Monika Verbalyte

Picture of Monika Verbalyte


+49 461 805 2743
+49 461 805 952743
Gebäude Riga 6
RIG 607
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 2f
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg


Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES)
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Professional Experience

since September 2020 Research fellow, Project "Value Conflicts in a Differentiated Europe", Europa-Universität Flensburg

2021-2022 Research fellow, Project "Postcommunist Transformation as Dismantling of the Soviet Modernity Project", Vilnius University, Lithuania

2015-2020 Research fellow, Project "Horizontal Europeanisation: Europe of the People", Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

2013-2014 Data analyst, Project "MEMO (Monitoring Exchange Mobility Outcomes)", CHE Consult, Berlin

2009-2012 Student assistant, Cluster "Languages of Emotion", Freie Universität Berlin

2011-2012 Student assistant, GIB Gesellschaft für Innovationsforschung und Beratung mbH, Berlin

2008 Expert in the public-academic project "People's choice - Analysis of Election Programs of the Parties", Institute of International Relations and Political Science, University of Vilnius

2006 Internship, Persidential Office of the Republic Lithuania


2008-2010 M.A. Sociology - European Societies, Freie Universität Berlin

2003-2007 B.A. Political Science, University of Vilnius

Grants and Scholarships

2012-2015 Doctoral grant of the FNS (Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation) for Freedom

2008-2010 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Services) sholarship for the Masters in Germany

Other academic activities

Advisory Board of the European Sociological Association RN Sociology of Emotions

Peer-reviewed articles:

Ulinskaitė, Jogilė; Hilmar, Till; Verbalyte, Monika (2024): Emotions in a Time of Radical Change: Untangling Narratives of Pride and Achievements in Post-1989/1991 Lithuania and East Germany. Cultural Sociology, Online first.

Hilmar, Till; Ķešāne, Iveta; Margies, Nina; Verbalyte, Monika (2024): Introduction to the Special Issue "Deep transformations: Lived experiences and emotions in social change narratives". Cultural Sociology, Online first.

Verbalyte, Monika; Bonansinga, Donatella; Capelos, Tereza (2024): Introduction to the Triple Special Issue "The Emotional Side of Populist Support: Key Affective Mechanisms at Test". in: American Behavioral Scientist, Online first.

Wallaschek, Stefan; Verbalyte, Monika; Eigmüller, Monika (2024): Cleavage theory meets gender equality: examining party positions in Germany. in: European Politics and Society, Online first.

Verbalyte, Monika; Trenz, Hans-Jörg; Eigmüller, Monika (2023): Trust in News and Trust trough News: The Role of Media Consumption in Social, Political, and Media Trust. in: Comparative Sociology, 22(6): 824-864.

Verbalyte, Monika; Keitel, Christoph; Howard, Krista (2022): Online Trolls: Unaffectionate Psychopaths or Just Lonely Outcasts and Angry Partisans? in: Politics and Governance, 10(4): 396-410.

Verbalyte, Monika; Eigmüller, Monika (2022): COVID-19 related social media use and attitudes towards pandemic control measures in Europe. in: Culture, Practice & Europeanization, 7(1): 37-67.

Verbalyte, Monika; Bonansinga, Donatella; Exadaktylos, Theofanis (2022): When emotions run high: Affective responses to crises in Europe. Introduction to the special issue. in: Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 35(1).

Wallaschek, Stefan; Kaushik, Kavyanjali; Verbalyte, Monika; Sojka, Aleksandra; Sorci, Giuliana; Trenz, Hans-Jörg; Eigmüller, Monika (2022): Same Same but Different? Gender Politics and (Trans-)National Value Contestation in Europe on Twitter. in: Politics and Governance, 10(1): 146-160.

Deutschmann, Emanuel; Delhey, Jan; Verbalyte, Monika; Aplowski, Auke (2018): The Power of Contact: Europe as a Network of Transnational Attachment. in: European Journal of Political Research, 57(4): 963-988.

Verbalyte, Monika; von Scheve, Christian (2018): Feeling Europe: Political Emotion, Knowledge, and Support for the European Union. in: Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 31(2): 162-188.


Delhey, Jan; Deutschmann, Emanuel; Verbalyte, Monika; Aplowski, Auke (2020): Netzwerk Europa: Wie ein Kontinent durch Mobilität und Kommunikation zusammenwächst. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Also visit project internet page:

Contributions in edited volumes:

Verbalyte, Monika; Ulinskaitė, Jogilė (2024): Emotions and political regimes. in: Helena Flam (ed.): Research Handbook on the Sociology of Emotion. Cheltenham/Northampton: Edgar Elgar, pp. 152-173.

Verbalyte, Monika (2020): Evoking Forgiveness Without Apology? Emotional Anatomy of the Political Resignation. in: André Haller, Hendrik Michael (ed.): Scandalogy 2: Cultures of Scandals – Scandals in Culture. Köln: Halem, pp. 51-81.

Delhey, Jan; Verbalyte, Monika; Aplowski, Auke; Deutschmann, Emanuel (2019): Free to Move: The Evolution of the European Migration Network, 1960-2017. in: Martin Heidenreich (ed.): Horizontal Europeanisation: The Transnationalisation of Daily Life and Social Fields in Europe. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 63-84.

Verbalyte, Monika (2018): Deconstruction of the Emotional Logic of Political Scandal. in: André Haller, Hendrik Michael, Martin Kraus (eds.): Scandalogy: An Interdisciplinary Field. Köln: Halem, pp. 63-88.

Verbalyte, Monika (2016): Critical Role of Emotions in Media Events: Anger Dynamics in Political Scandals. in: Andrew Fox (ed.): Global Perspectives on Media Events in Contemporary Society. Hershey: Information Science Reference, pp. 41-58.

Delhey, Jan; Verbalyte, Monika (2016): Soziales Vertrauen: Wissenswertes zu einer zentralen zwischenmenschlichen und gesellschaftlichen Ressource. in: Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.): Der Kitt der Gesellschaft: Perspektiven auf den sozialen Zusammenhalt in Deutschland. Gütersloh: Verlag der Bertelsmann Stiftung, pp. 71-104.

Contributions in non-academic journals:

Eigmüller, Monika; Verbalyte, Monika (2021): Die transformierte Öffentlichkeit. Die Rolle von Social Media in der Corona-Pandemie in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten. in: Konfliktdynamik, 10(4): 296-310.

Conference proceedings:

Verbalyte, Monika (2015): Die Dynamik der Empörung im politischen Skandal. in: Verhandlungen der Kongresse der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Bd. 37: Routinen der Krise – Krise der Routinen. (Online publication)

Contributions in the media:

Wallaschek, Stefan; Verbalyte, Monika; Eigmüller, Monika (March 7, 2024): Progressiv oder regressiv? Parteipositionen zur Geschlechterpolitik in Deutschland. in: DVPW-Blog.

Wallaschek, Stefan; Kaushik, Kavyanjali; Verbalyte, Monika; Sojka, Aleksandra (March 8, 2022): International Women's Day and citizen engagement on social media. in: The Loop: ECPR's Political Science Blog.

Book reviews:

Verbalyte, Monika (2021): Scham und Schuld. Review of A Sociology of Shame and Blame. Insiders Versus Outsiders by Graham Scrambler (Cham: Palgrave Pivot, 2020). in: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 73(2): 323–326.

Verbalyte, Monika (2018): Book review of Gefühle im Prozess der Migration. Transkulturelle Narrationen zwischen Zugehörigkeit und Distanzierung by Yvonne Albrecht (Wiesbaden: Springer, 2017). in: Digithum, 22. (Online publication)