procedure to ensure international transfer of vocational qualifications (in terms of competencies and skills) for the two occupational profiles "Mechatronics" and "Mechanical Engineering Technician" in order to increase mobility in VET.
Students / Apprentices should be able to use their qualifications - acquired in educational institutions or / and in companies - as a "common currency" throughout Europe.
Focus of research
The aim of the VQTS project is to develop a systematic procedure of international transfer of acquired qualifications. This will be done by working on the following workpackages (WP):
- WP1: Investigation of systems for transfer and accreditation of qualifications
- WP2: Analysis and integration of already existing instruments, projects and approaches for accreditation and transfer of qualifications in VET
- WP3: Sector analysis for the description of the vocational qualification requirements and levels of VET in the national sectors of "Mechatronics" and "Mechanical Engineering Technicians"
- WP4: Development of different models for international transfer and accreditation of qualifications
- WP5: Discussion of the acceptability of the developed models
- WP6: Investigation of necessary adaptations
- WP7: Preparation for realisation of the models
- WP8: Guidelines for the implementation of the procedure developed
- WP9: Documentation of the results in a manual
With regard to the promotion of a "European Workspace", it is generally agreed among European policy makers to enhance European cooperation in vocational education and training (VET): the "Bruges-Copenhagen process". Therefore transparency of certificates, diplomas and qualifications, transferability of competencies as well as accreditation and recognition are necessary. These aims should be achieved through the promotion of measures - similar to those of the "Sorbonne-Bologna-Prague process" (e.g. ECTS) - in the area of VET.
The VQTS project will develop and test a procedure for the transfer and the accrediation for acquired qualifications in the area of VET (ECVET) based on two concrete occupational profiles. This procedure has the advantage that a lot of practical problems will be identified and solved along with the creation of more transparency. These problems only emerge as soon as the often too abstract political discussion level is left behind.
Kompetenzzertifikate zum Download
Prof. Dr.Matthias Becker
- becker-TextEinschliesslichBindestricheBitteEntfernen-
@ibm.uni-hannover.de - +49 511 76217215
- Institut für Berufswissenschaften der Metalltechnik
- Telefon
- +49 511 76217215
@ibm.uni-hannover.de - Gebäude
- Institut für Berufswissenschaften der Metalltechnik
- Straße
- Appelstraße 9
- PLZ / Stadt
- 30167 Hannover
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Georg Spöttl, M.A.
- SU1899-TextEinschliesslichBindestricheBitteEntfernen-
@stw.de - +49 461 46020
- Steinbeis-Transferzentrum InnoVET
- Telefon
- +49 461 46020
@stw.de - Gebäude
- Steinbeis-Transferzentrum InnoVET
- PLZ / Stadt
- 24939 Flensburg
3S research laboratory, Wien, Austria
Partnerinnen und Partner
- ibw – Institute for Research on Qualification and Training of the Austrian Economy (AT)
- öibf - Österreichisches Institut für Berufsbildung - Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training (AT)
- CIRIUS - The Danish Centre for International Cooperation and Mobility in Education and Training (DK)
- RSO SpA (IT)
- Kenteq (NL)
- NUOV – National Institute of Technical and Vocational Education (CZ)
- NIVE - National Institute of Vocational Education (HU)
Leonardo A/03/B/F/PP-158.034