Promotion and Qualification of Researchers in Qualification Phases
Funding measure Description Advice and Information
Qualification offers interdisciplinary skills The Graduate Center (GraZ) offers qualification courses on interdisciplinary skills for doctoral researchers, post-docs, habilitating candidates and junior professors. The main qualification areas are
(1) research, writing, publishing,
(2) applying for third-party funding and academic communication,
(3) career and profile development.
Subject-specific qualification programs To promote qualification and networking, the profiling research centers offer a wide range of subject-specific qualification programs, particularly within the framework of the ICES Research School and ZeBUSS Research Academy Education.,
Participation in external training courses and academic events ZeBUSS promotes participation in workshops, lectures and methods training courses, among other things, as part of its open support for researchers in qualification phases. ICES promotes participation in methods training courses through regular calls for proposals. In addition, the PhD Network's annual International Research Workshop at the Sankelmark Academy (near Flensburg), in which the EUF participates, is supported by the EUF with funding for the central organization. The participation fees for the 5-day workshop are to be financed separately.,
Coaching Program Doctoral researchers, post-docs as well as junior professors are given the opportunity to reflect on and work through particular challenges in their qualification phase in a coaching program offered by the Equal Opportunities Office.
Mentoring-Program (in preparation) A mentoring program for doctoral researchers is being prepared by the Graduate Center (GraZ) in cooperation with the interdisciplinary doctoral network (DokNet).
International Qualification Research stays and participation in further training (e.g. summer schools, language courses) abroad as well as guest lectureships at EUF partner universities can be financially supported by the Erasmus+ program. The Language Center offers free language courses, including courses focusing on academic language in German and English.,