ICES Reading Group HeSe 20/21

This fall semester, for the first time, an ICES Reading Group will start! The idea of a Reading Group was born from the Webex Corona Chat, which formed instead of the Research Colloquium. On the basis of a first book voting we have decided to start with the book:

"Kritik der schwarzen Vernunft/Critique of Black Reason" by Achille Mbemb


You are welcome to join and participate in the next meetings.  In these we will discuss Mbemebe's book chapter-wise and in the context of the overall debate about Mbembe. The next meetings will take place on the following  Thursdays from 17.15 until 18.45:

12.11. (Chapters 3 and 4),

26.11. (Chapters 5 and 6 and Epilogue),

10.12. (The Mbembe debate)

If you are interested in being added to the mailing list, please contact Maria Schwab (, -2499)

This is what "Critique of Black Reason" is about

Since its inception, global capitalism has always produced not only goods but also "races" and "species". It is based on racist thinking, a "black reason", as the great African philosopher and pioneer of post-colonialism Achille Mbembe shows in his brilliant and stirring book. The relentlessly spreading capitalism of neo-liberal variety now transfers the figure of the "Negro" to the entire "subaltern humanity". In this process of "blackening the world", according to Mbembe's radical criticism, Europe and its citizens now form only one more province in the global empire of this capitalism

Links zur Mbembe-Debatte

Zur Einführung:

Zur Vertiefung:

Further literature suggestions for future reading group sessions

On the basis of an initial book vote, the following additional books are proposed:

  • Lutz Raphael, "Jenseits von Kohle und Stahl",
  • Andreas Reckwitz, "Das Ende der Illusionen"
  • Dimitry Kochenov, "Citizenship"