ICES Meeting of Members/ Election of the ICES Board of Directors

At the ICES Mitgliederversammlung we will have the opportunity to discuss ICES projects and activities in 2022. The upcoming evaluation of ICES will be a topic on the agenda as well, especially against the background of the strategic development for the next coming years.  

It will be a hybridmeeting in English and/or German, depending on the audience.

Date:        Friday, November 11th 2022 from 12.00-1.30 p.m.
Building RIGA 6, room 601
Meeting number: 2734 883 3319, Password: mfTb7NKej85

At this year's meeting the ICES Board of Directors will be elected from among the ICES members.  

Election of the ICES Board of Directors

Wahl des ICES Direktorium

The Board of Directors advises and decides in all matters of ICES and thus contributes to further strengthening European Studies at EUF. Those who are interested in participating in the strategic orientation, operational implementation and establishment of a unique ICES research profile are hereby invited to stand for election. The board of directors consists of at least three and up to five full-time professors and at least one and a maximum of two academic staff members. The Board of Directors is elected for 2 years. Re-election is possible.

If you would like to be nominated, please contact me (, -2499) and send a short description of yourself and your research interests, as well as a short explanation why and how you would like to contribute to advancing European Studies at the EUF as part of the ICES Board of Directors (max. ½ page) until 28.10.2022.

This information will be sent to the members at least one week before the meeting in preparation for the election and will be published on the ICES homepage (password-protected). The participants of the meeting will vote in status groups during the general meeting.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!

+49 461 805 2499
Gebäude Riga 6
RIG 614
Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 2f
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
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