Research Funding at EUF

The Flensburg Research Funding Program (FPFF)

To promote research, the Europa-Universität Flensburg has developed the Flensburg Program for Research Funding (FPFF) for academics at all professional/career stages.

Module 1: Consulting and Support

Funding and proposal application advising

For the initiation of research-related activities, EUF Office of Research and the ZeBUSS and ICES research centers offer funding and application advice, including funding program search, preparation of calculations, research data management, administrative work for third-party funding applications and application reviews.

Academic editing for English articles and proposals

The International Center's academic editing service supports researchers in the preparation of high-quality English-language third-party funding applications and journal articles.

Ethics votes

Ethics votes can be requested from the EUF Ethics Committee. These may be relevant for an application for third-party funding or a planned publication and must be applied for before the start of the research process.

Project support

Ongoing research projects can receive more detailed project support upon request. Through the EUF Office for Research, the ZeBUSS and ICES research centers, researchers can get help with project modification requests or advice on issues concerning project management. Both research centers also offer help preparing academic conferences, meetings and other activities, as well as support for administration issues related to project implementation. The Office for Research advises on research data management.

Work and meeting rooms

The ZeBUSS and ICES research centers provide work and meeting rooms for their members. These rooms are open to all researchers at EUF, pending availability.

Support for visiting researchers and cooperative initiatives

The ZeBUSS and ICES research centers offer support for visiting researchers and cooperative projects. Within the framework of the ICES Open Call (co-)financing of guest stays can be applied for.

Reduced teaching load

The Executive University Board grants a teaching load reduction upon request for outstanding research projects.

 View infosheet (Intranet - only in German)

Module 2: Financial support

Preparation of third-party funding applications

The ZeBUSS and ICES research centers offer financial support for the preparation of third-party funding applications if the content is appropriate. The funding offer of the Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer is currently suspended. 

Academic events

The Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer regularly offers (upon request) financial support for academic events at EUF. See the information sheet and sample application. In addition, the ZeBUSS and ICES research centers also offer funding opportunities with a corresponding focus. Conferences with a clearly European or international orientation are funded by the Committee for Europe and International Affairs.

Transfer events

The Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer funds transfer events in which the EUF or its organizational units act as organizers. For information on funding requirements, see the information sheet and sample application.

Publication grants

For Open Access publications, publication grants can be used from central funds within the framework of the DEAL contracts with Springer Nature, Wiley and Elsevier for one publication per year by EUF researchers in one of the journal publishers affiliated here. For further publications, please make sure to obtain confirmation of cost coverage from your organizational unit in advance.

The ZeBUSS and ICES research centers grant their members financial support for scientific publication projects with a corresponding thematic reference.

Suspended for the time being: The Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer awards publication grants for pure open access publications that are not eligible for funding via the State Publication Fund, such as journal articles by experienced researchers and book publications, see overview of publication grants.

Suspended for the time being: Publication grants for hybrid open access publications can be applied for from the Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer for book and journal publications, see information sheet.

Open calls

Open calls are announced by ICES with specific focuses. ZeBUSS supports research activities in three different funding lines ("research", "researchers in qualification phases" and "networking"). The annual Open Call of the Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer has been suspended for the time being.

Program for the Promotion and Qualification of Researchers in Qualification Phases (FQ-WiQ)

Europa Universität Flensburg has implemented a modularized initiative to promote and qualify doctoral and early career researchers, the Program for the Promotion and Qualification of Researchers in Qualification Phases (FQ-WiQ). This includes the following modules:

Modul 1: Qualification

Qualification offers interdisciplinary skills

The Graduate Center (GraZ) offers qualification courses on interdisciplinary skills for doctoral researchers, post-docs, habilitating researchers and junior professors. The main qualification areas are
(1) research, writing, publishing,
(2) applying for third-party funding and academic communication,
(3) career and profile development.

Subject-specific qualification programs

To promote qualification and networking, the profiling research centers offer a wide range of subject-specific qualification programs, particularly within the framework of the ICES Research School and ZeBUSS Research Academy Education.

Participation in external training courses and academic events

Participation in external training courses and academic events: ZeBUSS promotes participation in workshops, lectures and methods training courses, among other things, as part of its open support for researchers in qualification phases. ICES promotes participation in methods training courses through regular calls for proposals. In addition, the PhD Network's annual International Research Workshop at the Sankelmark Academy (near Flensburg), in which the EUF participates, is supported by the EUF with funding for the central organization. The participation fees for the 5-day workshop are to be financed separately.

Coaching program

Pre- and post-docs as well as junior professors are given the opportunity to reflect on and work through particular challenges in their qualification phase in a coaching program offered by the Equal Opportunities Office.


A mentoring program for doctoral researchers is being prepared by the Graduate Center (GraZ) in cooperation with the interdisciplinary doctoral network (DokNet).

Module 2: Paid positions and scholarships

State graduate scholarships

The EUF Scholarship Committee supports doctoral researchers with state doctoral scholarships for a maximum period of three years.

Post-doc program

The post-doc program offers additional qualification positions in strategically relevant units to a limited number of post-docs.

Research stays

The research center ICES regularly issues calls for proposals to fund research visits for data collection or archive work.

currently suspended: Student assistants (SHK/WHK) for qualification work of Doctoral and Early Career Researchers

Funding of students assistants (SHK/WHK) for qualification work of Doctoral and Early Career Researchers can be applied for at the Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer. For the funding requirements see the information sheet (currently suspended)

Hardship fund for the final doctoral phase

Offered by the Doctoral Committee, the hardship fund allows researchers to bridge short-term funding gaps during the final phase of their doctoral studies.

Module 3: International Networking and Career Positioning

International research and teaching fellowships (in preparation)

Primarily aimed at junior professors, an information service to promote international research and teaching fellowships with a one-semester teaching load (if possible) is currently being developed by the Department of European and International Affairs.  

Mobility Funding Erasmus+ for pre- and post-docs

The Erasmus+ program can fund stays abroad for doctoral researchers and lecturers, among others. For more information, please contact the International Center.

Participation in conferences and congresses

The Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer offers financial support for participation in conferences and congresses (which also supports networking).

View infosheet and sample application

Publication funding

Publication funding for dissertations and postdoctoral theses is provided by the Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer. See information sheet.

Publication funding for open access journal articles is provided by the Committee for Research and Knowledge Transfer using funds from the State Publication Fund, see information sheet and application form.