LEMEL Research project (L’Europe dans les médias en ligne) : Studying the media coverage of European issues in/through online media

The LEMEL project is a comparative, international and networked research project. Our aim is to analyse the representations and framing of Europe and European controversies in online media from various countries, in order to identify different patterns of storytelling about Europe in online news, the European identity they promote and the political principles they value. Our originality lies in the methodology of the research: each team gathers a corpus of item related to the coverage of European issues in national online news for the same period of time; the corpuses are analysed according to a common grid; the results are put in common during European workshops and transnational themes are identified; researchers from different countries gather into thematic groups in order to publish papers on specific aspects of the global analysis. The keywords for the project are European media sphere, media framing, representations, identification, media events, European themes, categories, discourse analysis, ways of appropriation.
The long-term goal of the LEMEL research project is also to build a European research network to run similar pan-European analysis each year.

Key facts

LEMEL, online media, Forschungsnetzwerk
01/01/2014 - Until further notice
University institutions
Institut für Germanistik, Interdisziplinäres Europaforschungszentrum (ICES)


 ist ein europaweites Forschungsnetzwerk mit 8 Ländern, das darauf abzielt die Darstellung von Europa und die diskursive Rahmung von europäischen Auseinandersetzungen in ihrer Verhandlung in online-Medien aus der Perspektive mehrerer Länder zu erfassen. Damit wollen wir die verschiedenen Narrative über Europa, die in online news kursieren, identifizieren wie auch die europäischen Identitätsvorstellungen und die soziopolitischen Prinzipien, die sie in Umlauf bringen.



               Project Partner                         
Université de Cergy-Pontoise (coordonnateur)
Université de Bologne
Université de Padoue
London College of Communication
Ecole nationale d’études politiques et administratives
Université de Bucarest
Université de Varsovie
Université Pan-européenne de Bratislava
Nouvelle Université bulgare


+49 461 805 2623
Gebäude Riga 4
RIG 407
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 2d
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
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Project members

+49 461 805 2618
Gebäude Riga 4
RIG 408
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 2d
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
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