Alle Termine des Forschungskalenders

Hier finden Sie Termine, die einen Forschungszusammenhang aufweisen. Im Hochschulweiten Kalender finden Sie weitere Termine aus der Universität, im Gremienkalender die nächsten Sitzungstermine von Ausschüssen und Selbstverwaltungs-Organen wie dem Senat.

GraZ | Academic Writing

This short workshop will offer the opportunity to discuss a range of questions and issues that might arise for academics who are new to writing in English or those who wish to improve their confidence.

Topics include:

  • Process writing
  • Relevance of grammar accuracy, idiomaticity, coherence and cohesion
  • Information and paragraph structure
  • Features of academic style (formality, caution, nominalisation, passive voice etc.)
  • Tips for effective academic writing

An extract of text (1-2 pages) should be submitted two weeks prior to the workshop. Individual text feedback will be provided if requested.This can be discussed in the workshop and assistance can be given to support the self-correction of issues relating to structure, understanding, logic, language etc.

A source of relevant reference material will be provided and continued support will be available after the workshop either in writing sessions or individual consultations.

Lecturer: Dr. Jonathan Mole



RIGA 717


Auf dem Campus 1b
24943 Flensburg
Graduiertenzentrum (GraZ)