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Multi-platform Contemporary Challenges for Minority Language Media

- , Ganztägig
Gebäude Göteborg

Meinem Kalender hinzufügen

The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) and ICES will host the conference "Multi-platform and Connecting Communities: Contemporary Challenges for Minority Language Media".

The guiding idea behind the second biennial conference on minority language media is to bring together academics and professionals from this field, as well as facilitating intensive exchange of research and practical experiences. This event aims to build upon the expertise of the International Association of Minority Language Media Research (IAMLMR) established in Edinburgh in 2019.

The upcoming conference will be held at the Europa Universität Flensburg, 10 years on from when the institution co-hosted the 13th International Conference on Minority Languages in 2011. Moreover, the core organisational partners at the European Centre for Minority Issues and the University of the Basque Country bring an expanded pan-European focus alongside the regional dimension. Indeed, the Danish-German borderlands provide a unique setting for debates concerning minority language media: it features multiple national minorities (with and without a kin-state), several languages, and long-established minority language media institutions cooperating across borders. The conference therefore aims to encourage a dialogue and facilitate nuanced debates concerning the challenges facing minority language media in local, regional and global contexts, with particular emphasis on an ever-evolving media landscape.

Confirmed speakers: The conference will feature two keynote addresses across the two days as well as a separate round-table discussion. The keynote speakers are Jenny Stenberg-Sirén, University of Helsinki and Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones, University of Wales Trinity St. David. The roundtable will focus on ‘Minority angeklagtes in Germany / Denmark and the Digital Age’ and will feature a panel of local scholars and practitioners.

More informations and program


Gebäude Göteborg
Europa-Universität Flensburg
Auf dem Campus
24943 Flensburg