Internet-Based CBM: "Mathes-Digital"

Regular diagnostics accompanying the learning process play a crucial role in the early detection of learning difficulties and the evaluation of the effectiveness of support measures (Sikora, 2022). Although national (e.g. Förster & Souvignier, 2014) and international (e.g. Stecker, Fuchs & Fuchs, 2005) studies have demonstrated positive effects on pupils' learning performance, diagnostic procedures targeting the course of learning have rarely been used in school practice to date. One reason for this may be that the existing tests do not yet meet the criterion of user-friendliness (Gebhardt, Jungjohann & Schurig, 2021). Accordingly, the procedures should be as easy as possible to carry out and evaluate in everyday school life. Another obstacle to implementation is seen in the associated costs (Blumenthal, Gebhardt, Förster & Souvignier, 2022).

In the past, members of the department have been involved in the development of various diagnostic procedures to measure the learning progression. These are available as paper-pencil versions and can be accessed free of charge at However, the test evaluation step in particular is relatively time-consuming. For this reason, the assessments of the Mathes series (Sikora, 2017; Sikora & Hartke, 2020) are currently being converted into a web-based version optimized for tablets ("Mathes-Digital"), which will be made available free of charge.

The system takes over the guidance of the tests. Once the tests have been completed, teachers receive automated result overviews for individual pupils and entire classes. In contrast to other internet platforms for curriculum-based measurement (for an overview, see Blumenthal et al., 2022), no prior registration or creation of student profiles is necessary. This is intended to make test implementation and evaluation as user-friendly as possible.

Another advantage of digital CBM is that additional diagnostic information, such as processing speed as an indicator of calculation fluency (Voß, 2016), can be collected and reported back to the teachers. The psychometric quality of the developed web-based assessments is continuously evaluated.

 Here you can access the presentation of the project in the research database of the Europa-Universität Flensburg.


  • Blumenthal, S., Gebhardt, M., Förster, N. & Souvignier, E. (2022). Internetplattformen zur Diagnostik von Lernverläufen von Schülerinnen und Schülern in Deutschland – Ein Vergleich der Plattformen Lernlinie, Levumi und quop. Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 73 (4), 153-167.
  • Förster, N. & Souvignier, E. (2014). Learning progress assessment and goal setting: Effects on reading achievement, reading motivation and reading self-concept. Learning & Instruction, 32, 91-100.
  • Gebhardt, M., Jungjohann, J. & Schurig, M. (2021). Lernverlaufsdiagnostik im förderorientierten Unterricht. München: Reinhardt.
  • Sikora, S. (2017). Lernverlaufsdiagnostik im Mathematikunterricht. Theoretische Grundlagen, Konzeption und Güte eines formativen Schulleistungstests für dritte Klassen. Hamburg: Dr. Kovač.
  • Sikora, S. (2022). Prävention von Lernschwierigkeiten – Welche Rolle spielt eine systematische Lernverlaufsdiagnostik? In S. Blumenthal, Y. Blumenthal & K. Mahlau (Hrsg.), Kinder mit Lern- und emotional-sozialen Entwicklungsauffälligkeiten in der Schule. Diagnostik – Prävention – Förderung (S. 79-89). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  • Sikora, S. & Hartke, B. (2020). Zur Konstruktion und Güte eines formativen Schulleistungstests für das Fach Mathematik in dritten Klassen. Diagnostica
  • Stecker, P. M., Fuchs, L. S. & Fuchs, D. (2005). Using Curriculum-Based Measurement to Improve Student Achievement: Review of Research. Psychology in the Schools, 42 (8), 795-819.
  • Voß, S. (2016). Rechengeschwindigkeit, -präzision oder -flüssigkeit? Zur Vorhersage und Förderung der Rechenleistungen von Erstklässlern. Heilpädagogische Forschung, 42 (1), 13-24.


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