News der Fakultät II

Literasea Issue 2 - Call for Submissions!

Our beautiful literary journal will be producing its second issue this semester and everyone who studies and works at the EUF is welcome to submit.

Did we just release the very first issue of Literasea? Yes.

Do we already have a theme for the second issue? Also yes!

The theme of the 2nd Issue of Literasea is Movement.

Like the waves of the ocean, the LiteraSEA is in constant motion. In an ever-changing world, movement is everywhere, whether it be of a social, cultural, political, or personal nature, in time or in space.

We are so excited and already looking forward to all your contributions. Maybe some of you already feel inspired to write or draw something during the semester break.

The submission deadline for texts and artworks is 7 October. Submission guidelines can be found on our website:

Happy writing and drawing!