Rotunde Calendar

2022 September

Internal event
Rotunde des Studierendenwerks
Sep 01 Sep 02
Festivities and receptions

Check-in for internationale Students

from Thursday, 09:00, Rotunde
Check-in and welcome package for international and exchange students
Internal event
Sep 06 Festivities and receptions

Get together with junior and senior students from EEM

Tuesday, 04:30, Rotunde
Get together with junior and senior students from EEM
Sep 08 Festivities and receptions

Preparation for graduation ceremony

Thursday, 13:00
Preparation for Graduation Ceremony for M.Eng. Energie und Umwelt Management
Internal event
Sep 09 Festivities and receptions

Graduation Ceremony for M.Eng. Energy and Environmental Mgmt

Friday, 10:00, Rotunde
Graduation Ceremony for M.Eng. Energy and Environmental Management
Internal event
Game night and International dinner
Sep 10 Festivities and receptions

International Evening

Saturday, 18:00, Rotunde
International Evening
Internal event
große Party mit Farben
Sep 15 Festivities and receptions

Special education first-year students' evening

Thursday, 17:00, Rotunde
Special education first-year students' evening
Internal event
große Party mit Farben
Sep 16 Festivities and receptions

EUCS welcome party

Friday, All-day, Rotunde
EUCS welcome party
Internal event
Hähnchen auf dem Grill
Sep 17 Festivities and receptions

Barbecue at Sandberg

Saturday, 18:00, Rotunde
Barbecue at Sandberg
[Translate to 2-English:] CampusFriends geschrieben mit orange und blaue quadraten
Sep 28 Festivities and receptions

CampusFriends Kick-Off Event

Wednesday, 18:00, Rotunde
CampusFriends Kick-Off Event
Internal event
große Party mit Farben
Sep 29 Festivities and receptions

Getting to know each other "mentor program" from the study p

Thursday, 18:00, Rotunde
Getting to know each other "mentor program" from the study program EEM