Research Event Calendar

This page only shows research-related meetings and events. To see listings for all of EUF, check out our university calendar. We also have a calendar for university boards, that shows upcoming meeting dates for committees and self-governing bodies of EUF.

Please note: Some calendar entries are only available on the German page.

2024 November

Infoplakat zu Vorträgen
Nov 06

Expressivity in an endangered language

Wednesday, 17:00, OSL 247
Expressivity in an endangered language: the case of echo words in Scots
Internal event
Nov 13 Committees

Meeting of the Central Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer

Wednesday, 14:00, DUB 107
Meeting of the Central Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer
Infoplakat zu Vorträgen
Nov 13

Indigenous language revitalisation from the grassroots

Wednesday, 17:00, OSL 247
Indigenous language revitalisation from the grassroots. Some examples from Latin America
Ankündigung Veranstaltung "The Irish Writer as Witness"
Nov 19

Prof Eamonn O'Ciardha on "The Irish Writer as Witness"

Tuesday, 16:15, OSL 243
[Translate to 2-Englisch:] Lecture by Prof Eamonn O’Ciardha on "The Irish Writer as Witness: Languages, Literatures, Themes, and Trends"

2024 December

Dec 05

Collaborative Evolution – A Look Inside the Writing Workshop

Thursday, All-day, Information folgt
[Translate to 2-Englisch:] Collaborative Evolution – A Look Inside the Writing Workshop
Infoplakat zu Vorträgen
Dec 11 Lectures

Celebration of the 10th anniversary of KURS

Wednesday, 16:00
Celebration of the 10th anniversary of KURS

2025 January

Jan 08 Committees

Meeting of the Central Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer

Wednesday, 10:00, DUB 107
Meeting of the Central Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer

2025 March

Internal event
Mar 19 Committees

Meeting of the Central Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer

Wednesday, 14:00, DUB 107
Meeting of the Central Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer

2025 May

May 21 Committees

Meeting of the Central Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer

Wednesday, 14:00, DUB 107
Meeting of the Central Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer