ICES Research Colloquium

The ICES Research Colloquium offers a platform for ICES members and colleagues to present their research and discuss it interdisciplinary. The sessions will be chaired by Prof. Monika Eigmüller and take place on selected Thursdays from 16:15 to 17:45 in RIGA 601 and online.

We look forward to your participation and engaging interdisciplinary discussions!

Date Presenter Title


Prof. Dr. Christiane Reinecke (EUF, Seminar für Geschichte)

Unmaking Migrants? The Production of the EU’s Internal and External Borders in Historical-Postcolonial Perspective
26.09. Dr. Vivian Sommer & Julia Heinle (Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung) Forgotten Borders? Dispositifs of Remembering and Forgetting in European Border Regions
17.10. Prof. Dr. Karolina Pomorska (Leiden University; Institute of Political Science) Populists in the Shadow of Unanimity: Contestation of EU Foreign and Security Policy in the Council of the EU
28.11. Prof. Dr. Marc Buggeln (EUF, Seminar für Geschichte & FZRPH) The Rural Folk Movement in Schleswig-Holstein (1928-1933): Origin, Aims, and Aftermath
05.12. Prof. Dr. John Erik Fossum (ARENA - Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo) "Inter-institutional balancing"