Alle Termine des Forschungskalenders
Hier finden Sie Termine, die einen Forschungszusammenhang aufweisen. Im Hochschulweiten Kalender finden Sie weitere Termine aus der Universität, im Gremienkalender die nächsten Sitzungstermine von Ausschüssen und Selbstverwaltungs-Organen wie dem Senat.
ICES Research Atelier ǀ The Access to Healthcare for Undocumented Children in Canada and France by Anna Kompatscher & Sarah Marshall
Hosted by: Prof. Dr. Monika Eigmüller and Dr. Sébastien Tremblay
The Access to Healthcare for Undocumented Children in Canada and France by Anna Kompatscher & Sarah Marshall
Organization - "Brown Bag Seminar – feel free to bring your lunch!"
The Research Atelier is one important element of the ICES Research School and will take place every other Tuesday from 12:30-13:30 (see below). Technically, the meeting will take a hybrid form: we will meet in-person in RIGA 601, but also provide the possibility to participate via Webex . Please ask for the link, thanks.
For organizational issues we will use the online platform Basecamp. In case you have not yet received an invitation, please contact Sébastien via email:
A short tutorial in PDF form is provided in the documents section of Basecamp.
Goal of the Research Atelier
The Research Atelier is meant to serve as a platform where early-stage researchers get constructive feedback on their work. This means that it is not required to present final and full-fledged papers. To the contrary, everyone is invited to present ongoing work and receive feedback on open questions during the Atelier. Moreover, you are encouraged to circulate this information alongside an invitation to join to all early-career researchers that you think might be interested in participating.
To allow for the possibility of feedback, you should aim to give a presentation of no more than 30 minutes, better 20...
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