Prof. Dr.Vello Pettai

Bild von Vello Pettai


Gebäude Riga 4
RIG 413
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 2d


Institut für Frisistik und Minderheitenforschung
Abteilung Europarecht
Internationales Institut für Management und ökonomische Bildung


Nummer Titel Typ Semester
2233152l Cultural Diversity in Europe - Minorities and Multiculturalism Seminar HeSe 2024

Studium am Middleburgy College

BA: Joint major, Russian & Political science

Study abroad: Institut d’étude politique, Paris; Pushkin Institute, Moscow


Studium am Columbia University

MA 1993: Political science

Mphil 1997: Political science

PhD 2004: Political science


University of Tartu

1997-2005: Lecturer, Researcher

2005-2022: Professor of Comparative Politics

2020 – present

European Centre for Minority Issues


2021 August - present

Europa-Universität Flensburg



Eva-Clarita Pettai and Vello Pettai, Transitional and Retrospective Justice in the Baltic States, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, 390 pages.

Vello Pettai, Elections in Estonia, 1990 – 1992: Transitional and Founding, Berlin: edition Sigma, 2012, 301 pages.


Karen Henderson, Vello Pettai and Agnieszka Wenninger, eds., Central and Eastern Europe Beyond Transition: Convergence and Divergence in Europe, Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, 2012, 72 pages.

Vello Pettai and Piret Ehin, Deciding on Europe: The EU Referendum in Estonia, Tartu University Press, 2005, 147 pages.

Vello Pettai and Jan Zielonka, eds., EU Enlargement, Volume 2. The Road to the European Union: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003, 293 pages.

Buchkapitel und Zeitschriftenaufsätze (seit 2017)

Eva-Clarita Pettai and Vello Pettai, "Transitional Justice and Memory" in Zsuzsa Csergő, Daina S. Eglitis and Paula M. Picering, eds., Central and East European Politics: Changes and Challenges, Rowman and Littlefield, 5th ed., 2022, pp. 185-212.

Vello Pettai, "National minorities and ethnic relations in the Baltic states", Europa Ethnica, vo. 78, no. 3/4, (2021), pp. 86-94.

Vello Pettai, "Estonia: Democratic Consolidation in an Uncertain Environment" in Günther Verheugen, Karel Vodička, Martin Brusis, eds., Democracy in the Post-Communist EU Area. Successes, Deficits, Risks, Springer VS, 2021, pp. 35-48.

Vello Pettai, "National identity and re-identity in post-Soviet Estonia", Journal of Baltic Studies, v. 52, no. 3 (2021), pp. 425-36.

Andrii Nekoliak and Vello Pettai, "Navigating Ethnopolitical Disputes: Ukraine’s Constitutional Court in the Tug-of-War over Language" in Maryna Rabinovych and Hanna Shelest, eds., Natural vs Imposed: Regional Diversity, Decentralization and Separatism in Ukraine?, Palgrave, 2020, pp. 49-79.

Vello Pettai, "The Baltic States: Keeping Faith in Turbulent Times", Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies, v. 13, no. 2 (2019), pp. 39-63.

Vello Pettai, "Estonia: From Instability to the Consolidation of Centre-Right Coalition Politics", in Wolfgang Müller, Torbjörn Bergman and Gabriella Ilonszki, eds., Governments in Europe – Bringing in the Baltic and East Central European Democracies, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 170-206.

Vello Pettai, "Measuring academic freedom in a regional and global perspective", Baltic Worlds, v. 11, no. 4 (December 2018), pp. 62-5.

Eva-Clarita Pettai and Vello Pettai, "Transitional Justice and Memory" in Sharon L. Wolchik and Jane L. Curry, eds., Central and East European Politics: From Communism to Democracy, Rowman and Littlefield, 4rd ed., 2018, pp. 145-69.

Vello Pettai, "The Development of Political Systems in Post-Communist Countries" in Peeter Vihalemm, Anu Masso and Signe Opermann, eds., Routledge International Handbook of European Social Transformation, Routledge, 2017, pp. 112-29.

Vello Pettai, "Balancing between Consolidation and Cartel: The Effects of Party Law in Estonia", in Ingrid van Biezen and Fernando Casal Bertoa, eds., The Regulation of Post-Communist Party Politics, Routledge, 2017, pp. 175-94.

Vello Pettai and Eva-Clarita Pettai, "Dealing with the Past: Transitional Justice and De-communization," in Petr Kopecky and Adam Fagan, eds., The Routledge Handbook of East European Politics, Taylor and Francis, 2017, pp. 281-294.


Work Package leader, EU H2020 Research and Innovation Action grant, "Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe" (POPREBEL), 2019-2022, local budget € 320,000.

Work Package leader, EU H2020 MSCA-Innovative Training Network, " Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe" (FATIGUE), 2018-2022, local budget € 452,530.

Personal Research Grant, "Varieties of Democracy: measuring democracy in the Baltic States, Eastern Europe and Russia", Estonian Research Council, Grant nr. PUT 717, 2015-2018, total grant € 172,800.

Principal Investigator, Research grant "Explaining electoral choice sets: Estonia in comparative perspective", Estonian Science Foundation, 2011-2014, total grant € 48,000.

Principal Investigator, Targeted Financing Research Grant nr. 0180128 "Types of Democratic Representation in Post-Communist Democracies" from the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, 2008-2013, total grant € 486,756.

Principal Investigator, Targeted Financing Research Grant nr. 0182573 "The Evolution of Democratic Political Culture in the Restored Republic of Estonia" from the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, 2003-2007, total grant € 204,741.

Externe Lehrtätigkeiten und Stipendien

DAAD Gastdozent, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Wintersemester 2019

Visiting researcher, Imre Kertesz Kolleg Jena, January-July 2018

Visiting scholar, European University Institute, March 2014

DAAD Gastdozent, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Oktober 2008-März 2011

Guest research fellow, Ostsee-Kolleg, Humboldt University, Berlin, May-July 2003

Baltic Fellow, European University Institute, April-June 1999

IREX Individual Advanced Research Fellowship, 1994-5

IREX Developmental Fellowship, 1992-3

Peer reviewer für die Zeitschriften Europe-Asia Studies, Post-Soviet Affairs, Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, und andere.

Member, peer review panel in Politics, Academy of Finland, 2022 & 2023

Country reports oder Reviews über Estland für:

  • Bertelsman Transformation Index (2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2020)
  • Political Data Yearbook of the European Journal of Political Research (2002-2009),
  • Freedom House, Nations in Transit (2008-12, 2016-17),
  • Economist Intelligence Unit (2005-2007),
  • East European Constitutional Review (1998-2003)

Member, Prize Committee of the Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science, 2017-present

Member, High Council of the European University Institute (Florence) 2006-2015.

Member, Executive Committee, European Consortium for Political Research, 2006-2012.

Member, Estonian Research Council, 2006-2009

Chair, Executive Board, PRAXIS Center for Policy Studies, 2000-2004

Chair, Local Organizing Committee, ECPR Graduate Student Conference, Tartu, Estonia, 10-13 July 2016 (300 Teilnehmer)

Recipient, Baltic Assembly Science Prize (with Eva-Clarita Pettai), 2015

Recipient, Estonian National Science Award in the Social Sciences, 2008