Dual Master

Effects of a Dual Teaching Degree

Germany is already experiencing a significant shortage of teachers. Although current projections of teacher demand vary considerably in their estimates, they all agree that there will likely continue to be a shortage of educational expertise, including in special education, over the next ten years. Therefore, measures for lateral and alternative entry into the teaching profession are being increasingly implemented (for an overview, see Driesner & Arndt, 2020). However, in light of current research findings on the pedagogical-psychological knowledge of alternatively trained teachers (Kleickmann & Anders, 2011; Kunina-Habenicht et al., 2013; Oettinghaus, Lamprecht & Korneck, 2014; Lucksnat, Richter, Klusmann, Kunter & Richter, 2022), it is doubtful whether these programs are suitable for adequately qualifying teachers. Recently, dual training models, which are widely used internationally (OECD, 2022), have increasingly become the focus of educational policy and scientific discussion.

At Europa-Universität Flensburg, the Dual Master's program in Special Education was established for the autumn semester 2021/22, marking the first nationwide Dual Master's program in general educational teaching. Within three years, students earn their Master's degree and complete their teaching internship. Further information about the program is available here.

The effects of the Dual Training System are systematically evaluated longitudinally. This evaluation focuses on program and study quality, as well as student satisfaction. Additionally, it examines whether the Dual model adequately prepares prospective teachers for their future careers. Knowledge and attitude development are assessed using established, standardized assessment tools. For instance, the BilWiss-2.0 test (Kunina-Habenicht et al., 2020) measures educational science knowledge, while the GPK-IT (Gerhard, Kaspar, König & Melzer, 2020) evaluates pedagogical knowledge for inclusive teaching.

Click here to view the project's description in the research database of Europa-Universität Flensburg.


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