Research Event Calendar

This page only shows research-related meetings and events. To see listings for all of EUF, check out our university calendar. We also have a calendar for university boards, that shows upcoming meeting dates for committees and self-governing bodies of EUF.

Please note: Some calendar entries are only available on the German page.

Kung Fu and Business - Excursion with WHKD Flensburg to the blau:pause

German English

The @ventureDock project cordially invites you to the excursion "Kung Fu and Business".

Florian from WHKD Flensburg has successfully founded a part-time martial arts training group in Flensburg. Here you can experience Kung Fu at first hand and at the same time learn something about how to realize your own ideas and projects - also on a part-time basis.

The meeting point is the bewegungs:pause of the blau:pause - an inspiring place for community involvement and creative initiatives in Flensburg.

Click here to register