Research Event Calendar

This page only shows research-related meetings and events. To see listings for all of EUF, check out our university calendar. We also have a calendar for university boards, that shows upcoming meeting dates for committees and self-governing bodies of EUF.

Please note: Some calendar entries are only available on the German page.

German Postdoc Network I Beyond the Postdoc - Science Manager in the Academic Sector

Are you wondering what comes next after your postdoc? Our new talk series, Beyond the Postdoc, offers insights into diverse career opportunities beyond postdoctoral research. In our first talk we welcome Dr. Tina Scheibe, Science Manager at the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences. Originally trained in marine biology she left academic research after her PhD and postdoc stay at a Max-Planck-Institute to support postdocs as a researcher developer. Today, her tasks include developing concepts for junior professor positions, advising and supporting postdocs and the coordination of a doctoral research center.

The profession of science manager is still young, but changes at universities and research centers, where continuously tasks are emerging that cannot or should not be covered by traditional administrative or academic staff, are leading to a fast-growing field.

Join our talk to learn more about the field, the journey of Dr. Tina Scheibe and competences and skills that helped her succeed.
