Recognition of Foreign Coursework - B.A. Social Sciences: Social and Political Change

Before your semester abroad

Preparing for Your Semester Abroad

If you are studying at a partner university abroad within the Erasmus+ program, you must complete a Learning Agreement before starting your semester abroad.  This agreement is not mandatory for students who do their semester abroad outside of Erasmus+, but it (or a similar leaning agreement) is highly recommended.

Online Learning Agreement (OLA): First select courses from the partner university’s course catalog totaling at least 30 CP (credit points), with 15 CP in the areas of political field analysis, political sociology, and specialized sociologies and 15 CP in other social science disciplines (e.g., anthropology, geography, economics, media studies, law) that broadly reflect social and societal transformation processes.

  1. Coordinate the course recognition in advance with your program coordinator.
  2. Fill out and sign the Online Learning Agreement through Both your EUF coordinator and the partner university will receive email notifications with a link to the OLA for review and approval.
  3. A guide explaining how to fill out the Online Learning Agreement is available under "Downloads."
  4. Upload the completed OLA in the  Outgoing-Portal.

All parties must agree to and sign the OLA before you can start your stay abroad (the partner university, your contact from SoWi, and you yourself).

Note: • Please confirm the recognition with your program contact, Ms. Daniela Arias Vargas, well in advance of your semester abroad.


If you have any questions about the recognition of foreign coursework, please contact:

During your semester abroad

During Your Semester Abroad

It may happen that you cannot attend all of your chosen courses (e.g., due to scheduling conflicts). In this case, you can change your course selection in the Online Learning Agreement under the "During the Mobility" section up to 5 weeks after the semester abroad has started. First ask your EUF degree program coordinator to confirm that the new courses can be recognized, and then update the Learning Agreement. Both your degree program coordinator and the host university need to approve the changes in your Online Learning Agreement. After they have done so,  please download a copy of the revised Online Learning Agreement and upload it to the Outgoing-Portal.


If you have any questions about the recognition of foreign coursework, please contact:

After Your Semester Abroad

After Your Semester Abroad

After Your Semester Abroad

The partner university will provide you with a transcript of records for all the courses you successfully completed there. Please ask in advance whether this will be sent directly to the EUF or only to you. As soon as the transcript becomes available, please submit it and your completed application for foreign course recognition (which can be found under "Downloads") to the coordinator of your degree program. It is important that the program coordinator receives the original transcript of records, which means that either you must send the original document via postal mail, or the partner university has to send an original digital document email directly to If the host university will send the transcript directly to EUF, please mention this in your application email.

The courses will then be recognized for transfer credit to EUF.

Please keep a copy of the course description (in English or German) and have it on hand, in case any questions come up about your coursework abroad.


If you have any questions about the recognition of foreign coursework, please contact:

About Foreign Course Recognition

Information About the Recognition of Courses Taken Abroad

EUF recognizes foreign coursework in accordance with the principles of the Lisbon Convention. One of the most important key points of the Lisbon Convention is the paradigm shift from "equivalence" to "essential difference." The latter states that differences between two courses at the host/home university do not, in principle, constitute an obstacle to recognition. Rather, learning outcome is the most relevant criterion when determining whether a specific course can be recognized.

Method and Evaluation Criteria:

When determining whether significant differences exist between two courses, the following five key elements are considered:

1. Quality: The foreign (host) university and, if applicable, the degree program offered at the foreign  country are examined to determine whether the courses in question have been duly accredited in accordance with the legal regulations in force in the host country.

2. Level: The degree level (bachelor, master) of the course taken at the host university is checked.

3. Learning outcomes: Course recognition focuses on learning outcomes. When comparing courses and assessing the potential for recognition, the focus is not on the detailed micro level, but rather on how well the course prepares students for further university study.

4. Scope: In general, accreditation may not be denied due to differences of quantitative scope between the two courses under comparison (i.e., differences in the number of ECTS credits of each course).

5. Profile: The learning outcomes of the host university course are checked to ensure that they fit with the goals and focus of the degree program at the home university (e.g. focus of study, qualification goals, skills goals, etc.).

Further information:

Grade conversion: Grades are converted in accordance with this table.

Appeal: In the case of a negative decision about recognition, students receive a notification concerning the recognition (reasons for the decision and instructions on how to appeal it).


If you have any questions about the recognition of foreign coursework, please contact:


Erasmus+ Online Learning Agreement (Studienvereinbarung)

Jump to Online Learning Agreement

Erasmus+ Online Learning Agreement (Study Agreement)

Access the Online Learning Agreement

The agreement must be completely filled out and signed by both parties (Europa-Universität Flensburg and the partner university) before you depart for your host university.

Please use the instructions for filling out the Learning Agreement.

Application Form for Foreign Course Recognition

You can download the application form for the recognition of courses taken abroad here. Please complete the application and submit it (as a Word document) to your degree program coordinator, along with your transcript of records.


If you have any questions about the recognition of foreign coursework, please contact:

+49 461 805 2417
Gebäude Tallinn 1
TAL 317
Auf dem Campus 1b
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg