The overall objective of the project "Media of East/West European Border Traffic during the Cold War" is to strengthen research excellence in the European Research Area and to promote interdisciplinary research cooperation between Western Europe and Eastern, Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe. In particular, it investigated the relationship of the countries and satellite states of the former Soviet Union in the Cold War to European integration and the values of the European Union. In general, it will be analysed which relations can be established between social and institutional structures and discursive formations on both sides of the Iron Curtain in the Cold War and the history of European integration. The consortium will consist of thirteen excellent researchers from three Western and four Eastern European countries from cultural and social sciences, so that in addition to internationality, both the internal and external perspectives are guaranteed to be comparative, then integrative. This forms the basis for a comprehensive analysis of integrative, innovative and reflective societies in transition.

Further information:

Key facts

MEWEB, Media, European border, Cold War
07/01/2019 - 12/31/2020
University institutions
Institut für Germanistik, Interdisziplinäres Europaforschungszentrum (ICES)


The aim of the first funding phase is as well to strengthen existing cooperations and to network with suitable cooperation partners. In particular, the opportunity for a strong exchange between the Western European partners (Germany, France, Denmark and Luxembourg) and the Eastern, Southeastern and Central Eastern European partners (Hungary, Poland, Romania, Ukraine) should be offered. This should explicitly not only lead to bi-nationally oriented working topics, but also to the development of tri-national or generally transnational in-depth research fields, which realize the compatibility and the respective specifics of Western European methods and Eastern European research perspectives. Furthermore, it is essential for the project to identify suitable cooperation partners from the non-academic sector and involve them in the project: Media technology companies (SMEs), archives, museums, media pedagogical institutions, initiatives and organisations of the public sector. Finally, the form of this transnational and interdisciplinary research cooperation should offer the opportunity to analyse European society and its degree of willingness to integrate beyond the national framework, even beyond stereotypical East/West divisions. At the same time, however, the project aims as well to sensitise people to country-specific and disciplinary differences in scientific working methods. Reflection on common ways of working and the development of common methods is a central aim of the project.


Prof. Andrzej Kozieł, Uniwersytet Warszawski                00-927 Warschau  Polen                                                   

Dr. Joanna Walewska, Uniwersytet Mikołaja


87-100 Torun


Dr. Iona Macrea-Toma, Open Society Archiv (OSA), Central European University1051 Budapest Ungarn
Prof. Camelia Beciu, Universitatea din București030018 Bukarest Rumänien
Dr. Spero Paravantis, University of Luxembourg4365 Esch-sur-Alzette Luxemburg
Prof. Thomas Wegener Friis, Syddansk Universitet5230 Odense Dänemark
Prof. Joanna Nowicki, Université de Cergy- Pontoise95000 Cergy-Pontoise Frankreich
Dr. Dana Popescu-Jourdy Université Lumière Lyon 269007 Lyon Frankreich
Dr. Joanna Szylko-Kwas, Uniwersystet Warszawski00-927 Warschau Polen
Dr. Luciana Radut-Gaghi, Université de Cergy Pontoise95000 Cergy-Pontoise Frankreich


+49 461 805 2623
Gebäude Riga 4
RIG 407
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 2d
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
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Gefördert vom BMBF, Förderlinie: Bridge2ERA

Fördersumme: 98.305 €

  • Förderbereich: Integration der Region Mittelost- und Südosteuropa in den Europäischen Forschungsraum