Election of the ICES Board of Directors
ICES Board of Directors was elected at the ICES Meeting of Members in November
At this year's General Assembly, the ICES Board of Directors was newly elected from among the ICES members. The Board of Directors advises and decides on all ICES matters and thus contributes to further strengthening European Studies at the Europa-Universität Flensburg . It is elected by the ICES members for 2 years. Prof. Dr. Monika Eigmüller (Professor of Sociology and European Studies), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Glassmann (Professor of Comparative Political Economy), Prof. Dr. Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch (Junior Professor of Pluralist Economics), Dr. Tobias Nanz (European Media Studies), Prof. Dr. Uwe Pütter (Professor of European Integration and European Politics) and Prof. Dr. Christine Reinecke (Professor of Modern and Contemporary European History). Monika Eigmüller was confirmed in office as Executive Director. We congratulate the new Board of Directors and look forward to working together!