Information for EUF staff

Are you planning a stay abroad or would you like to establish an international university partnership? On this page you will find an overview of funding opportunities for stays abroad and information on initiating university partnerships.

Funding Resources for EUF Staff

Program Summary Application
  • 45 €/day
  • 1 companion is allowed
  • Up to 12 days
  • Worldwide
Apply by January 1 or June 1 (preferably January 1, as there may not be a second round every year due to limited funding).
Central Committee for European and International Affairs
  • Funding of international study trips with a recognizable educational character
  • Travel and/or accommodation costs and, if applicable, entrance fees are eligible for funding
2 weeks before the next meeting
Erasmus+ BIP (Blended Intensive Program)
  • Collaborate with at least 2 universities
  • On-site phase: 5-30 days + virtual phase
  • Companions allowed; see Erasmus+ for teaching professionals
  • Students can receive 79 euros/day (1-14 days) + possible extra funding/travel allowance
  • Erasmus+ program countries
At least 2 months before the first phase
EUF Foundation
  • Excursions for degree programs
  • Maximum funding amount: 400-600 €
  • Apply informally via email (include description of the excursion+cost breakdown)
  • Applicant must be a member of the EUF Foundation
Program Summary Application
Erasmus+ teaching placements
  • 2-60 days, of which up to 5 days may be funded
  • 8 hours of teaching per week
  • Amount of funding: €140-180/day + travel allowance
  • Erasmus+ program countries
At least one month before your trip
Erasmus+ training and professional development
  • 2-60 days (5 of the days are fundable)
  • Amount of funding: see Erasmus+ STA
  • Erasmus+ program countries + UK
At least one month before your trip
DAAD lecturships and teaching assignments
  • 2-5 years
  • Local salary + additional funding
See the DAAD website
DAAD short-term lecturships See the DAAD website
DAAD conference travel program
  • Supports active participation in international academic congresses/conferences (on-site and online)
  • Funding covers: participation fees, accommodation, travel allowance, and/or materials.
  • Funding may be granted 3 x per year
Apply at any time; some documents must be submitted 4 months before the event.
DAAD lecture travel program
  • Supports activities other than congresses/conferences
  •  Travel allowance + "Green Travel" subsidy
Central Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer at EUF Supports research-related activities (third-party funding application preparation, academic events at EUF, conference travel with active participation of the early-stage researcher, publications, etc.) carried out by EUF scholars Up to 14 days before the relevant committee meeting
Central Committee for European and International Affairs at EUF Supports activities related to internationalization Up to 14 days before the committee meeting
Program Summary Application
Erasmus+ teaching placement
  • see Staff
  • EUF employment contract required
see Staff
Erasmus+ training and professional development
  • see Staff
  • EUF employment contract required
see Staff
Erasmus+ short-term stays (e.g., summer schools, research, language learning)
  • 5-30 days
  • 56-79 € per day + possible additional stipends/travel expense allowance
  • Only for doctoral students
At least one month before the stay
Erasmus+ long-term stays (e.g., research, language course
  • 60 days - 2 months
  • 640-750 € per month + possible additional stipends/travel expense allowance
  • For doctoral students and post-docs (apply during doctoral studies)
At least one month before the stay
DAAD research grants
  • 1-12 months
  • Monthly grant amount + travel allowance + additional funds
  • Applicants can apply twice (maximum 18 months)
  • May 2-June 15, 2023; selection takes place in Sept./Oct; funding begins in December 2023
  • Oct 1-Nov 15, 2023; selection takes place in February; funding begins in May 2024 
  • Feb 1-March 20, 2024; selection takes place in May/June; funding begins in September 2024.
Application deadlines are updated annually during the second quarter. Deadlines normally fall within the same period each year.
DAAD conference travel program see Staff see Staff
DAAD lecture travel program see Staff see Staff
Doctoral fellowship at the European University Institute in Florence
  • Funding for interdisciplinary dissertations related to European countries 
  • 1-3 years
  • Monthly grant + travel expense allowance + additional funds 
Research grants for early-stage researchers
  • 3-6 month research stays
  • Basic amount: 1,750 €, travel expense allowance + additional funds
  • May 2:  Selection on March 20th. Funding starts on September 1st (at the earliest)
  • June 15:  Selection in late October. Funding starts on January 1st (at the earliest).
  • November 15: Selection in late March. Funding starts on June 1st (at the earliest).
Central Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer at EUF Supports research-related activities (third-party funding application preparation, academic events at EUF, conference travel with active participation of the early stage researcher, publications, etc.) to EUF scholars. No later than 14 days before the relevant committee meeting
Central Committee for European and International Affairs at EUF Supports activities related to internationalization. No later than 14 days before the relevant committee meeting
  • In addition to the non-subject-specific DAAD programs listed above, you can find subject- or country-specific programs in the DAAD scholarship database.
  • The German-American Fulbright Commission offers funding opportunities for university lecturers and doctoral candidates for stays in the USA.
  • The Franco-German Youth Office offers funding opportunities to France.
  • The DAAD also funds preparatory trips (with a travel allowance) to universities worldwide with which an Erasmus+ project (mobility, capacity building projects, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master, cooperation partnerships, innovation alliances, Jean Monnet networks, teacher academies, future-oriented projects, policy support) is planned (except: Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State, Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom). The application is possible at any time (travel period January to November) and must be submitted 4 weeks before the travel request. Please contact us directly ( if you are interested.

Establishing international university partnerships

This procedure serves as a guide for establishing partnerships with international partner universities for student and staff mobility within the Erasmus+ area and for worldwide student mobility.


The partnership form (see point 3.1) must be completed before the International Center can process the agreement.

Before filling out the form, you should go through one of the following checklists with the partner university:

  • Checklist for Student and Staff Mobility within the Erasmus+ Area (PDF or Word file)
  • Checklist for Worldwide Student Mobility (PDF oder Word file)


Interest in a new partnership

  1. Check the degree programs
    • The degree subject component (Teilstudiengang) checks the course offerings (taking into account the language of instruction of each course) at the potential partner university.
  2. Contact the International Center
    • The degree subject component representative contacts the EUF International Center (see Contact)


Content of the partnership

  1. Clarify key details of the partnership
    1. Clarify with representatives of the EUF degree subject component:
      • The (English) course offerings at EUF, as well as the types and number of mobilities (BA, MA, PhD students and/or teaching staff)
      • Possibly come up with ideas for additional participation options (like COIL, Blended Mobilty, degree program internships, DAAD funding programs) if more outgoings than incomings are expected.
    2. Contact the potential partner university (via its International Center or degree program):
  2. Name the EUF contact person (and their substitute) for the degree program subject component for the proposed partnership, and give the shared email address for that contact.


Finalizing the agreement

  1. Inform the International Center about the details of the partnership
    • Via the partnership form, the degree program subject component shares the agreement details with the EUF International Center.
  2. International Center finalizes the agreement
    • The EUF International Center contacts the partner university and processes the agreement.
      • European partnerships: EUF or the partner university creates the agreement through EWP
      • Non-European partnerships: EUF attempts to send the EUF-MoU/-SEA and avoids using the partner university's template (reason: otherwise, the legal review can take a very long time). If the EUF template has been modified, the International Center will review the documents in collaboration with the EUF legal department.
  • European partnerships (Erasmus+ and SEMP/Switzerland): Ulrike Bischoff-Parker, Merle Struve:
  • Non-European partnerships: Dr. Dagmara Paciorek-Herrmann,