Dr.Ulf Philipp Müller

Picture of Ulf Philipp Müller


+49 461 805 3047
+49 461 805 953047
Gebäude Vilnius 1
VIL 108
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 4a
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg

Additional information

Postal address:

Europa-Universität Flensburg
Energie- und Umweltmanagement
z.H. Ulf Philipp Müller
Auf dem Campus 1
24943 Flensburg



Curriculum vitae

After graduating from high school in Braunschweig in 2006 and spending a voluntary social year in Panamá, Ulf Philipp studied energy and environmental management (industrial engineering) at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. The Bachelor in Flensburg was enriched by a semester abroad in Granada, Spain in the field of economics and intercultural skills. In the subsequent practical semester, he was able to gain intensive experience in project planning for large PV parks in the International System Design department at Juwi Solar GmbH. He wrote his bachelor's thesis on "Temperature-dependent voltage extremes in photovoltaic systems" on behalf of Juwi.

Parallel to his master's degree, he was able to develop a business plan for the economic project planning of small wind turbines and the development of decentralized smart grids as part of a start-up grant from the Schleswig-Holstein Innovation Foundation together with two fellow students. In his master's thesis, he evaluated the extent to which systematic voltage conversions in the medium-voltage grid of Schleswig-Holstein Netz AG make technical and economic sense for E.ON Hanse AG.

Since May 2013 he has been working at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences as a research assistant in the field of energy and environmental management in the energy and biotechnology department. His focus is in the context of a sustainable and continued reliable power supply. He is therefore particularly concerned with a needs-based system integration of renewable energies.

From 2015 to 2018 he worked in the research project open_eGo [26905], which he initiated, coordinated and significantly designed. Since 2019 he has been working in the follow-up research project eGo^n on the integration of sector coupling effects into the existing power grid planning tools.

At the beginning of 2021 he submitted his doctoral thesis "Combined optimization of grid and storage expansion in the German electricity system", which he successfully defended in April 2022 and is about to be published.


  • Medjroubi, W., Müller, U. P., Scharf, M., Matke, C., and Kleinhans, D. (2017). Open-Data in power grid modelling: New approaches towards transparent grid models. Energy Reports, 3:14–21.
  • Müller, U., Cussmann, I., Wingenbach, C., and Wendiggensen, J. (2016). AC powerflow simulations within an open data model of a high voltage grid. In Wohlgemuth, V., Fuchs-Kittowski, F., and Wittmann, J., ed., Advances and New Trends in Envrionmental Informatics, pp. 181–191. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
  • Müller, U., Schachler, B., Bunke, W.-D., Bartels, J., Glauer, M., Büttner, C., Günther, S., Kötter, E., Cußmann, I., Hülk, L., Scharf, M., Mossakowski, T., and Wendiggensen, J. (2019a). Netzebenenübergreifendes Planungsinstrument —zur Bestimmung desoptimalen Netz-und Speicherausbaus in Deutschland —integriert in einer OpenEnergyPlatform. ZNES –Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, ZNES -Europa-Universität Flensburg, Reiner Lemoine Institute, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems. Online available at: https://www.uni-flensburg.de/fileadmin/content/abteilungen/industrial/dokumente/downloads/veroeffentlichungen/forschungsergebnisse/20190426endbericht-openego-fkz0325881-final.pdf.
  • Müller, U., Schachler, B., Scharf, M., Bunke, W.-D., Günther,S., Bartels, J., and Plessmann, G. (2019b). Integrated techno-economic power system planning of transmission and distribution grids. Energies, 12(11):2091.
  • Müller, U., Wienholt, L., and Cussmann, I. (2018a). The role of the high voltage power level in future power systems and their modelling. In 2018 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST), pp. 1–6.
  • Müller, U., Wienholt, L., Kleinhans, D., Cussmann, I., Bunke, W.-D., Pleßmann, G., and Wendiggensen, J. (2018b). The eGo grid model: An open source approach towards a model of German high and extra-high voltage power grids. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 977:012003. SciGRID International Conference on Power Grid Modelling, 30–31 March 2017, Oldenburg, Germany.
  • Hülk, L., Wienholt, L., Cußmann, I., Müller, U. P., Matke, C., and Koetter, E. (2017). Allocation of annual electricity consumption and power generation capacities across multi voltage levels in a high spatial resolution. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 13:79–92.

Wienholt, L., Müller, U., and Bartels, J. (2018). Optimal sizing and spatial allocation of storage units in a high-resolution power system model. Energies, 11(12):3365.