
ICES is the central space for interdisciplinary research on Europe at Europa-Universität Flensburg. European integration is a complex process that continuously shapes society, politics and culture. The goal of ICES is to identify and research these processes from the perspectives of the social sciences and the humanities. Cutting across all EUF institutes and disciplines, ICES' setup naturally works to foster interdisciplinary exchange and research.

As the central point of contact for questions concerning European research for science, politics and civil society, ICES is devoted to supporting three areas:

  1. Research funding: We accompany our members from the project idea to the finished grant application and support them in project administration.
  2. Networking: We are happy to support our members in establishing and expanding cooperation with partners from academia and practice. In this sense, we are also the contact for representatives from politics, business and society.
  3. Promotion of early-stage researchers: We look for suitable funding opportunities for the realisation of doctoral projects and create qualification opportunities for young scientists, on an individual case by case basis.
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At ICES, EUF researchers are networked across disciplines, institutes and universities. This enables us to work at an interdisciplinary level and thus to develop new explanatory approaches and innovative proposals.

Affiliated with the ICES Research School is the European Wasatia Graduate School for Peace and Conflict Resolution. This program for the training of Israeli, Palestinian and European PhD students creates an interdisciplinary framework for a dialogical understanding of the structural nature of conflicts and for the development of sustainable conflict resolution strategies.

ICES cooperates closely with the EUF centers KURS (Center for Small and Regional Languages), CaNoFF (Campus Nord für Frankreich & Frankophonie), and the Centre for Irish Studies. Together we promote early career researchers, academic exchange, and research. Information about the centers can be found here.

Further information on the mandate, objectives and structure of ICES can be found in our statutes.

+49 461 805 2499
+49 461 805 952499
Gebäude Riga 6
RIG 614
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 2f
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
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